"Lota Albusa" |
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’twould seem that there isn’t a single campaign journal for the Hell’s Rebels Adventure Path. Herein is my character’s AAR for this campaign, assembled from notes during play. This will get posted fairly rapid-fire as the AP itself is in its final leg.
CHAPTER 1 – “In Hell’s Bright Shadow”, 15th March 4716 A.R.
Fledglings of Silver
“... enemy ship’s keel lay atop me ram and all of her gun ports was open. Ye could feel them Hellknights’ a-grinnin’ as they make ready to touch match to hole. To port and starboard ships shriek along with their crew as lightning strokes shatter masts and veritable storms o’ Hellfire sweep decks clear o’ sailor and sail. Chelish warships be close to broadside to port ‘n’ starboard now that they’re thinkin’ me guns ain’t barkin’ no more on account of them havin’ poison gassed me below decks.
“With a grin of me own I light the fuse leadin’ from me wheel below to the Wormwood’s gun deck. One long braided fuse to all me guns, dozens each port and starboard with a couple o’ big dragonnes in the bow fer good measure with special loads just for killin’ ships at point-blank range. In a cacophonous roar a hundred guns fire in near-unison between all four ships! Sailors, Hellknights and fiends alike become lacedon kibble as metal balls punch through hull, carome about inside as ‘twere the devils’ playground before detonating. All four powder magazines go up in fiery storm of body parts, wood, sail, ammunition and hull!”
“So what happened next?”
“Whaddya think happened? I died!”
“Sounds about right ‘Free Captain’ Lota!”
“Treasonous tale, ya half-elf wench! Mind who you spin that yarn about the Battle of Port Peril these days.”
“Bite me, cupcake.”
“Love you too, Lota.”
Laughter and just enough silver coin scatter across my table to pay the tab and a bit more as the breakfast crowd disperses. I won’t have to go hungry or sleep in a tree tonight. The story’s got me by the past few days here in Kintargo while I walk off my sea legs and get acquainted with the city. Over the previous week before this morn this Barzilai Thrune character took over running the city after some hot-to-trot gang of sword-waving paladins went and wiped out a castle full of Hellknights to reclaim their holy swag. Sounds like it was a fun time. Perform (comedy) check of 15 nets enough silver to cover expenses for the day.
Abbie Thrune took none to kindly to this and dropped the hammer on this potential outbreak of unexpected rebellion. All of the big cities got themselves some martial law smackdown going on, so literal dropping of hammers. Kintargo got themselves a Thrunie blood-kin to Queen Abby herself who is an Asmodean inquisitor to take control here by any means necessary, if his writs of witlessness are any indication. So far every day he’s declared a new proclamation.
- Proclamation the First Get paid coppers to kill doves, mice and ravens. Turn the carcasses into the dottori - Chelish government thugs to most folk - for your coppers. Any port in a storm I suppose.
- Proclamation the Third Get paid silver for each fifty-plus pound feral dog you round up and turn into the dottori unharmed. Sounds too much like work and a whole lot of folk’ll get mauled to death for the trouble. I’d rather unload cargo for a living than this nonsense.
- Proclamation the Second Yeah, yeah, got ‘em out of order. Suck it up, buttercup. All public businesses have to have Abby Thrune’s pretty portrait hung in their main entry under penalty of hefty fines and impoundment if they tell Uncle Barzy to shove it where gulls don’t land. Guessing I’ll not be opening up a dockside tavern anytime soon. She ain’t that pretty.
- Proclamation the Fourth Only Thrunies, Asmodean clergy and those who pay what I’m sure will be a handsome “fee” get to wear fancy embroidered duds now. There goes my plan to enter the lucrative high fashion industry. Guessing the Kintargan tailors and seamstresses are scrambling to adjust to this bit of authoritarianism.
- Proclamation the Fifth Now he’s getting bizarre. Failure to swiftly pick up spilled grain involves a per-grain fine. Fail to pay, spend some time in the poke enjoying the ‘stellar’ company of the Kintargo dottori. This has potential.
- Proclamation the Sixth No tea from sunset to sunrise. Screw you Barzy, I love my tea! Let’s see if his minions are able to enforce the penalties for when I inevitably break this proclamation, repeatedly and often. Now, if only I can figure out where to requisition some good lotus tea...
- Proclamation the Seventh Yesterday’s gem proscribes the consumption of mint confections, drinks and sweets. Too bad I just had a mint pie as part of this morning’s hearty breakfast, eh? Ah, minty breath, oh so fresh. Wherefore art thou, mint tea?
