Olwen's Iron Gods campaign

Campaign Journals

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After our Return of the Runelords campaign, we started Strange Aeons… But we had a free slot with a smaller part of the group, so we started Iron Gods too! This one with two players. I very much hope I'll be able to keep two journals running (with the players if they want too).

Session I:

Standby mode… buffering… Standby mode… buffering…
Energy saving mode activated… Sending probes… Satellite connection activated…

> The large beacon of light emerging from Torch has been silence for 8 days. Multiple expeditions have explored the newly found caves under Black Hill. The one of Khonnir Bain came back, bringing with it the remnants of a drone, stories of a wondrous place of metal. His second expedition never came back.

> The sixth expedition is a small one. A human highlander, expert in primitive firearms. They call him Angus. A sister android prone to violence from overloaded circuitry. They call her Basic.

> They reach the submerged entrance of caves under the Weeping Pond, as locals call a lake suffused with chemical seeping from broken machinery. Evidence of destroyed vermin, a strange toad-like creature. A couple of dead bodies from the previous expeditions. They stumble on heat-absorbing mold.

> A group of chameleon humanoids live in the caves. They are to guard the caves but the previous expeditions took their toll. They agree to let the sixth expedition pass in exchange for dealing with a group of gremlins. Agreement is reached. The sixth expedition explores the gremlins' warren. The gremlins are small, sneaky, nasty, like ghosts in the machine, bugs. Basic loads combat protocoles and deals with the gremlins. Angus produces more noise than damage with his primitive pistol.

> Back with the chameleon humanoids. They offer gifts as thanks. Brown access cards. Worn-out, useless batteries.

> Investigating the dead bodies found in the caves, the sixth expedition analyzes they are from Torch inhabitants. Probably part of the previous expeditions. The human is known and engaged in a social bond with another inhabitant. It is also infected by spores and mold that will grow and spurt plant specimens. The sixth expedition stores it away in the cold mold for conservation.

> They continue through a glaucite door, into a world they don't know.

Explanding scanning protocoles

> A succession of corridors and hallways, broken, collapsed. The sixth expedition does not have the knowledge of most of what they see. In the broken equipment, they find a set of grippers, a black e-pick, two full batteries. I am curious: they appear to know what these are and how to use them. Swiping access cards to open doors. Maybe there is hope.

> The final metal door leads to the desert of the habitat dome, expansive. But not cold. Broken machinery. How did we survive? How did we survive? How did we survive? How did we survive? How did we survive?

> How did we…

> How…

Overwhelmed sensors… Power spike reaching dangerous levels… Warning-warning-warning Emergency Shutting Down…

The sixth expedition:
- Basic, Female android unchained barbarian (savage technologist) 1/unchained rogue (numerian scavenger) 2
- Angus, Human (Taldan) gunslinger 3

Starting at level 3 to compensate for the drop of 2 players. We also agreed that none of the tech-related feats and abilities (Technologist, knowing Androffan) would be available at the very start but that they will quickly kick in to open up all the archetypes' abilities while keeping the tech discovery aspect of the start of the AP.

Scarab Sages


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We just had the battle against Hellion. It was pretty epic.

Scarab Sages

Do tell! :)

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