Twitch Starfinder Wednesdays Fan Club


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Payton Smith wrote:
It's earlier start times currently due to folks schedules around the office. Once things calm down we will try to transition it back to it's old time slot to best fit with viewers times. This should be temporary as we get things sorted on our end.

i totally appreacheate earlier starting times!! much better for european folks.

and also glad its returning.... be rdy for my question barrage....

Grand Lodge

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Joe Pasini wrote:
Payton Smith wrote:
According to this paper I have, the next show should be on the 14th of August. At 1 PM Pacific time.
Can't wait to join you for a chat about the weird and wild stuff in Alien Archive 3!

Ooh, lovely! A brand new Twitch Starfinder Wednesday! So... here are some of my questions.

To Payton

Who are you? Let's hear a little about you, your background and your dreams for Twitch Starfinder Wednesday. Have you had a chance to play Starfinder yet? If so, what's been the favorite thing for you so far (can be character, adventure, or weird Starfinder squeee moment.) If you haven't had a chance to play Starfinder, don't worry. We'll soon have you loving it as much as we do.

To Pasini

How's the new job? Any big plans you can share?

What is amazingly awesome in Alien Archive 3? Tell us all about monsters you have known and loved.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

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Hopefully, this week is when they announce the acceptance and integration of the Platyparians, with information about us in an upcoming publication!

Grand Lodge

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More questions:

How much do you watch organized play for ideas? How much integration is there between organized play and the Starfinder design team? What do you think of some of the new creatures that have arisen in Organized Play: Morlamaws, Copaxi, Jinsul and Izalguuns? (We know that Izalguuns are in AA3 because it was announced in a blog that they will become an always available race for Organized Play.)

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Hmm wrote:

More questions:

How much do you watch organized play for ideas? How much integration is there between organized play and the Starfinder design team? What do you think of some of the new creatures that have arisen in Organized Play: Morlamaws, Copaxi, Jinsul and Izalguuns? (We know that Izalguuns are in AA3 because it was announced in a blog that they will become an always available race for Organized Play.)

Alien Archive 3 spoiler:
Morlamaws were announced for Alien Archive 3 too!

Dominik D wrote:
Payton Smith wrote:
It's earlier start times currently due to folks schedules around the office. Once things calm down we will try to transition it back to it's old time slot to best fit with viewers times. This should be temporary as we get things sorted on our end.

i totally appreacheate earlier starting times!! much better for european folks.

and also glad its returning.... be rdy for my question barrage....

Early probably makes sense. It makes it tough in Australia though, unfortunately.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

It got moved back to the old start times Steve :)

Grand Lodge

Yes, here's a link to the blog where they announce that the time has returned to 4-5 PST.

The most popular media host in the Pact Worlds raises a bony arm. "Ooh! Ooh! I have a question for my man Pasini! If I was looking for a monster to unleash on the unsuspecting contestants of Live Exploration Extreme! what AA3 monster would provide the most entertainment for our viewing audience?"

Cori Marie wrote:
It got moved back to the old start times Steve :)
Hmm wrote:
Yes, here's a link to the blog where they announce that the time has returned to 4-5 PST.

Oh, cool. Thank you both. :)

Social Media Producer

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Hey folks!

To answer a few questions.

We moved the times back to what you are all use too! Initially, it was due to some scheduling with our co-workers. But things worked out in the end! As much as I'd like to pull it back earlier to give as many of you a chance to watch as possible. Timezones are a cruel mistress, and our schedules internally are ever-shifting to meet everyone's demands for awesome content!

As for sending any questions before the show. I highly encourage it! Send me as many questions as you can! I can't guarantee they'll all get answered. But I will certainly do my best!

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Question: Can we get a starfinder FAQ or the equivilant going?

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What is the next STarfinder WEdnesday about?

Grand Lodge

Greydoch wrote:

What is the next STarfinder WEdnesday about?


Always a great question! Payton, did you announce it during the broadcast and I missed it?


I thought it was AoTS!1 or DoF6 but I don't remember where I read/heard that.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I would like to know more about what is coming in the Character Operations Manual. What is the other starship role in this book besides Magic Officer? Aside from that, all I know is that the book will have 3 new character classes. The description states, "...expanded rules and new options for existing races and classes, as well as new themes and archetypes, plus feats, equipment, spells, and more!" Can you tell us some examples? Expanded rules and new options for existing races and classes, themes, archetypes, feats, equipment, and spells makes it sound like any other splat book out there. What sets this book apart aside from the new classes? I mean, is that all; what is the "... and more" part of that description alluding to? What else is in it?

