Boot Camp / Obstacle Course

Attack of the Swarm

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Anyone put together a boot camp or obstacle course for this AP? I know that Cosmic Crit did one, but I'm hoping for more inspiration.

Here's what I've come up with so far. This is the obstacle course that must be finished at the end of your training.

Athletics- run down the trail to a pit. Must jump over it. DC 10 Athletics check or take D6 damage if fail. Can scramble out.

Strength- flip heavy weights 20 feet. Difficulty depends on the character's size Small DC 8 Medium DC 10 Large DC 12.

Fort Save- belly crawl under barbed wire as live fire shoots above you including smoke grenades. DC 12 Fort or become sickened unless environmental seals are active.

Medicine/Mysticism/Physical Science- Just past the combat area is a triage station where you can create up to three potions. Each potion will return d6 stamina or health, or remove the sickened condition.

Computer- DC 12 Computer to operate a lift to get the team to top of a tall tower.

Life Science- While at the top use scopes to find and identify 3 creatures. Life Science 10 then 12 then 15.

Engineering- Engineering DC 12 to repair lift to get down on other side of tower.

Combat- Ambush! PC's must fight a pair of training bots armed with flash grenades, smoke grenades, training baton and stun gun.

Medicine/Mysticism/Physical Science- Just past the combat area is a triage station where you can create up to three potions. Each potion will return d6 stamina or health, or remove the sickened condition.

Acrobatics- swing across a mud pit with Acrobatics 12 check.

Piloting/Gunnery- Two DC 12 Piloting rolls and one DC 15 roll to maneuver a craft through an obstacle course along a river. Two guns to hit four targets, two at AC 10 and two at AC 13 while maneuvering.

Perception/Survival- DC 12 to pick the correct trail that will lead you to the end of the course.

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