JDDyslexia |
I sincerely and honestly doubt this will happen. For two reasons:
1) As of right now, nothing 1e PFS seems to be transferrable to 2e PFS. Barring some new development, there's nothing that's going to transfer over.
2) 2e sounds like it's going to be a "new beginning" of sorts for Golarion and the rest of the Pathfinder extended universe. I think the idea of sanctioning content from 1e into 2e is not going to be an effort. Chances are, if you want your 1e Adventure Paths playable with 2e characters, it'll most likely be a fan-made conversion process with little to no Paizo oversight.
HOWEVER, your local 1e PFS isn't going to die immediately upon the release of 2e, if for no other reason but the fact that the content may not keep up with the popularity. I'm starting the War of the Crown AP in the fall, and I know my players won't be done with the full adventure before 2e comes up, but that won't stop us from collecting 1e chronicle sheets and adding them to our 1e characters.
thaX Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Martinsville |
JDDyslexia |
Currently Campaign Mode would allow you to play an AP with 2e rules, as an unofficial or official conversion, and credit it to a PFS1 character. I don't know if that's attractive.
This is true. Campaign Mode gives you the liberty to do this as you can push any AP storyline into any system.