Social Media Producer

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Hoo boy sorry fellas! Been super busy for me here.

Today's show is about the Attack of the Swarm adventure path!

I'm open to any potential questions for our lovely guest, Jason Keeley, who will be joining me!

Will there be any special perks or obstacles that may come from playing a telepath or a Shirren in this adventure?

Is there an ultimate Swarm queen, like with the Formians, or does each separate Swarm colony rule itself independently? Also, are Swarm individuals sapient?

Also, about the “mindscape” from Hive of Minds - is that introducing any new rule elements to Starfinder? Will be able to cast a 6th level spell or buy a magic item that creates a psychic projection of a creature’s mind from now on? Will we finally be able to delve into a magical world crafted entirely from the malicious and fabulous personality of our one and only Zo!? All Zo!, everywhere Zo!, all the time Zo!?

Opsylum wrote:
Will we finally be able to delve into a magical world crafted entirely from the malicious and fabulous personality of our one and only Zo!? All Zo!, everywhere Zo!, all the time Zo!?

"You are speaking my mind!"

Paizo Employee Developer

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Hey folks, a tiny correction from yesterday's chat about Attack of the Swarm!

I said that we didn't actually have anything that might be used by the new classes from Character Operations Manual, and taking a quick look at that Psychic Magic article in #23, it turns out I misremembered!

Some of the new spells presented in this article will be available for witchwarpers! Hooray!

And that's all I'm going to say about that for now!

Grand Lodge

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I had your back, Jason! I wanted to make sure that we included stuff for Witchwarpers in that article!


Manifold Host

Payton, what is coming up in Starfinder Wednesday? Enquiring gnomes want to know!

Social Media Producer

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This Starfinder Wednesday on AUG 28 is all about the Starfinder Society!

I'll be snagging John Compton this time to talk about the Starfinder Society and all the awesome things they do.

That and due to the developments they've had at Gen Con. We're going to be discussing the First Seeker and the recent developments around that for society players.

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Sucks that I'm in class during the live showtime. But I can't wait to catch the re-run.

If you don't mind, I'd love to have the following questions asked.

1. When can we expect the Izalguun always available to start?

2. Will we ever get another 'Alien Archive' boon? (Obligatory)

3. Any spoilers or hype you have for the upcoming Sangoro's Bulwark scenarios?

4. When will 2-00 be allowed for the online region?

5. Goblin Boon when? (Obligatory)

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Curses - the Starfinder Wednesday topic I'm most interested in just happens to fall on the one Wednesday I am busy! Shazbot. Well, my questions for John:
6) What's the coolest Society idea that was discussed, but never made it to final product? (That you can share, of course! I'm sure there's awesome ideas that were just shelved but will come back around!)

7) Tonya, John, and Thurston often talk about the wild and varied ideas-pitching sessions they have when talking about developing Society stuff. Since I'd love to be a fly on the wall during one of these "what if we..." sessions: any favourite stories or anecdotes to share?

8) Are there going to be any Society-specific minis in the WizKids' Starfinder minis set? A Ziggy mini, a Luwazi Elsebo, a Copaxi, or whatever?

9) Without giving it away...are John et al on the Org Play Team secretly hoping for (or dreading!) a specific First Seeker being elected, later this Fall? Do they have a favourite/most-feared candidate?

10) Not a question, but a GenCon follow-up: at GenCon this year, during 2-00, by pure happenstance John and one of the players at the table I GM'd happened to share a conversation about charcuterie, and the merits of duck vs other proteins. As a fun follow-up - after John carried on walking the floor, the entire rest of the scenario, my players were engrossed with the idea of if you could prepare Jinsul charcuterie. Would it pickle well (no,) what would the most tender part be (the legs, once de-bladed of course,) what would you pair with arthropod jerky (a strong flavour like stilton or dijon.) So...thanks for that :D

pithica42 wrote:
1. When can we expect the Izalguun always available to start?
Oooh, ooh, I know that one! Per the blog:
John Compton wrote:
Beginning on August 28th, the street date for Starfinder Alien Archive 3, izalguuns will be an always-available playable race in the Starfinder Society campaign! As always, you’ll need a copy of the book in which they appear, as they’ll be appearing in the Additional Resources list.

And that's...checks! So go forth and be merry, two-to-four armed, and Large, pithica!