Taking a wild guess that Thrunies don’t cotton much to the How to Win Friends and Influence People school of thought. Ruthless authoritarianism has its place. In my face is not one of them.
More importantly are the tidbits of information regarding Barzilai that can be taken as more-or-less fact, and the current gutter gossip.
Barzy, Barzy, Barzy. You’re clearly a dangerous fellow. Top attack dog of the Asmodean church in Cheliax. Legitimate blood claimant to the throne if he Machiavelli’n’ized his way up that particular pecking order. A big fan of cruel torture, his latest being “doghousing” whereby mastiffs are used to publicly and relatively slowly execute the condemned. Prone to fits of rage when some trivial matter sets him off. Mental note: if you send him a messenger, send a few grenades along with the messenger. Loves the opera in that less-than-mentally-healthy-obsessive way only those who are both unhinged and rich can indulge in. Considered to be astonishingly well educated on the geography and history of Cheliax. Rumored to either currently associate or recently has associated with a blue dragon, the undead and devils. No one has been believed to have seen him in Kintargo amongst such august company. To be fair, most wouldn’t survive that particular sighting if any one of the three are true.
Might have to make him eat a whole grain cupcake liberally slathered in mint frosting at some point.
Rumors are typically interesting during such troubling times:
- Some say that the previous lord-mayor of the city fell down some stairs and broke her fool neck after ‘praying a bit too hard to Cayden Cailean’.
- The dottori’s gaols are so full of prisoners as a result of the proclamations that they’re sending some to the Sallix Salt Works to dig. Nasty work.
- An old livery has some strange noises and goings-on. Abandoned building, possibly full of loot and a few critters to dispatch? Might be worth looking into this afternoon after the inevitably unexpected riot breaks out at some point this morning.
- A bunch of places burned up all of a sudden 4 nights back. The Thrashing Badger (tavern), the Silver Star (music store) and the Victocora Estate. Would not surprise me if they turned out to have had sympathetic leanings towards folk who don’t like being told exactly how they’re to do all of the things.
What I’ve learned so far about Kintargo:
- The main castle is occupied by the Hellknights of the Order of the Rack. They’re the jabronis that deal with crushing rebellion beneath hobnailed boots. At least with Barzy holed up in a fancy opera house he should be easier to get to if that need ever were to arise. Taking on a battalion or regiment of Hellknights without a few artillery batteries in tow presently seems like a suicide run.
- The Nidalese embassy and the office of the former lord-mayor are abandoned. The former most likely as a precaution in such troubling times for ol’ Abby.
- Crissali’s Fine Tomes is said to be a place to purchase rare texts and magical arcane items, which could come in handy.
- The Lucky Bones, a burned out gambling hall that’s never been rebuilt.
- Olmer’s Smithy, the last smith in town and rumored to sometimes sell magical armor. Worth checking into if said smith should happen to have an enchanted mithril holy curve blade available.
- Vespam Artisans might have magical trinkets and knick-knacks for sale.
- The city’s busiest gate now carries a 2 sp gate tax. Small wonder people are getting upset. For many folk that’s more than they make in a day!
- Hocum’s Fantasmagorium was a museum of oddities that may still have ‘features of interest’ as the investigatively-inclined are wont to say. About almost anything.
- The Newt Market apparently often has magic items for sale.
- The War Cage is the more likely place I’ll find the blade I’m looking for, assuming the Asmodean clergy haven’t confiscated all such weaponry before I get to them.
This morning the action is at the Aria Market in front of the Kintargo Opera House that Barzy claims as his HQ. Seems as good a time as any to get into some trouble with the Chellies. A scowling woman with a dozen dottori thugs guard the entrance into the opera house.
A fairly hefty crowd of assorted protesters mills about in the park while the fountain doesn’t care. Many are upset about the harsh curfew imposed by martial law. A few of them are honked off about the fourth proclamation. The smarter ones are worried about the precedents set by these proclamations. More people are pissed about that 2 sp gate tax. The politically astute are raising a ruckus about the lord-mayor’s suspiciously convenient replacement by Barzy. Others are demanding a proper election for the lord-mayor’s replacement.
The worst elements among the crowd are the nationalists and the anarchists. The former are blindly patriotic to the nation despite decades of Thrune rule supported by Infernal power. The latter just want to watch the world burn.
‘Protest the Government’ is her reason to attend the protest at Aria Park. +2 Bluff (+3) and Intimidate (+13) during the protest itself. Guess which way she went?
