Have Ability Checks gone away?

General Discussion

Am I missing straight ability checks (i.e. "Give me a int check to remember what the inn keeper's hair color from last week" or "Give me a strength check to shift the rubble") or are they gone?

Are they entirely subsumed into skill checks? I.e. "Give me an Athletics check to shift the rubble" or "Give me a ?? check to remember the detail"

I suppose the relevant difference is training (no one seems to be "Expert in Wisdom" or anything like that) and level bonus (i.e. the 10th level character is more likely to remember the inn keeper's hair color).

There are ability-based checks, but as far as straight ability checks, then yeah, they're gone from what I can tell.

Do you have a sense of what "remember a detail" would be in PF2?

Int + level?
Int + level - 2 (because it is untrained)?

Something else?

Ring_of_Gyges wrote:

Do you have a sense of what "remember a detail" would be in PF2?

Int + level?
Int + level - 2 (because it is untrained)?

Something else?

Something they saw?

I would say int+level vs a static DC depending on what was that (easy level 1 DC for the tavern menu, hard level 20 for the content of necronomicon)

Edit: actually, since paizo was kind enough to give 2 degrees of complexity:
I would go:
Easy to hard depending on how small a detail it was
Level 1-20 depending on time passed and volume of information

For general knowledge, Recall Knowledge/lore.

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