Paizo Employee

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Any teases for the four First Seeker candidates? And will we have guidance within the scenario on personality/voice/manner/etc?

Scarab Sages

Question 11!
#SkitterGoblin... #when? #stardaddythursty #johnCompton

Question #12. Will there be official art or description for the Gorgon ship? Are we able to skin it however we see fit...

Grand Lodge

pithica42 wrote:
4. When will 2-00 be allowed for the online region?

I can answer that one! 2-00 will be offered in the Play-by-Post region for Outpost III coming up in March of 2020. I will see if I can get Stunt Monkey to post here and talk about when 2-00 will air in Virtual Table Top.


Grand Lodge

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Hmm wrote:
pithica42 wrote:
4. When will 2-00 be allowed for the online region?

I can answer that one! 2-00 will be offered in the Play-by-Post region for Outpost III coming up in March of 2020. I will see if I can get Stunt Monkey to post here and talk about when 2-00 will air in Virtual Table Top.


*appears in a puff of banana scented smoke*

We're hoping to have it debut early next year as well, our con dates aren't finalised for 2020 yet but I'd expect it to be within the February - April window if that's any help!

Muchisimas gracias a ambos!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Will we see campaign points like this for the other factions in SFS? :o

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm really curious to hear from the Starfinder devs about their thoughts regarding something like a Starfinder Unchained that would allow us to dig into lots of the good changes Pathfinder 2E brought.

The new skills system would be a great fit for Starfinder! Other things like scaling cantrips, improved archetypes, and weapon runes make me feel sad about coming back to Starfinder.

Grand Lodge

Has anyone announced what tomorrow's topic for Starfinder Wednesday might be?


Social Media Producer

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I finally got out of 500 meetings to disclose what we will be talking about in the coming weeks!

09/04/2019 - Starfinder Lore on Liavara

09/11/2019 - Crucible of Flame Adventure Path Overview!

09/18/2019 - Attack of The Swarm Lore (And discussing the new adventure path)

09/25/2019 - BIOHACKER BUILDS & STUFF! (Will probably get chat involved to build a biohacker with me)

Then for the rest of September, there will be no Starfinder Wednesday since I'll be at Twitch Con!

Grand Lodge

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Thanks for the schedule, Payton! Much appreciated!

Questions about Liavara
I originally posted these questions on January 30th, but I'm still curious about them!

1) The Dreamers are descended from regular Brethedans who underwent 'psychological and physiological' change. Does this change still happen to visiting Brethedans? If one were to leave Roselight without armor, would they become Dreamers too? (If so, does anyone know what causes this change? If it's inherent in the atmosphere, I'm imagining brethedans selling vials of Liavara's air to each other as a controlled substance.)

2) Melos seems like such a nice moon. If the Dirindi were looking for new places to settle, why didn't they go there instead of toxic Osuro? Ooh... Is there a haunted house vibe on Melos keeping settlers from staying?

3) Arkanen sounds like a crazy place to live with its yearly dip into Liavara's clouds to gain atmosphere. How does the yearly atmosphere cycle affect the local populace of the Dirindi and Sazurons who live there?

4) How well do Dirindi and Sazurons get along? With the university, and joint governship of the moon, they have to interact, so what is their relationship? Do the Dirindi drive the Sazurons crazy, and vice-versa?

5) Hallas, the forbidden planet! What a great adventure hook! Is this something that you are planning to sketch out, or leave as 'terra incognita' for homebrew GMs to play with?

6) Tell us about Nchak now that it's dealing with an influx of shirren and haan immigrants. How do individualistic shirren and sometimes rowdy haan deal with the more hive-minded Hylaxians? Is there tension, or is all harmonious in the house of Hylax?

Grand Lodge

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Questions from Kishmo from way back in January:

Kishmo wrote:


I'm hoping to hear more about how the Dreamers themselves interact with the galaxy at large. It sounds like the Brethedans are pretty protective of their prophetic cousins and keep the planet like a big reserve for them. But, then there's also, like, 1-12, Dreaming of the Future with a Dreamer the Starfinder Society has in their basement.

Is there some kind of process or mechanism through which organizations can "loan" out Dreamers to come out and play? It would be fascinating to hear about who else has their own basement-Dreamers, what they've done, how they've shaped history, and all that. I'd imagine there's probably also an incredibly dangerous yet incredibly profitable black market for kidnapping and smuggling Dreamers out of Liavara for less-than-savoury ends, too! Hrm, that sounds like an adventure just waiting to be written...

