The Dice Crisis Podcast

Third-Party Broadcasts

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Hello fellow Pathfinders and TTRPG enthusiasts,

The Dice Crisis Podcast is an Actual Play podcast currently running the Second Darkness Adventure Path as a four-person cast. We release episodes weekly every Monday!

We are a table of creatives, including two visual artists and two audio engineers. After falling in love with the Pathfinder gaming system over 4 years ago, our group's specific expertise drove us to jump into the Pathfinder community of content creators.

On our show, we take great pride in our audio production quality, cast chemistry, story-telling, and our role-playing ability. We are excited to see what the future holds for our crew as we continue on this journey.

Allow our three brave adventurers to take you on a personal tour of Riddleport, Varisia through their eyes. You never know what trials and tribulations lie ahead!

Check us out at The Dice Crisis or search us on your favorite podcast app! Thank you!

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Can confirm - great folks running a fun podcast!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

These guys have great audio quality from the start and awesome characters to fall in love with. They're still relatively new, but they've already got some great content out there with a lot more to come. Super interactive with their community as well. Keep an eye out for these guys because they are starting strong and rising quickly!

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