Somethingh I think should be dded going forward..

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

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More player aid art, with adventure paths..

I began playing Pathfinder after D&D 4e like a lot of people, I started in shattered star, then reign of winter, Giantslayer. Wrath of the righteous

So the Issue I have struggled with is lack of player aid images, as example Reign of winter second half of 1st book, the pale tower, as we the players made our way to the tower, we could of used a image of what the tower looked like as seen from outside, so we could better plan approach and devise plan to enter. I know this can be up to GM, but if they are not artists, or unsure what the concept was =, it can be hard to present it to players. Also for me a picture makes a huge difference, I do not always get the right image off description.

Another example would be Giantslayer the beginning town I had the wrong image for it in my mind, we were in part 4 when the inner sea towns book came out and had a picture of the town, I would loved to see that picture in the adventure path, or even player's guide. So another location was the hill giant fort, I was a monk, and had gone to scout the way inside having the highest stealth, listen, and other useful skills. I decided to bring everyone to the backside and go over the wall at night avoiding the patrols. But an image showing the fort from the outside would of been great and saved some arguing. We also got stumped during the beginning of the 4th adventure planning out approach up the mountain and entering the giant town, we wanted to use the illusion making spike and place out camp inside the town. moving it as we struck locations It was very difficult to picture the layout until the map folio came out.
Same goes for Torch in iron gods, and the second adventure the town you go too face the lords of rust. I would of loved to see a image of what you see as the players reach the location.

Wrath of the Righteous, the first adventure could of used picture of the fort you break into at the end to face the oracle/boss. or drezen in the 2nd book, the keep, players are middling level and would have access to 3rd, possible 4th level spells so could fly and do some recon,

My point is pictures are worth a 1000 words and would assist in fleshing out special encounters and locations. I love the drawings of bosses and key monsters during most Aps.

But would like to see a player aid section to the players guide or in the map part. I am a old timer from D&D 1st edition, and the old dragon lance modules, DL1 had a great map of the ancient city sorta a side view that presented a more clear image of the ruins. would of saved some time that was spent arguing with the DM/GM over what the location looked like.

Simple put I would love to see more pictures showing exotic encounter settings, or locations as seen from a player upon first reaching said location.

thanks for your time..

Silver Crusade

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OldMangrump wrote:
My point is pictures are worth


I would love to have more art (not at the expense of word count, that's another issue), but art is expensive.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I do sometimes feel like in 1e they could have cut art from cool action images to show more old school handout images. Though that might be some sort of weird nostalgia speaking since I have never played original D&D adventures, but I like "ooh retro" stuff whenever I read them through :D

Good idea. I'd certainly have more use for a standalone artbook for each AP than I do for the maps they provide. (Not extra art assets, just a collection of all the art included in that instalment I could show off).

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CorvusMask wrote:
I do sometimes feel like in 1e they could have cut art from cool action images to show more old school handout images. Though that might be some sort of weird nostalgia speaking since I have never played original D&D adventures, but I like "ooh retro" stuff whenever I read them through :D

I would certainly have preferred a few less beautifully crafted full page spreads of Iconics in action in the story line in favour of NPC's or locations that the PC's will actually see and interact with.

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I mean, the picture of a couple Iconics looking at the Winter Portal in Reign of Winter was nice and all... but we need more art like that. Like the Iconics with dog sleds looking at the Pale Tower which is rising up before them, or before the hole in the Howlings at Winterthrone. If you have a truly spectacular and impressive area that the PCs will be viewing, THEN SHOW IT! We GMs appreciate art we can share with the players. Hell, if I could afford it I'd PAY an artist to depict some of these scenes... and no doubt Paizo could even capitalize on such a thing with an AP Art Book showing specific areas of interest.

Okay, here's an example: Kintargo. There is a beautiful depiction of Kintargo that I used to show the players in my Hell's Rebels game where they live. It helped this city come to life for them. Things like this are important for the players to become invested in the game. Sometimes words are just not enough.

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