To the nationalists: “You would rather peace and security at any cost, eh? Fines and jail time for spilled grain, proclamations requiring a cult of personality, determining what you can wear and what you can eat are worth it, eh? What good does that do you when a storm sweeps in from the sea or pestilence devastates the crops? When will the inevitable prima nocta be proclaimed and your children are first bedded by those who think themselves your betters merely by right of existence?” All delivered in the booming voice necessary to command a ship’s crew at sea during foul weather and broadsides. First hour: Silence undesirable elements (Chelish loyalists). 30 on the Intimidate check, something of a waste of a natural 17.
Turning on the anarchists: “And YOU, you lily-livered pieces of trash! None of ye’re fit to row a garbage scow down river or swab the deck of a real ship! (mockingly puts up air quotes with her fingers) “Burn everything so we can take what we want. Grar.” Betting you scum wouldn’t be so keen on it if Barzy decides your skin will make some nice lampshades, or that you and your kin are dragged off to mine salt just because he can. YOU there buttercup - yeah, you with the missing teeth - is gonna be picking up soap for the dottori’s pleasure with that nice ‘o’ for a yap you got there if he so decides. When he’s done with ye, ye’ll be doghouse’d afterwards ‘cause he found your technique ‘lacking’. Ye want that, do ye?!” Second hour: Silence undesirable elements (anarchists). 33 on the Intimidate check. Ugh, what a waste of a natural 20.
Time to stir things up now that the conflicting protests are better aimed at Barzy. Third hour: Rabble Rouse. 18 Diplomacy check grants a +1 circumstance bonus on subsequent social skill checks for the next 24 hours. 20 Perception check notes Barzy himself peeks out from behind a balcony window curtain with a poo-eating grin on his face. XP awarded: 600.
The crowd’s getting good and riled up. The dottori thugs show some concern as they’re outnumbered five to one, the scowling woman doesn’t seem phased in the least and Barzy’s glances from his balcony window seem to be one of ... joy. Dude’s a bit twisted. As the mood is finally starting to get to where it could be productively aimed the bells of the Cathedral of Asmodeus ring out three peals for no apparent reason. The peals aren’t on time and certainly didn’t count out to ten o’clock as one would normally expect at this time of a morning.
As an aside, part of the reason I’m here are those bizarre bells. See they don’t ring regularly and I doubt that there are any bell ringers in there. A curiosity I’m betting had skinned more than a few ‘cats’.
Barzy throws wide the windows and curtains to address the crowd of protesters. Clad in red, orange and black clothes beneath an ornate breastplate, everything about him screams “AM CHELISH ASMODEAN!”. Pentagrams, the Chelish cross and a nasty-looking heavy mace of black metal seemingly lit from within by Hellfire. Middle-aged with short, dark hair, he deigns to address us wearing a condescending sneer with a goblet of wine in his mailed fist. Looking up the crowd grows quiet while his attack chihuahua at ground level eyes the crowd.
“Ah my adoring little chickadees. I am sorry to say I have not yet adapted to your quaint, country ways, being accustomed as I am to the sophistication and learning of Egorian. Nonetheless, know I have heard your concerns, that I appreciate your valued feedback, and I know we shall eventually find a mutual understanding in the fulness of time. I take pride in updating Kintargo’s quaint, outdated laws to the modern standards the city deserves while strengthening its ties with the empire in these cruel times. Obviously I have approached my duties too aggressively.
“You say you chafe at the presence of non natives in positions of power? That authorities not of this city have no place as its leaders? That you will not be yoked by intruders? Your lord-mayor hears you.
“And so it is with a heavy heart that I issue this proclamation in response to your demands.” A knowing glance in my direction? Or am I just imagining a figment?
“All ship’s captains are hereafter barred from leaving their vessels and setting foot on Kintargo docks or streets, under pain of let’s say ... spassation!”
Knowledge (local) check of 22 fritters away yet another high d20 roll.
Squassation, for those who aren’t up-to-date on the latest and greatest in the methods and techniques of torture, is where the victim’s hands are tied together and raised above the head behind the back; the victim is then hung from the hands while a weight is suspended from the feet, causing intense pain to the limbs during a series of drops while the weight is attached.
Typically the initial punishment is applied for a few hours, with subsequent violations incurring more time of similar increments. Your ‘typical’ sailor might consider this a kindness compared to being keelhauled, but not by much as keelhauling is fairly quick but highly likely to kill you. This can cripple a victim for weeks, with death eventually occurring from a prolonged squassation.
