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Ofneverwherelse wrote:

5. sharing

I added this as an additional note that Voz was carrying on her person. It manifested as a way to warn the PC's about the Greater Barghest's danger and evilness (for the Goblin Alchemist), but it also serves as a means to tease the Scarlett Triad and a key way to deliver some clues about navigating the 7 mile cave crawl from Guardian's Way to Alseta's Ring which I decided to expand upon in the narrative.

This is really great, contains really useful information and foreshadowing. Seeing as there are a lot of groups that play in other languages (including two of mine), could I bother you to provide the Word version of this so we could translate to our native language?

Hikuen wrote:
Does anyone happen to have made a map of Voz Lirayne's bookshop?

psycoris did one; it's in the dA linked a couple of posts above yours.

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Rune wrote:
Ofneverwherelse wrote:

5. sharing

I added this as an additional note that Voz was carrying on her person. It manifested as a way to warn the PC's about the Greater Barghest's danger and evilness (for the Goblin Alchemist), but it also serves as a means to tease the Scarlett Triad and a key way to deliver some clues about navigating the 7 mile cave crawl from Guardian's Way to Alseta's Ring which I decided to expand upon in the narrative.

This is really great, contains really useful information and foreshadowing. Seeing as there are a lot of groups that play in other languages (including two of mine), could I bother you to provide the Word version of this so we could translate to our native language?


Yes, I can try and do that... I've had weird luck with google docs not showing up correctly, but hopefully this works (it should, I 2x checked and made them into .rtfs). This is for the specific requested file and it's good except for the image formatting on the bottom got a little messed up.

5a. Sgt. Agler's Report: sharing

Additionally, these are two more related files to round out what Voz has on her person.

5b. Voz' Correspondence with Laslunn: sharing

I added my own backstory timeline to explain some of Voz' sloppiness and haste leaving town.

5c. Voz' Private Journals (necril): sharing

I wanted to add a few more clues to round out the planned session from "6." in my original post. Also tied back to some added flavor about why the party were the only adventurer's at the Call to Heroes. I had the Bloody Blades murder "Bellin's Company" some Dwarven mercenaries who were expected in the area. Voz' reanimated them as her undead minions for the cave exploration*. They will recover the clan dagger from Dmiri to give for extra goodwill and a friendly NPC in book 4.

*I was inspired in this and some of my other tweaks from various actual play AoA podcasts like Dicefall and TheCrackedDie which I would recommend to any GM new or otherwise who is running AoA for ideas and flavoring NPC's.

- Ofneverwherelse

My huge thanks to MSAbaddon and GimmeYourShoes, your maps are awesome, and are helping my campaign keep going during this epidemic.
My party are now in Book 5, arrived at Katapesh.
Any map for the arena? Any ideas? And i know it is a huge one...

Hello everyone! my group is about to challenge Voz in the next session and my campaign got a real boost with your ideas and materials so, again, BIG thanks to everyone.

I was wondering if someone prepared an handout to use as Gerhard Pendergrast Journal (encounter A7 - Blue Pillar)

And, finally, does anyone prepared a map for the fortress of sorrow? (i downloaded the one from MSAbaddon -which I thank - but I'm using a different style)


Did anyone manage to finish the maps in broken promises? Missing:

* Duskgate node
* Dreamgate node
* Vengegate node
* Mengkares lair
* Adamantine fen

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I did the adamantine fen a long time ago, it's in this thread somewhere.

Thanks for getting back to me, found it.

Has anyone made a map for the Lake Serpent fight on book 4? It's supposed to be basically a lake map, if I remember correctly.

TheWanderingM wrote:

I created a local map of Breachill and surroundings. Feel free to comment, actually first time I created one.


Isn't the citadel supposed to be to the northeast of Breachhill?

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I made a festival for my players to participate in between Cult of Cinders and Tomorrow Must Burn.

