Transferring Badges to Kids and the buddy system for the lottery

PaizoCon General Discussion

I have my wife and two kids accompanying me this year. Older one is 14, younger is 9.

Last year I had my older one "buddy" up with me for lottery events and it worked great.

Can I do the same thing this year with the younger one who is on a kids badge? I am only trying to sign up for kid friendly lottery events with him, but I just want to make certain the buddy system works with a kids badge?


Grand Lodge

The first year I went to PaizoCon, my son had a kid's badge and the buddy system worked fine with it.

Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

Hi there, Earl of Sandwich! Thanks for your question. I believe it should work the same way as it did for your older child last year. I don't see anybody added as your buddy currently, so I'd say to try adding your younger kid as a buddy the same way on the events page. If it seems like it's not working as intended, we can have our tech team take a look and see what's going on.

Hopefully that helps! Please don't hesitate to ask if there are any other questions I may assist you with. Thanks!

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