Mechanically speaking in game terms, squassation is doled out in (1d4) hour increments. Each hour inflicts (2d6) nonlethal damage and (1d4) Dexterity damage. Each repeated offense adds another (1d4) hours. Nonlethal damage taken in excess of one’s normal maximum hit points becomes lethal damage, as I suspect is the norm for torture. Mummified alchemists won’t care about the nonlethal damage but they will care about the Dex damage, for example.
‘Proclamation the Eighth’ that will be posted and town-crier’d later today and the next few days reads as follows for the sake of ease of reference:
“All non native ships’ captains must remain aboard their ships and are barred from setting foot on land within Kintargo’s city limits. Their crew and agents are free to come and go, but their actions are directly the responsibility of their captains. Any agent or crew caught breaking Kintargan law shall have its punishment visited upon the crew members as well as their captain. Any captain caught setting foot in Kintargo is to be punished by squassation.”
Someone in the crowd flings poo at Barzy as the crowd erupts with anger and fury. The poo misses despite fairly good aim, causing him to spill wine across his pricey outfit. “Enough of this! Nox, run them off, arrest them or kill the, I don’t care!” Barzy retreats into his opera house, slamming the windows shut and closing the curtains.
Attack chihuahua Nox grins with cute little taco-doggie fangs, “Alright you lot, let’s get to work!” Must be Barzy’s attack chihuahua Nox. Men and women throughout the crowd pull back their cloaks to reveal matching armbands, truncheons the sadistic grin law-abiding types derive from having permission to thump skulls with impunity.
During the pandemonium of the riot, four of these “Chelish Citizens’ Group” wield their truncheons with an eye to pummeling me into the ground. Based on their grips, they’re not attempting to kill, not yet at least. The dottori are as they heft their maces and begin wading into the crowd, splitting scalps with solid blows as they go.
One of them gets in close to me before I get my guard up and rings my bell with her truncheon. I lost initiative to one of the four, who then rolls a natural 20 failing to confirm - a 5 will usually fail - thankfully. 4 points’ nonlethal damage is a lot better than 2d6+4! Unfortunately for her, I actually know how to fight unarmed.
As the riot unfolds someone’s lucky dagger throw scores a shot to Nox’s throat - one that for many folk would result in death or a trip to a very good healer. Instead, she growls, tears the offending blade out, tosses it to the ground and the wound heals in just a couple of seconds before she stalks back inside.
Ooookaayy then ... Nox is a really hard-to-kill attack chihuahua.
At the end of Round 3 I’ve put three CCG goons into retreat mode while two dottori thugs enter the fray, swinging wildly with their heavy maces. Down 9 nonlethal damage and outnumbered 3:1, matters are desperate enough to drop a sleep spell at my feet. Luckily they don’t connect from the free attacks of opportunity I gave them. Amusingly, the CCG thug nat-20s his Will save while the dottori flub theirs, I miss my unarmed strike, the truncheon narrowly misses me and this exchange carries the fight into the top of the sixth round before I confirm an unarmed strike for a critical hit dealing enough damage to stagger him on the spot. He takes the hint, heading off into the milling crowd. In turn, I use my last 1st-level spell of the day to cure light wounds at the top of initiative on Round 7, wiping out all 9 points of nonlethal damage.
Standing there with a silvery wand in one hand and an elven curve blade at my waist with two dottori at my feet, Nox’s return from inside included a Fido. In this case, a 18 Kn (planes) - why are my best rolls going into skill checks?! frellin’ Hellhound on a leash and another dozen dottori, all eager for blood.
The hound’s fiery breath and unearthly howl do what bellowing dottori and whirling truncheons were failing to do: disperse the crowd. Taking the hint, it’s clearly time to skedaddle before Nox and her Fido chase me down. I’m plenty good for giving this Chellies grief, but this is stacked too much in their favor.
XP earned: 270 from defeating four militia mooks plus another 200 for the pair of dottori. Total XP so far: 1,070.
A few minutes later I’m working my way towards a safer location when I hear the unmistakable cry of a man in the throes of being beaten to death. Diverting into the alley, a group of five Chelish Citizens’ Group pukes have surrounded and are about to stave in the skull of an unconscious, bleeding man at their feet. These aren’t packing mere truncheons, but short-handled maces.
Since I’m out of mojo for the moment, I leave my wand in its sheath to deliberately slide my curve blade from its sheath in as noisome a manner as possible. Four of them are the same ones I pummeled not too long ago in the riot, all healed up of their beatings. I’m wary of my chances, but their victim took down another quartet of jerks before they got to him, so he’s not too much of a slacker.
“Morons. Why'd it have ta be ... morons.”
"Five to one odds says we'll be tapping that."
"First one in - which is you - I'll cut in half. Take out one or two more, the rest of you'll run."
