Sunrise Maiden 3D printable model

Dead Suns

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I made a 3D model of the SM. It eschews the long trailing fins at the back, because they would be too flimsy. Also, the upright fins are there, but you might have difficulty printing them correctly, as they're so thin.

The model is about space-map scale, as is. Just scale it up in your slicer to make a display model. 400% is fine.

You should be able to view and download the STL here:
3D sunrise maiden

Silver Crusade

Very very nice.

Looks great, you really captured the styling well.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

too bad i can't afford a 3d printer.i would be printing too many things like this out

FlorianF wrote:

I made a 3D model of the SM. It eschews the long trailing fins at the back, because they would be too flimsy. Also, the upright fins are there, but you might have difficulty printing them correctly, as they're so thin.

The model is about space-map scale, as is. Just scale it up in your slicer to make a display model. 400% is fine.

You should be able to view and download the STL here:
3D sunrise maiden

Would you mind the model being uploaded to Thingiverse?

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