I figured I wanted some way to introduce Vusker and get the PCs to care about him before his story beat, but also give a little more flavor to the town. I'm not sure about the DCs for a few things but they are all roughly right for a 9th level party.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

After seven months in limbo, my game will be resuming this weekend. To welcome two new players to the group I have created magic item cards for their characters.

Magic item cards 25
Magic item cards 26
Magic item cards 27

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I made a couple maps on Dungeondraft for the end of the campaign that I could post sometime later this week. Hoping to finish the whole adventure this month. What is the best way to share my work here since I've never done it before? Just want to contribute a little bit since I've gotten so many great things from other people here.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Alton Thorngage wrote:
I made a couple maps on Dungeondraft for the end of the campaign that I could post sometime later this week. Hoping to finish the whole adventure this month. What is the best way to share my work here since I've never done it before? Just want to contribute a little bit since I've gotten so many great things from other people here.

Uploading the documents to Google Drive and sharing them publicly seems to be the preferred method. There are some basic instructions here to help you out.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

More cards, maybe you'll find them useful.

Magic item cards 28
Magic item cards 29
Magic item cards 30

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Hey all, I've really benefitted from the posts in this thread, so I thought I might post the few maps that I have made. Generally I have made maps for encounters that don't have battle maps in the book, since the maps supplied here, or in the Age of Ashes books are usually good enough to get the job done. As I've progressed through the campaign, I have decided to go my own way on more and more maps though. As of this writing, I have in this drive folder:

1. My own version of "repaired" Alterein Vaults, where the goblins have taken up residence in the Northern section.
2. Various jungle battle maps for Cult of Cinders, since I didn't like the jungle clearing maps provided in the book.
3. A Kobold Camp for the kobold miner encounter
4. My own version of Huntersgate, although it will require dynamic lighting so you can move tokens between the castle, gate, and temple sections.
5. Temple of Ketephys (Just for fun)
6. Kite Hill
7. Sunset Imports (the map just seemed too plain)
8. Smokehouse Streets and Smokehouse Interior as separate maps.

Link to the Drive Folder

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Cards for the Card God!

Magic item cards 31
Magic item cards 32
Magic item cards 33

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I am throwing some extra jungle encounters at my party in book two and will share them here. My party has five members, so the encounters are budgeted for that. This encounter is intended to be used with the jungle encounter 2 map I posted earlier in this thread.

The Hermit's Fate

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Here is a book two encounter designed to use my jungle encounter 1 map, posted earlier in this thread. It too is balanced for five PCs.

Jungle Trip

Fumarole wrote:

Here is a book two encounter designed to use my jungle encounter 1 map, posted earlier in this thread. It too is balanced for five PCs.

Jungle Trip

Thanks for everything you have posted as a new GM this is amazing.

Yeah, this thread is amazing. Many thanks!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Thanks, I'm glad folks enjoy some of the things I create. I too make use of things other folks post in this thread, so keep them coming!

Here is another book two encounter, this time for a 7th-level party of five PCs. This one may or may not lead to a fight, and I am curious to see how my party reacts to it. I look forward to seeing how the ettin plays out in combat, should it arise. I support Dynamic Dungeons on Patreon, and this encounter is intended to be used with the Riverside Encounter - Tropical map from that collection. If you do not have this map, then any tropical map with a ~30 foot wide river should suffice.


This encounter mentions a wizard in the jungle; I'll likely make an encounter for that too, probably for 9th level to be used after Belmazog is defeated but before the party returns to Akrivel or Breachill. Hopefully my players aren't burned out on jungle combat by then.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

More cards, hope you guys like them.

Magic item cards 34
Magic item cards 35
Magic item cards 36

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I made this flowchart to keep track of all the organisations and npcs in hellknight hill if anyone else would find it useful

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

thanks a lot for this

Any good soul made maps for this Nodes?

* Duskgate node
* Dreamgate node
* Vengegate node

My party is going to talk with Mengkare next, endgame is getting near.

