Sagiso |

I wrote up a psychic armory character recently after having fallen in love with the flavor of the class and the fact that it actually makes throwing builds work well for once.
But unfortunately my DM isn't as fond of the archetype as I am, and thinks it's too powerful. So now I'm half-heartedly looking for an alternative, though from my searches so far my hopes are kinda low.
But, well, does anyone happen to know a class that works similarly enough? And that isn't a magus, gods above and below don't turn me towards the magus. I never want to make one of those again.
Things I liked about the psychic armory:
* Due to the panoply re-appearing each round it made throwing much smoother than having to wait for a blinkback belt or ricochet toss, both which comes online kinda late when it's your preferred means of combat.
* The versatility of the panoply was also really nice. Normally I don't bother much with special abilities since they're often so situational and having the multiple sets available just made it more fun to theorycraft with what one might apply. So... some means of similar versatility would be really great.
* The mobility options. I grabbed the telekinetic athletisism and psychic platform blade skills and the up the walls feat for some silly running and jumping.
* A bit of magic or psionic flair, I mixed with gifted blade in my previous build and combined with the versatility of the various weapon sets it gave a nice enough amount of magical feeling. If it wasn't for this I guess fighter might've been an option, but the warrior spirit way of enchanting weapons never gets a chance to come into play on the fighter I'm already playing. The duration's just too low and combat happens suddenly.
So... yeah, I don''t really think there is anything that does thrown weapons in a way similar to the psychic armory. I tried to build a card caster before but that just felt like a mess, and pathfinder doesn't seem very fond of throwing builds. But maybe someone out there has any ideas?

avr |

Back up one. Psychic armory is from where?
If you're talking about creating weapons for your use only then a gloomblade fighter (Paizo) or an armorist (Spheres of Power) can do that, but what do you want to do exactly (is everything on that list necessary, or is it in order of priority?) and what limitations on source do you have?

Sagiso |

Psychic armory is originally from "Psionics augmented: Soulknives I" and got some changes/a bi of nerfs in "Psionics augmented - compilation 2" by Dreamscarred Press.
The things i listed are things I appreciated from the class that I'd like the alternative to possess at least some degree of. versatility, magic/psionic flashiness with weapons and some decent mobility option.
It'd be pretty great to conjure up weapons like the armory does, but that's more or less exclusive to soulknives from what I know. Especially as I don't wanna play an all out 6hp dice caster.

avr |

Actually both the gloomblade fighter and the armorist can conjure up weapons, and both have d10 HD. Not d6. There's a magus archetype too but you said you didn't want that class.
Mobility, versatility and magic. That cuts out the gloomblade mostly. No restriction on sources mentioned so I'm assuming SoP is OK. The soaring blade archetype of the armorist is probably the closest to what you want, you conjure and telekinetically wield weapons out to close range and can eventually use your telekinesis to move yourself too. Various other telekinetic tricks or talents with conjuring weapons round out versatility.

Bloodrealm |

Not to cut in when the forum question has already been answered but I have to ask... Why does your GM think that the psychic armory is OP?
Because it's Dreamscarred Press and likely IS overpowered, probably?
If you want to be able to do some effective throwing, the Gloomblade archetype has the exclusive Gloomstorm Conduit feat for just such an idea, though due to having limited rounds per day it's more for having the option to switch to ranged if you're in a situation where you can't or shouldn't be in melee.