Reaction to drop prone

Rules Questions

There is some confusion here. I have a player that wants to drop prone whenever anyone shoots at him as a reaction. The RAW seems to say that is not the case. There is no triggering action. Am I wrong on this?

Grand Lodge

He can do this if he'd like to spend a standard to 'ready' the defensive action of dropping prone.

Otherwise it's a swift action, not a reaction. At least not without some feat or power or something.

Or I might be wrong, but I don't see anything that grants everyone a reaction of dropping prone.

Grand Lodge

The last paragraph of the Reactions rules on page 248 are relevant.


You gain access to most reactions through feats, items, and

class features, but an attack of opportunity is a reaction that is
universally available to all characters.

Emphasis mine.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

There is a 4th level Envoy improvisation, Watch Out, that uses the Envoy's reaction to allow an ally to use their own reaction to drop prone as a reaction to a ranged attack.

That is the only way I have seen for dropping prone as a reaction to gunfire to be valid.

There is a feat that allows you to drop prone as a reaction. Can't remember the title. It does provoke AoO's from melee but it's in reaction to being fired upon and being prone gives you a bonus to AC vs. Ranged Attacks

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Are you talking about Dive For Cover? Because that is a reaction on reflex saves, not ranged attacks.

I may be badly failing to read, but I do not see a version of the fear that drops prone to avoid attacks against AC.

You're probably right. I just glanced at it last night. I'll check after work when i get home.

There probably isnt. If you want to drop prone in a fire fight, declare it during your turn.

There are still people shooting at you and its still all in a 6secondish time frame, so "dropping prone when being shot at" is still just simulated by you doing that on your turn.

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