GimmeYourShoes wrote:
MaxAstro wrote:
Fumarole wrote:
I think your Crystal Tunnels map is at the wrong scale. The worm wouldn't fit in those tunnels.
The map is at the correct scale. The tunnels are smaller than the worm - I imagine the assumption is that they slightly collapse behind it.
No Fumarole was right, they were the wrong scale, I’ve updated them. It was a good catch

Hey, not sure if you're still following this thread, but your Dragon's Domain map does not line up with a 200px nor a 100 px grid on foundry. I can line up some of it, but it starts to deviate. Your squares are not squares, basically. Do you know if there is anything I or you can do about it? Amazing work on the maps, btw, all very beautiful.

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I put eight hours into this for some reason, but here's a map of Saggorak since I found the resources in the AP lacking version_of_saggorak_with/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

IanJames wrote:

I put eight hours into this for some reason, but here's a map of Saggorak since I found the resources in the AP lacking version_of_saggorak_with/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

That is one beautiful map! Yoinked for sure, and will be used when I get my group to chapter 4. They're almost finished with chapter 2...

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Dungeondraft got to a version that could make giant maps and not crash so I finally finished book 6's maps. Here they are

Radiant Oath

This thread is priceless with all the great content. Has anyone made a map of Monument Circle in Breachill? I was planning on having my players interact with townsfolk there before the call of heroes when we start up this adventure. I'm using foundry and loving it.

We can, of course theater of the mind, of course.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
duxfemina wrote:

This thread is priceless with all the great content. Has anyone made a map of Monument Circle in Breachill? I was planning on having my players interact with townsfolk there before the call of heroes when we start up this adventure. I'm using foundry and loving it.

We can, of course theater of the mind, of course.

Look in maps made for book 6, there is an encounter there so a few people have mapped it out.

Does anyone have a map for the Finderplain Uthuls encounter?
It's a desert town battlemap with lots of dunes.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I made a page for Gerhard's exploration journal. I tried to play up the colonizer angle as much as I could. sharing

Radiant Oath

My players have had 3 sessions so far in Age of Ashes. They have done the town hall encounter and cleared the 1st level of the citadel. I did go with the suggestion for having "last months" call of heroes adventurers be local and died under mysterious circumstances after agreeing to help the goblins clear some rubble from the lower levels. Voz is a cold-blooded killer who couldn't let them meddle down there. I also made it so the cinderclaws burst through the gate and kicked the goblins out only 3 days before the call of heroes. This has given them 3 starting quests: find and rescue the goblins, find Alak's ring and find out what happened to the kids. I went with the concept that Voz has been threatening/mind-wiping Calmont and had him killed by a mysterious arrow while on the battlements before he could say who "she" was that had the kids killed and what the "ring" was she was looking for. Anyway, all very helpful suggestions as my players are invested in solving a murder and clearing out the lower levels to figure out what chased the goblins out and to get Alak's ring.

So of course they want to go confront Voz before returning to the citadel next but will find her gone.

Anyway, one of my players made himself a barfly who hangs out in the Pickeled Ear until Roxie boots him out each night and the other made himself her cook. So I figure I need to make the Pickled Ear maps. So since y'all have given so much to me as a GM, I figured I'd share. Caveat though, first time using dungeon draft and such so pretty basic maps, but someone may find them useful. I've got the png files and dungeon draft files here for anyone to use and make better: p=sharing

Oh and I picked through the various official book list on the pathfinder wiki and selected a bunch Voz would have in her shop. There's a text file with this list also in the folder. She's also going to have an alchemy 101 book in the shop with a fake but deadly formula for a love potion and also will have some basic necromancy books to get them thinking she's an evil necro. . . .

Radiant Oath

I also created a "notice board" landing page, using a bunch of random resources and also the "bloody blades wanted poster" someone posted in this thread. So this greeted the players coming into town for the call of heroes and is what I am using for when folks log into Foundry and we are getting assembled for a session. I'm updating it with their character pictures now that they've been officially "hired". sharing

It's GIMP file can be downloaded here: sharing and each thing is a separate layer so feel free to steal and modify for your own needs. I plan on having it change throughout the adventure.

