Help needed for Archer build.


Hi everyone! I am in the middle of a campaign and need to make a new character. Based on the other party members and the encounters we have had and are expecting to have in the future, I have decided that I would like to play an archer. Here are the parameters we've been given:

STATS - 15 point buy system.

RACES - Humans preferred. Non-humans will be allowed, but any Darkvision racial abilities will have to be replaced; no Elves

IN ADDITION TO the standard racial modifiers and bonuses in Pathfinder, all Humans from Akiperium have the following additional abilities/bonuses:

+2 to an Ability score of their choice; -2 to an ability score of their choice.

Weapon Focus: All male Akiperian, once of age, must serve in the legions for a period of at least 2 years. Due to the training they receive, Akiperian males receive the Weapon Focus feat, regardless whether they qualify for it. This feat applies to the use of spears (short and long) and the gladius, the two most common weapons of the Akiperian Legions. Akiperian women are given extensive training in archery, as they are depended on to defend walled cities in times of conflict, and protect farms and flocks outside of cities from predators. Akiperian women receive the Weapon Focus feat (whether or not they would otherwise qualify for it), applying to all Bows (Long, short, composite, and all crossbow variants). Only Human-raised Half-Orcs gain this trait.

Superior Education: Reflecting the overall superior education the citizens of Akiperium have, citizens automatically know how to Read and Write Imperial Trade. Any other language the character purchases at first level they will automatically know how to read and write. After 1st level they must purchase literacy and fluency just as any other character. Additionally, Akiperians receive a +2 racial bonus to concentration checks and a +2 racial bonus to one specialty from each of the Craft, Knowledge, Profession, and Perform skills. The skill chosen is always considered a class skill for the character. One of these specialties will benefit from the Unchained rules detailed in the specific skill. Men and women of Akiperium can be found almost equally in all professions, and therefore all Craft, Knowledge, Profession, and Perform skills are open to both genders in regards to this selection. Even Half-Orcs raised in Orc tribes will receive this benefit, as their Human mothers will ensure to pass on her learning.

CLASSES - No casters allowed as class choices. Any class that is not a primary caster (Paladins, Rangers, etc.) will replace spellcasting with a variant rule.

EQUIPMENT - Starting money is 500 gp/character; starting equipment is anything from the core book, with the exceptions of alchemical gear or anything inherently magical

Thanks for your help!

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Here is an outline of a build to 10th level.

Human, female

STR: 14
DEX: 15 (17)
CON: 14
INT: 10
WIS: 10
CHA: 8

Forget normal arrows and buy cold iron arrows routinely (5gp for 50)
Buy silver-tipped arrows
Buy a few durable and adamantine tipped arrows
Get a 14 STR-rated masterwork composite longbow asap (600 gp)

Deadeye bowman (must be a worshipper of Erastil)

1st level ranger
weapon focus longbow (free feat for being human female)
point-blank shot (1st level human feat)
precise shot (1st level character feat)

2nd level ranger
archery style - 2nd level ranger combat style
rapid shot - 2nd level ranger style feat

3rd level ranger
deadly aim - 3rd level character feat

4th level ranger
+1 to DEX

5th level ranger
(choose something for character flavor) - 5th level character feat

6th level ranger
point blank master - 6th level ranger style feat

7th level ranger
manyshot - 7th level character feat

8th level ranger
+1 to DEX

9th level ranger
clustered shots - 9th level character feat

10th level ranger
improved precise shot - 10th level ranger style feat

Thanks! I did forget to mention that the starting level for this character will be 6th, so this is very helpful! What about the additional +2 to any stat and -2 to any stat? Should I put the +2 in Dex and the -2 in CHA? With the +1 to Dex at 4th level my stats would then be:

STR 14
Dex 14 (19)
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 8

Also, I am allowed to take up to 4 traits (only one of a trait type (Combat, Campaign, etc) can be taken, and I can pick two additional feats in exchange for two Major Drawbacks/Flaws.

For the 5th level feat I can see one intersting option discussed here that would make you a healer without spells. There is a good chance the GM will not like this, but I could be wrong about it. Since he is using skill unlocks it is available.

One thing that concerns me is the aversion to magic. When you are talking about archer builds its natural to assume the character is going to gain an adaptive +1 seeking composite longbow as soon as they can afford it. There is a ton of gear to support a bow user and combined with the feats that support bows it makes for a very powerful build.

