Gen Con 2018 Seminars

Paizo General Discussion

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Hi all,

Every year I look forward to the Paizo seminars at Gen Con. There is usually a good product preview one, an AP discussion panel, and other things. Last year there were a few good Starfinder panels. However for Gen Con 2018 thus far there have been no Paizo seminars on the event schedule.

Does anyone know if there will be any seminars added in later?

I figure one of 2 scenarios must be true:

1) They will add in seminars in the coming weeks

or, more likely:

2)They are not hosting any seminars this year at Gen Con due to a chaotic schedule around the PF2e playtest launch and other cons as well, and the added fact that there will likely be a lot of questions and discussion about details of PF2e that just aren't finalized or ready to be discussed yet.

Anyhow, I thought I'd see if anyone could comment on this. Thanks!

Sovereign Court Organized Play Manager

We are hosting a full complement of seminars at Gen Con. The schedule is being finalized and should be uploaded shortly.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Awesome! Thanks for confirming.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm finalizing my events, and noticed that there still aren't any Paizo seminars. I'm not sure how long the events window is open for (I think it's a little while), but I'll keep checking back.

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*Giving this a bump now that PaizoCon is over.* Gen Con tickets went live three weeks ago, but there are still no Paizo seminars listed.

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Any new word on these seminars? I know I'll probably have to shift around my Gen Con schedule to attend some and, after June 17th, you won't be able to cancel any existing events that might conflict with a Paizo seminar until the convention itself starts.

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