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Hi duxfemina, we share lot of ideas about this module. I also made lot of changes to my hellkinight hill (and to the second too, my group is about to face the final boss there), something very similar to your story

you can find my ideas here ellknight_hill/

I also made a landing page for Foundry, I shared it here, but yours is better :)


Radiant Oath

coyotegospel wrote:
FedoraFerret wrote:

I took my own stab at an annotated history of Breachill by Voz, although purely in text form.

** spoiler omitted **...

Inspired by FedoraFerret's great work here, I took this and turned this into something that could be shared as a physical prop. Then COVID-19 happened so I turned it into a digital handout.

My players just got to this point on Sunday and loved this.

Currently putting together some handouts for Voz's journal and research found after confronting her and can share that if anyone is interested!

Coyotegospel, this journal was a HUGE hit with my players. They were very impressed and we ended up having a player read the history text while I interjected Voz's comments. It really made for a nice addition to the session and got them all thinking about how weird the town is (I've given it full indoor plumbing, everyone stands outside at 0900 daily to hear the day's announcements, everyone keeps calling each other "good neighbor" and being excessively nice to each other, they are very creeped out).

Thanks for your hard work on this!

Radiant Oath

Psycoris wrote:
I have completed Hellknight Hill and the Cult of Cinders maps with a few bonus maps tossed in. They are available here:Psycoris Deviantart

Psycoris: My players of course went to Voz's bookshop early, but I was prepared with your map! They were incredibly impressed with the rugs in the bookshop to the point that they first did arcana/occult checks on them and then checked under for trapped doors and then one player decided he was going to roll them up and use them to decorate his home! :)


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

My druid player is very upset that the Cinderclaws treated the mokele-mbembe so poorly, then killed it when it was set free. He is going to perform a burial ceremony for it, and his rage at its treatment and demise will fuel his further actions against the cult. To that end, I have created a spell for him, a modified version of dinosaur form, to enable him to manifest his primal rage in the form of the mokele-mbembe. The first night after he rests I will have him visited in his sleep by the spirit of the slain beast, and will even have the PC on watch see a ghostly apparition of the creature in the area.

Here is the spell I have created. It is more powerful than dinosaur form, but my player is aware of this and will use it sparingly.

I realize the mokele-mbembe is not a dinosaur, but the miniature I used in our game is that of a stegosaurus (it was the closest I could find), so I left that trait in.

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Here are a collection of documents I used in my game for Book 2. My group is a couple dragon pillars out from the fortress and have just cleared the mine. They enjoyed the jungle exploration, but felt a little directionless and I have been trying to build up some of the plot connections, so here are a few of the handouts I made to organize what some of the book suggested and to build anticipation and urgency.

1. Missed Kobold Connection (A3). My group failed to follow hints to the sick Kobolds. I felt like they needed a consequence, but still wanted them to have access to Hezle's story so I made a short, skill check based investigation of the dead kobolds camp (since infested by grimstalkers and assassin vines).

1a. sharing

2. Chase Encounter. Seemed fun and a way to break up the routine of camp > travel > pillar. DC's were set (I think) for a 6th lvl party, but I am happy they were 7th when they got to it.

2a. Chase Tracker: sharing
2b. Chase Rules: sharing
2c. Chase Events: sharing

3. I gave Racharak a valueless magic belt / necklace / whatever, that had glowing orbs / stones in the colors of the dragon pillars, that winked out when the pillar was destroyed so they were able to figure out how many were left. No link. Not technically a material, just a simple idea.

4. Gerhards Contract. I wanted Gerhard to have a reason for being there, so I made him a freelancer for the ASPIS Consortium, who is in the area to monitor Triad operations. I know they are allied (book 5), but they are both pretty self-interested and I don't imagine this being something these competitors would avoid, even amongst "friends"

4a. sharing

5. Hezle's Letters and journal. Again, wanted my party to get a little of Hezle's story and since they missed the hints at A3 I was trying to make the PC's feel bad and I wrote an elongated tragic tale of Hezle's motivations (and failures) for when they killed her. They ended up saving her, but alas.