But without opponents using magic some of what gets done is moot as well. Take for instance Seeking enchantment. Mainly it is used to hit opponents using displacement, mirror image, or invisibility for defense. Sure it works against concealment as well, but that isn't nearly as much of a problem as spell defenses that make hitting the opponent a matter of luck.

Don't worry too much about stocking really expensive arrows to match vulnerability. I totally agree with cold iron arrows, and stocking some blunt arrows. You might even invest in a few of the shredding AoE arrows for swarms. But eventually you'll have clustered shots and that removes all concern about DR.

The healer's hands option could be huge in this campaign (if the GM allows it) as we have no real healers. The way the GM offsets this is by splitting HPs into vitality and wounds. Vitality is recovered very quickly while wounds can be tended with healing skill ranks over time. Thus far, the majority of our encounters have dealt with lycanthropes and undead (and one demon) so cold iron is a must, I agree with you both that CI will be my primary arrow types but I will keep a quiver or two of additional random arrows (durable, adamantine, silver, shredding, blunt, etc...) available just in case.

Presenting the Fighter version of the same character. Same stat array Pink Dragon uses.

Str 14 Dex 15+2 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 10 Cha 8

Same Trait(s)
1:Weapon Focus:composite longbow (Free), Point Blank Shot (human bonus), Precise Shot (1st), Rapid Shot (fighter bonus)
2:Deadly Aim(combat)
3:Weapon Versatility(or any other feat, but this saves you vs skeletons and zombies. Can also be retrained later when you qualify for better feats.) Armor Training 1
4:Weapon Specialization:Composite Longbow
5: Weapon Training 1: Bows (+1 to hit/damage with all bows) Point Blank Mastery
6: Clustered Shots
7: Armor Training 2, Snap Shot
8: Greater Weapon Focus:Composite Longbow
9: Improved Snap Shot, Advanced Weapon Training (Warrior's Spirit)
10: Combat Reflexes

Downside: you are severely lacking in skills. Fighters get 2 points. You can sacrifice the extra hp from Favored Class to gain a 3rd skill point, but it doesn't help much. Also your class skill selection is very limited.

Positives: This build gets significantly better at combat. Same BAB, same stats, but the extra feats add up.

At 6th level: the fighter is +1 to hit, +3 to damage thanks to weapon training and weapon specialization. Also you have Clustered Shots 3 levels earlier which means you don't need special arrows to overcome DR. You can get rid of Weapon Versatility and replace it with Combat Reflexes or Improved Initiative. Also you have a wider selection of armor thanks to Armor Training. Your AC should be 1 or 2 points better than a Ranger. Ranger does come out better vs its Favored Enemy (+4 to hit and damage), but that is a very narrow bonus.

At 10 level: the difference between classes continues to widen. Ranger has a lot more stuff they can do outside of combat and you have a pet...that is fairly useless. Fighter is +3 to hit, +4 to damage, if you selected Warrior's Spirit you get 3 uses of a 10 round buff that gives you +2 to hit and damage and makes your weapon count as magic for DR. The Rangers favored enemy (+6,+4,+2) might make up the difference, if the campaign is centered around fighting a single kind of opponent (like humans) vs a more traditional campaign where its an occasional bonus.

But seriously, the consistent bonus from fighters is superior to favored enemy.

In general I think the Ranger would be more fun to play, but arrow for arrow the fighter is better at fighting. Go figure.

Akiperian women are given extensive training in archery, as they are depended on to defend walled cities in times of conflict, and protect farms and flocks outside of cities from predators. Akiperian women receive the Weapon Focus feat (whether or not they would otherwise qualify for it), applying to all Bows (Long, short, composite, and all crossbow variants).

Assuming your character is one of these girls, start the build with a level of Urban Barbarian (+ Extra Rage), then multiclass over to fighter. In addition to dex-raging, you'll pick up Acrobatics, Diplomacy, Knowledge(Local), and Perception as class skills.

(Savage Technologist would be a more powerful barbarian archetype dip, but it doesn't fit the campaign.)