“You’re betting your ass, sweetcheeks. Literally.”
“You have to get it first, liverwurst.”
A little known fact about the water moccasin style of combat is that it works especially well against opponents that are not as good as you are. Combine that with weapons training in something as beautiful as an elven curve blade and things get fun in a hurry, for me at least. When outnumbered, go on the defensive, wear them out, striking as openings present themselves. My blade has the reach, and unlike many wielders I know how to do so one-handed. Advanced practitioners let combat flow about them as they counterattack and dodge most or almost all of the blows coming their way while dispatching the mobs and swarms with relative ease.
They charge in a rush, eager to collect my stake in the pot before us. Fighting defensively adds a nice bit of AC at low levels. Sucks for them trying to hit a 22 AC... Granted, my own attack bonus is pretty crap, but I’ll hit them more often and harder that they’ll hit me. Round 1, none of the four that can charge and swing hit while I cut one in half with a confirmed critical hit to the tune of 19 damage on the dice alone, 25 damage in total. 10 hp and a Con of 12 results in insufficient to live. Round 2 is uneventful, whereas in round 3 I get whacked for 7 hp and gut one for 11 hp. Round 4 there’s 3 of them in flanking positions but the defensive tactic is holding up its end of the bargain. A natural 19 and confirmation guts #3 of the five for 18 hp. The pair of survivors attempt to flee, a maneuver I’m not going to waste the time to stop them.
637.5 xp reward for this encounter-rescue, bringing the running tally to 1,707.5 for the day.
I check him out, but he was playing possum, rather foolishly when a man is getting ready to splatter your brains across bricks. “Hey buddy, I’m out of healing juice. How’re you doin’?”
And so one Rexus Victocora of the same name and family as the noble estate that was arson’d just a few nights previous fishes out a potion of tasty red liquid and downs it so we can get on with things. Namely, looting these sorry bastards after getting directions to his hideout in Crissali’s Fine Tomes not far from here. He goes on his way, I collect a big bundle of loot and make my own way there.
Okay, “big bundle” is relative. Compared to the two silvers I had to my name before dismembering and gutting these jokers - and quietly snapping the necks of the ones the nobleman had already taken down - what they have of value on them is a huge improvement to my net worth. Namely 28 gold coins and seven gold Thrune amulets that’ll fetch a fine price from the right buyer. Appraise 10, wildly inaccurate. I’m convinced they’re solid gold! Boy am I in for a rude surprise...
At the literate and comfortable establishment of Crissali’s Fine Tomes Rexus has set up kip in the back room. Long story short, the infamous night is known as the “Night of Ashes”, he’s super-grateful his brains didn’t get smashed out and he forks over his surviving inheritance. String attached is (a) helping him explore the Fair Fortune Livery where his mom disappeared; and (b) build up a revolution against Barzy and his minions in the name of a historically significant group of troublemakers known as the Silver Ravens. While he keeps a mithril key for himself, he forks over another 175 gp, a set of enchanted bracers, an exquisite heirloom fighting knife masterwork silver dagger and a Victocora signet ring.
I make ready to enter the ruins of the Fair Fortune Livery during the late afternoon of the 16th. I need to replenish my spells with an eye towards the exploration of ruins instead of dealing with thugs and dottori. Between this evening and the following day’s earlier hours, I scrounge up some chow for my two silvers and fence the amulets. Turns out, I got half-scrap value for ‘em. Rather embarrassing since I should know better, but hey, they felt heavy enough. Now burdened with more than 300 gp to spend, I stock up on some proper adventuring gear and head to the twice-mentioned place where Rexus’ dear old ma took her dirt nap. I would have taken him with me, but keeping that mithril key is enough of a sign that all is not yet done with him.

"Lota Albusa" |

Carnival of Carnage or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Game
Gameplay Timeline 15th April 4716 A.R. - 9th November 4716 A.R., entering Mephistopheles’ layer of Hell on Halloween at the first stroke of midnight.
I had every intention of writing up numerous session-by-session semi-in-depth RP/first person focused journal entries of this group’s travails through this AP.
Upon reflection as to my less than awesome writing and reviewing the notes I did keep on the campaign, well ... let the following series of obituary posts tell the sordid tale instead. A few posts from my character’s perspective might make the cut. At the very least, there will be one at the very end.
And now, for a taste of things to come.
Name “Bob”, “Dave” and “Johnny” – character names have been changed to protect the players wearing their well-earned hubcaps of shame.
