Transitive planes and deities

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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Are there any deities that have their divine realm on the transitive planes (Astral, Ethereal, Shadow)? I know Zon-Kuthon has his on the Shadow, but are there any others?

I ask because I was curious in particular about LE deities that didn't particularly want to be subject to Asmodeus and thus couldn't realistically have a realm in Hell, and then I somehow ended up thinking heavily about how a realm on a transitive plane (particularly the Ethereal) would be pretty advantageous for a deity that was more concerned with mortal followers than Outer Sphere politics.


Off the top of my head:

Alazhra the Dream Eater the (really obscure) divine patron of night hags resides on the Ethereal, as well as at least one sahkil tormentor. The Astral doesn't have anything, and Shadow has some kyton demagogues as well as Zon-Kuthon.

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