Albatoonoe |

Bulk is specifically a move away from simulationism. It isn't trying to be a system used to compare items to another and simulate item weight and volume. That isn't really inportant and the system reflects that.
And, honestly, it is easier by virtue of collapsing values into smaller categories. Smaller numbers are ejust easier to add. Not to mention that this system largely does away with fractions.
With that said, the system isn't perfect. I think it could be bumped up to allow a little more space at the base (such as allowing short swords to inhabit "1 bulk" instead of long swords), but that is a problem with execution and isn't inherent in the system.

ErichAD |

So using abstractions to make people more accepting of further abstractions. Fixing all values to increment by 1 (.01, .1, 1) instead of varying values to replace calculation with counting. And making guessing the level of impairment faster by giving fewer options. That's the general idea?
Thanks, at least now I understand what's going on. I'll just have to walk away from this one, as the system wasn't meant for me at all.

Steve Geddes |

I wouldn't be so sure. It existed in Starfinder and I assume their data from Starfinder showed enough support for the idea to keep it. It's not going to kill me to use old equipment charts for weight if bulk stays, so it's not too big a deal.
I think it’s an easy win though. Namely if the votes against bulk were strongly against (say 70-30 or something) then I think it’d be a no brainer to revert to weight.
Like you, I find encumbrance easy to houserule and I suspect that’s because it’s so self contained. As such, it can be changed with minimal impact on anything else (as opposed to “everything’s a feat”, for example where I think there’d be real momentum arguments against reversion to PF1 norms).