Race Elf, Gnome and Hobbit
Class dual-classed (other stuff)/Wizard 20/Ranger 1; (other stuff)/Illusionist 20/Slayer 1 and (other stuff)/Oracle 20/Hunter 1
Alignment CG (all 3)
Adventure In Hell’s Bright Shadow
Ye Olde Dirtnappe Shoppe Fair Fortune Livery
Cause of Dirtnap “we got this”
Gory Details The characters did not meet up until after the initial riot and Mr MacGuffin (Rex Victocora) due to player tardiness. The characters were drunk, saw my character in the street and tagged along gabbing about our recent adventures in the Shackles. Doggies, no problem, instakibble. Dire rats? Kebobs. The terrible trio bade the Witch that is out of spells to return upstairs to conduct a thorough grid pattern sweep-n-loot while they wasted whatever lurks in the cellar. No problem.
Still drunk as lords, the noisome trio sporting already less-than-stellar CMB, CMD, Fort and Reflex saves hampered even more by in-character booze and metagame-y “AP chapter 1s are wuss, we’re good” clambered down the ladder with their tail closing the trapdoor behind them. Staggering overconfidence brought them into the rancid chamber with the cesspool wherein the lemures lay beneath the sewage whilst the gremlin quintet waited in ambush.
Blowing their Perception checks - not a particular surprise given the assorted penalties - they were successfully puked on en masse, all three failing to not become nauseated and starting blowing chow. On the surprise round. While in lightning bolt formation, aka “a conga line” adjacent to the cesspool they then proceeded to (a) lose initiative to all of the monsters; (b) fail their Reflex saves against the gremlins’ grease and (c) die.
One after another the nauseated prone characters were ganged up on by five gremlins using the grease to slide them into the sewage wherein the lemures delivered enough claw damage to render them unconscious before tag-teaming the next character the gremlins brought them. Between sliding, four aid another actions to boost CMBs by 8, putrid breath weapons ‘renewing’ (read: continuing to fail Fort saves against nauseated for 1d4 rounds at a clip) and flank-gangbanging by lemures, they died without getting to take a single offensive action.
“Where was your character?!” Well, with a DC 25 Perception check to make, that didn’t happen whilst the terrible trio were getting themselves killed. What did happen is that my character completed the sweep, popped open the trapdoor, did not hear raucous carousing, snoring or much of anything else other than some disturbing chewing noises. Cantrips, judicious use of the slumber hex and coup-de-grace via elven curve blade took care of the monsters. Seeing only chunky salsa floating in utterly disgusting sewage while lacking access to prestidigitation, looting the bodies of my comrades-at-arms was not an option.
“No way am I dying of filth fever to drag your carcasses out of there for burial. I say last rites over the floaty bits, then leave with what I do have.”
Once the shock wore off, the players donned their figurative hubcaps of shame, whipped up fresh meat and eagerly anticipated continuing the campaign.
Name “Bob”, “Dave” and “Johnny”
Race Dwarf, Human and Strix
Class Ranger 1, Slayer 1, Hunter 1
Adventure In Hell’s Bright Shadow
Ye Olde Dirtnappe Shoppe Longroad’s Coffee House
Cause of Dirtnap Blosodriette’s pipes of the sewers as a follow-up to sneak attack poisoned blowgun darts
Gory Details Heavy Dex damage and no small amount of sneak attack damage via blowgun dart made things go pear-shaped for each of them when a trio of rat swarms devoured them alive.
Name “Bob II”, “Dave II” and “Johnny II”
Race Aasimar triplets
Class Paladins of Sarenrae 3
Adventure In Hell’s Bright Shadow
Ye Olde Dirtnappe Shoppe Many-Steps Monastery
Cause of Dirtnap using your 1/day smite evil too early
Gory Details Nox with minions, but the death blows were all dealt by Nox. “Mental note: Stealth is a good thing.”
Name “Bob III”, “Dave III” and “Johnny III”
Race Aasimar triplets
Class Warpriest 5
Adventure Turn of the Torrent
Ye Olde Dirtnapping Shoppe Lucky Bones
Cause of Dirtnap having net penalties to Climb, infernal wounds from a fiend’s glaive and being shoved into a spiked pit trap
Gory Details A particularly tough barbazu, a trio of melee characters with the mobility of wet pasta and repeatedly failing to remove their infernal wounds before passing out from blood loss only to die in the belly of a mangy 20-foot deep spiked pit.
Name “Bob IV”, “Dave IV” and “Johnny IV”
Race Aasimar triplets
Class Warpriest 5
Adventure Turn of the Torrent
Ye Olde Dirtnappe Shoppe Lucky Bones
Cause of Dirtnap yellow mold spores
Gory Details death by yellow mold spores after winding up in a spiked pit full of the stuff, slower than green slime, just as effective.