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Have you thought about Arsenal Chaplain Warpriest ?
I've played one lately, and it's pretty good.
Stat wise, i'd go with something like :
STR 14
DEX 18
CON 10
WIS 14
Get half orc, for sacred tatoos
As a half orc, you can take the human favored class bonus, and you'll have allmost as much feats as a fighter, with weapon training, and quickened spellcasting.
You need fate's favoured as a trait, and i'd take reactionary as second one.
Feats, you have weapon focus for free, then take point blank shot as level 1 feat, you can take two additional feats, so get precise shot and rapid shot.
Level 3 feat should be deadly aim and have a bonus (your call)
Level 5 also should be free grab
Level 6 take manyshot and weapon spec as your two bonus feats.

It's quite awesome, and you can easyly cast "Divine favour" all day long if you can get your hands on a few pearls of power.
Only thing you miss compared to a fighter is max BAB, but with divine favour you more than make up for it, you get better saves, and lots of utility with spells.
Damage should be better than for a fighter as you also have weapon training.

Before I go into detail on a build, would the OP be interested in a deadeye Bowman/slayer sniper crossbow man build ?

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Well, if you cant play a caster of any sort.... i am currently playing a "Ilsurian Archer" archetype for the ranger which gives up spellcasting in exchange for getting some of your favored enemy damage vs all! Bullseye shot combined with deadly aim means at low lvl you are gaining a bonus to hit with deadly aim instead of a negative, as long as your taking a move action to activate it.
The vicious aim ability is what lets you use half of your highest favored enemy bonus to all ranged weapon attacks, vs anyone!

So at first lvl being the Akiperian female and getting weapon focus free, you would have point blank shot and deadly aim. 2nd lvl your would take precise shot from your combat style. Being a ranger give you decent skill points. Also the extra stat boosts sound awesome!! Personally i would put the +2 for human into STR, then with the extra i would go +2 DEX and -2 CHA.

Traits im not so go with.... but getting 4? Bonus! Not to sure if getting the extra feats for taking drawbacks/flaws is worth it, in my opinion as 15 point buys hurt you enough as it is....

Hope this helps some

PFS Legal Ilsurian Archer
Source Weapon Master's Handbook pg. 6
Ilsurian archers maintain the strong tradition of archery first developed by soldiers in the service of Ilsur, who raised a small army with which he intended to overthrow the monarch of Korvosa after the fall of the Chelish Empire. Though Ilsur’s Arena teaches only the basics of these techniques, a few dedicated students strive toward true mastery in each generation.

Bullseye Shot (Ex): At 1st level, an Ilsurian archer gains the Bullseye ShotISG feat as a bonus feat. He need not meet its prerequisites. This ability replaces track and wild empathy.

Archery Style (Ex): At 2nd level, an Ilsurian archer must select the archery combat style. This modifies the ranger’s combat style feat class feature.

Vicious Aim (Ex): At 4th level, an Ilsurian archer adds half his highest favored enemy bonus to all attack rolls and damage rolls for attacks made with ranged weapons. This does not stack with his normal favored enemy bonus when targeting a creature that qualifies as a favored enemy. This ability replaces all spellcasting, and the Ilsurian ranger is not considered to have a caster level.

Iomedae’s Influence (Ex): At 8th level, an Ilsurian archer gains Weapon Focus with the longsword as a bonus feat, due to the inf luence the church of Iomedae has over Ilsurian causes. This ability replaces swift tracking.

Pinpoint Targeting (Ex): At 11th level, an Ilsurian ranger gains Pinpoint Targeting as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet its prerequisites. This replaces quarry.

Quarry (Ex): At 19th level, an Ilsurian ranger gains the quarry class feature. This ability replaces improved quarry.

For a Fighter build, the Advanced Weapon Training feat can be taken at 5th level and every five levels after. Some of them can be pretty sweet. Versatile Training means you get to treat your class level as ranks in a couple of skills, like Intimidate and Perception. Focused Weapon lets you use the Warpriest weapon damage progression, so it eventually helps out. Armed Bravery lets you apply your Bravery bonus to all Will saves. So, basically, you have a bunch of options.

Still, though, I'd probably lean toward a Slayer for an archer, because I like being useful outside of combat. The Sniper archetype lets you do sneak attack at range, and halves range penalties.

Finally, if the crossbow is an option, take a look at the Bolt Ace Gunslinger archetype. The big draw is the DEX-to-damage at 5th level. There's not a lot that comes after that's very exciting, so switching to another class is a smart move.

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