(When I started writing this post, my mental image of Dreamers was akin to the Guild Navigators from Dune - perfectly unknowable aliens with their own inscrutable purposes and means, hanging around in bizarre high-pressure gas tanks, who for unknown reasons and perhaps even unknowingly, happen to help out us mere mortals from time to time. But, now, I'm thinking maybe they're more like The Dude - hanging around in various organizations' basements wearing comfy pants, who every so often spout off some prophetic nonsense, just to watch the lesser beings scurry around trying to make sense of it, so the Dreamers can get back to watching Zo! reruns, and eating Doritos.)


Questions from Pithica from way back in January:

pithica42 wrote:

What can you tell us about the shepherd moon Hibb, vis-a-vis the Bantrid and their recent discovery? I find the idea of this uninhabited and *stinky* moon suddenly having an entire species found on it only 5 years ago fascinating. Will future SFS and AP material touch on this? or is it exclusive to homebrew?

How populated is the city of Telataranas on Arkanen? Population numbers in canon sources are all over the place and some of them seem nonsensical, but since this is listed as the most populous city in the Liavaran system, having an idea of how big it is 'in canon' would be beneficial to scaling the rest of the system's inhabitants.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Hmm wrote:


Questions from Kishmo from way back in January:

Hey, sweet - this Moon Archiving & Retrieval Service is alright! Thanks HMM!

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Yes, Thank you so much, HMM. I remembered I had questions about it, but I just got out of a test and can't remember anything right now.

Grand Lodge

Payton wrote:
09/11/2019 - Crucible of Flame Adventure Path Overview!

Um... Is that supposed to be 'Dawn of Flame' overview?


Grand Lodge

Hmm wrote:
Payton wrote:
09/11/2019 - Crucible of Flame Adventure Path Overview!

Um... Is that supposed to be 'Dawn of Flame' overview?


Oh, never mind. Crucible of Flame is volume 6 of Dawn of Flame!


1) Concluding an adventure path always seems a challenging task. How much do you want to pick up on themes and storylines from earlier volumes when creating your content?

2) Does the Dawn of Flame AP have rules for all four elemental planar scions?

3) I loved how this AP looked from beginning to end. How did your team create its unique look?

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

If we can ask questions...

Do you have one liners in mind for Khaim?

Hmm wrote:
2) Does the Dawn of Flame AP have rules for all four elemental planar scions?

The answer to this one is no. The AP has rules for all five of the elemental planar scions.

Grand Lodge

Five? I am going to have to go digging through the backmatter!

5) What other glorious backmatter articles are in this AP?

(This time, I didn't write for it!)

Hmm wrote:

Five? I am going to have to go digging through the backmatter!

5) What other glorious backmatter articles are in this AP?

(This time, I didn't write for it!)

You forgot Suli, everyone does.

... Even though they're broke-tastic cheese-monsters.

pithica42 wrote:
... Even though they're broke-tastic cheese-monsters.

I know, right?

Grand Lodge

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Oh, if they are cheese-monsters, I know now why I ignored them. I'm lactose-intolerant! Those monsters are bad for me to munch upon.


Well then these guys might give you indigestion:

Starfinder #14: Soldiers of Brass, Pg 58 wrote:

Ability Modifiers +2 Str, +2 Cha, –2 Int

Hit Points 4

Size and Type
Sulis are Medium outsiders with the native subtype.

Sulis have low-light vision.

Elemental Assault
As a swift action, a suli can cause half the damage dealt by a weapon she wields to be acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage for 1 round. A suli can use this ability on her unarmed strikes, causing them to be neither archaic nor nonlethal while the damage alteration persists. She can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her level or CR.

Elemental Resistance
Their elemental nature grants sulis resistance 5 to acid, cold, electricity, and fire.

The female Suli from the example art makes the Suli look like jacked elemental hard cases and they've got the stats to back it up. And to make it more interesting? The fluff specifically says they are the most common of the Planar Scions.

Social Media Producer

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This upcoming Starfinder Wednesday will be going over the Crucible of Flame. The last edition to the Dawn of Flame Adventure Path.

Additionally, Jason Keeley and Jake Tondro will be taking a look back at the past of the Dawn of Flame AP. They will give developer and designer insight on their decisions in making the adventure.

And of course. We would love to take some questions from the forums to ask on stream!

Grand Lodge

We've already got them started for you, Payton!


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