Name “Bob V”, “Dave V” and “Johnny V”
Race Aasimar triplets
Class Warpriest 6
Adventure Turn of the Torrent
Ye Olde Dirtnappe Shoppe Lucky Bones, lower dungeon
Cause of Dirtnap supernatural drowning while running low on gas
Gory Details Drowned to death. At least they didn’t drown in sewage after repeated vomiting.
Name “Bob”, “Dave” and “Johnny” – aka “Joe”, “Angel Eyes” and “Tuco ‘the Rat’”
Race Humans
Class Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger) 5/Brawler 4, Gunslinger 5/ Paladin (Holy Gun) 4, Gunslinger (Pistolero) 5/ Swashbuckler (Picaroon) 4
Adventure Dance of the Damned
Ye Olde Dirtnappe Shoppe The Ruby Masquerade
Cause of Dirtnap relying on one Witch to keep the entire group alive
Gory Details The sheer firepower the bad guys bring to bear is impressive. The sheer firepower of three gunslingers is also impressive. Sadly, Joe and Tuco didn’t have the strongest Will saves. Angel Eyes lasted longer ... but not long enough. Much discussion was had about the value of consumable magic items and being smarter about packing better magical ammunition.
Name “Joe II”, “Angel Eyes II” and “Tuco ‘the Rat’ II”
Race Humans
Class Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger) 7/Brawler 5, Gunslinger 5/ Paladin (Holy Gun) 7, Gunslinger (Pistolero) 5/ Swashbuckler (Picaroon) 7
Adventure A Song of Silver
Ye Olde Dirtnapping Shoppe atop the Kintargo Opera House
Cause of Dirtnap assuming one knows all that there is to know about blue dragons without paying attention to the flavor text
Gory Details Fighting a dragon out of doors is always a tough proposition. It gets worse when you assume that it is a ‘bog standard dragon with flavor text attached’. The final shots from Joe II crippled the dragon’s wings before it roasted the gunslinger alive in a blast of Hellfire for his temerity.
Name “Joe III”, “Angel Eyes III” and “Tuco ‘the Rat’ III”
Race Humans
Class Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger) 7/Brawler 6, Gunslinger 5/Paladin (Holy Gun) 8, Gunslinger (Pistolero) 5/Swashbuckler (Picaroon) 8
Adventure A Song of Silver
Ye Olde Dirtnappe Shoppe Temple of Asmodeus
Cause of Dirtnap jump-starting the showdown with ‘Barzy’, his high priest buddy and a few mini-onions
Gory Details The gunslingers blew away the high priest and minions in short order. ‘Barzy’ proceeded to lay the smack down in short order, beating the brains out of each gunslinger in turn, one by one. With strong Fort and Will saves ‘Barzy’ ignored the Witch while dashing out gunslingers’ brains one by one: Angel Eyes, then Joe, then Tuco.
Name “Joe IV”, “Angel Eyes IV” and “Tuco ‘the Rat’ IV”
Race Humans
Class Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger) 7/Brawler 7, Gunslinger 5/ Paladin (Holy Gun) 9, Gunslinger (Pistolero) 5/Swashbuckler (Picaroon) 9
Adventure The Kintargo Contract
Ye Olde Dirtnappe Shoppe Mangvhune’s Heart, surgical amphitheater
Cause of Dirtnap Mangvhune taking advantage of a very amusing haunt
Gory Details Mangvhune’s death attack took out Angel Eyes right out of the gate. Joe and Tuco died via coup de grace after strapping themselves into surgical apparati.
Name “Joe V”, “Angel Eyes V” and “Tuco ‘the Redeemed Rat’ V”
Race Humans
Class Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger) 7/Paladin (Holy Gun) 9 [retraining prior to entering Hell], Gunslinger 5/Paladin (Holy Gun) 12, Gunslinger (Pistolero) 5/ Paladin (Holy Gun) 12 [retrained prior to entering Hell]
Adventure Breaking the Bones of Hell
Ye Olde Dirtnappe Shoppe The Apex of Bone
Cause of Dirtnap Barzilai ‘Barzy’ Thrune
Gory Details The final combat of the campaign against our old buddy Barzy and waves of ‘Hounds of Kintargo’. Barzy had an infernal halo over his head ... and initiative. His first action was to send Angel Eyes screaming into the depths of Hell for all eternity with a nod of his damned halo. Smite evils were declared, greater named bullets slammed home while my character dug a special scroll out of a handy haversack and targeted that accursed halo with a disjunction to no effect.