5a. Hezle's Letters (From Belmazog) sharing

5b. Hezle's Private Journals sharing

6. Belmazog's Assorted Papers. Expanded out from the book's directions on what was in her notes. Played up some of the Scarlet Triad stuff a bit more (slight changes to official motives/sequencing), followed up on Nketiah's story, told the Cinderclaw version of the attack on Temple of Ketephys / Malarunk's stranding.

6a. sharing

7. For the interlude / return to Breachill I have some additional plot hooks prepared. They are an outgrowth of some things I did in the first interlude between books 1 & 2 that cater to some of my characters interests and reference things from my earlier post in this thread. This is more of a rough summary of some plot connections I am building than a grab and go type file, but here it is, in case it proves useful.

7a. sharing

Really hoping the links work how they are supposed to... See ya'll for book 3.

- Ofneverwherelse

duxfemina wrote:

I also created a "notice board" landing page, using a bunch of random resources and also the "bloody blades wanted poster" someone posted in this thread. So this greeted the players coming into town for the call of heroes and is what I am using for when folks log into Foundry and we are getting assembled for a session. I'm updating it with their character pictures now that they've been officially "hired". sharing

It's GIMP file can be downloaded here: sharing and each thing is a separate layer so feel free to steal and modify for your own needs. I plan on having it change throughout the adventure.

This is awesome! I downloaded it and opened it in GIMP, my OCD was triggered though, and so I renamed the layers to make it clear what each one was. If anyone would like a copy (not a huge deal, I know, but makes things nicer in my opinion) let me know and I can upload it.

GimmeYourShoes wrote:

I've updated, embiggened and prettied up my maps. <---- Tomorrow Must Burn <---- Cult of Cinders <---- Hellknight Hill (only 2 maps)

Made in Dungeondraft - mostly 200px grids unless otherwise specified. I'll keep adding maps to these Imgur posts

It's been a while, but still - could you possibly share the dungeondraft files for your citadel maps? I'm using those for my game, and I'd love to be able to modify them to be restored and repaired for after-AP1.

Here is my jump into map making
Town Hall, done in Dungeondraft and FA pack
I made the main entrance in the North to correspond to the town map with the water source North of the town hall.

Slapped together a Grauladon token (croc and dragon)

Photochopped a Graveshell token by turtle and barbed devil mashup. Assets taken from FA, and TC

Fixed Graveshell's arms into more claw like

Radiant Oath

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So working with Crognus's simplified "Ruling Citadel Altaerein", I took the book stuff and his stuff and combined them to come up with this.

I used a combo of Crognus's simplified costs as representing total labor and supply costs but each activity still requires a single check related to the upgrade.

Basically, I've made Administering the Citadel more about planning the repairs and upgrades to speed the activities and organizing workers about reducing waste in labor and supply cost. So PCs will choose an activity, like "Build Infirmary". They pick one PC to do an Administer (society, crafting or recall knowledge) check. The crit success and success decrease the number of days for the activity and gives a bonus to the next organize labor roll. Failure means the activity takes the full time and crit fail increases the time it takes due to poor planning.

One PC can then Organize Labor and they recruit workers and the party's rep goes up in town for being good employers. Crit success and success reduce the cost of the activity and give a bonus to the next administer check. Failure means they pay full cost, crit failure the cost increases due to slow workers wasting materials.

So one activity gets 3 checks: Administer, Organize, and then the skill check for the activity. Crafting or Medicine for the infirmary, for example.

Anyway. let me know what y'all think and give me any corrections or feedback.

Book1 Map2 - Citadel Altaerein
Here is the map + tokens I made for Citadel Altaerein in Dungeondraft using FA and TC assets +custom ones. The google drive zip has a Foundry VTT export .json which includes walls and windows + Multilevel token drawings, for the upper area.
Zip: sharing

I made a Deed for Citadel Altaerein.

I aged it with Coffee using this method:
You could also just add a papyrus image from google to the background and print it in color.

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