A Connection in A Community

Paizo General Discussion

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So hey, my real name is Daniel and I have a story to tell:

Over the course of about three or four years, I've had a lot of strange brushes fate that sort of gave me a weird reputation as a minor Starfinder Super Fan. I used to do a Facebook info blast and I had some stuff published in Wayfinder.

A while back I got the chance to actually interview for a job with Paizo, sadly I didn't get the gig but it was a thrill to have a video conference with some of the people who put their names in the books on my shelf.

And today, something really funny happened: I found out that an idea that I pitched to Owen KC Stephens on Facebook, just a one-off crazy thing, actually made it into one of Owen's books: Uplifted Owl Bears are a real third party race.

That warms my damn heart. It warms me up that a simple fan can have even a tiny interaction with the people who make the thing he's a fan of and learn that The creators of Starfinder and Pathfinder are themselves fans of you, even in a small way. That's kind of awesome and something to remember as you're isolated, at home and maybe separated from loved ones or friends. You are still part of at least one community, this one. And they're happy to have you.

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