GM Abraham |
I'm GM-ing a group through Eyes of the Ten. So far we've played half of the first scenario (i.e. the first 2 encounters). They have not yet received any chronicle sheets. One player is considering dropping out (she wants to play this PC in the Siege of Gallowspire Special that will be run locally at the beginning of September, and it's very unlikely that we'll be finished with Eyes before that). What are the consequences for her? For the rest of the group? Since the group is currently 6 players, it won't really negatively affect their ability to play the rest of Eyes, but what will it mean for her? Does it mean that she won't be able to play Eyes at some point in the future (with a different PC of course) unless she uses a replay? I welcome your opinions and advice. (And yes, I've tried suggesting to her that she either play Gallowspire with a different PC, or wait until we finish Eyes and then play it then - there will be other local opportunities I'm sure, but she seems fairly set on wanting to play the PF1 finale with her first PC.)
Belafon |
For the other players - no real impact. Eyes was written for 4 players and for a much lower power level than the current norm.
For her - it isn’t going to do her any good. The GtOP is pretty specific about this:
Eyes of the Ten: Characters must start with exactly 33 XP and can’t participate in any other adventure until this Seeker arc has been completed.
I know how hard it is to wrangle players for Eyes, but you’ve got 8 weeks ‘til the con. I would work really hard to have everyone block out a couple of full days now for times in August (or even earlier if possible).
Sebastian Hirsch Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria |
Philippe Lam |
They never errated since, so they kept (and keep as for now) that rule. It still makes sense because in a timeline standpoint, would it be possible to go far far away for another set of duties when the Decemvirate could be completely wiped out in a couple of days (or even hours) ?
Even if in effect, it is true that could be mechanically relaxed, but I think not without a cost (like the All for Immortality trilogy where a no show can negatively effect the quest)