Another infernal nod, Tuco ‘the Redeemed Rat’ follows Angel Eyes into the Inferno. Another bullet takes a chunk out of Barzy’s head as the Hounds start swirling around making things difficult while the monster cackles gleefully. disjunction #2 ... nothing.
Once more the Infernal Halo does its foul work, sending Joe into the fiery chasms of Hell. The third and final disjunction obliterates the talisman of ultimate evil that was Barzy’s halo ... and the backlash strips the 18th level Witch of spellcasting ability, forever, shattering the character’s bonded wand into motes of mithril dust.
Barzy’s failure to resist the Witch’s evil eye hex cascades into being unable to act from excruciating agony, other than writhe around in pain. His fate is locked shut with a dire prophecy followed by shoving his own heart into his chest before pronouncing Barzy’s death curse, taking 3 glorious rounds to take effect - with the Witch triggering dire prophecy’s “free action to bring the full force of the prophecy to bear” on Barzy’s Fort save to not die.
Suffering a massive penalty to his Fortitude save against death by cardiac arrest, Barzy does fate one better by throwing a natural 1 on his save, and dies.
Total number of character deaths: 33.

"Lota Albusa" |

A column of screaming Hellfire descends from an incalculable distance above reducing Barzilai Thrune's corpse into a pile of ash, shrieking and whirling in place as the incineration continues.
This is not over just yet.
"Thirothryn, take this," I hand the azata my gate token, my "get out of Hell free card" as it were. "Take Sondilisa and leave, now!"
Nodding, the azata accepts the neried's hand as the pair of them snap the token in half together, step through the gate. I watch it close behind them while the Hellfire column grows quieter and less whirlwind-y.
Mephistopheles himself descends the pillar of unholy flame. The Crimson Son towers easily twice my height almost negligently holding his scarlet metal trident. The Merchant of Souls collects Barzy's ashes, near-instantaneously fusing into a contract that the archdevil tucks away for safekeeping.
“And with that, you have closed the book on this man’s life. As I had hoped all along. By defying my pawn, and by showing his nation that House Thrune does not have the control it thought, you have given them spurs. The nation’s pride, as surely as Barzillai’s pride, will be its downfall, and your actions have, my Master hopes, served as a warning.
"Enjoy, then, your new nation’s freedom, Ravens of Silver, and rest assured that your troubles with this particular Thrune have ended. And if that is all, I am prepared to send you home. Mortals of your... temperament... are unpleasant company. You make my bones itch, and I would have you gone from here.”
"What of my friends? Is there no retrieving them?"
The Lord of the Eighth shakes his horned head in the negative.
They may yet be saved mortal.
A black and red pentagram glows a few paces away before a tall red-skinned horned gentleman rises forth. One hand gentle strokes his Fu-Manchu goatee and mustache. Calculating eyes look at a point not-quite my face, for which I am grateful. A staff of pure ruby serves as a 'walking stick'. His fashion style reminds me of ... elsewhere.
The Ruby Prince!
Mephistopheles bows deferentially. Even so a sudden intangible weight presses on my mind from him. I get the sense that lying right now would be an incredibly Bad Idea.
Slight tips of the glittering corundum staff projects images showing Joe, Angel Eyes and Tuco plummeting through the bowels of Hell. Their screams pierce my heart. Fiends pluck at their clothes, with the occasional nick from a claw to keep them awake, bleeding and going hoarse if the sound from the projections is anything to go on.
You disjoined one of my talismans. Your allies are doomed to a death of fools. Three mighty souls...
Mephistopheles' eyes slightly widened at the temerity of an interruption by some foolish mortal that a few minutes before stripped themselves of all spell-casting ability to destroy a minor artifact.
"They're of no value to you beyond moments of amusement. Three mighty souls indeed. Even in the deepest of the pits of Hell their deaths shan't give you a thing."
Minions need entertainment, mortal. Enough such amusement will break them. Horrid infernal things swoop into view about the trio with but a casual gesture. Things with appendages and visages that make it clear as to just how well suited they are to breaking the bodies, minds, even souls of mortals.
"The petty distractions of demons is beneath ye. 'm thinkin' ye have a deal in mind."
Three souls to be sent forthwith to Pharasma's Boneyard. Three terms of service to me. Die in my service, your soul is mine to do with as I see fit. Complete your terms of service, you are absolved and free."
The Hellspawn abominations circle my friends, eager to begin their cruel work.
"How long do ye have in mind for a term of service?" I can't believe I'm doing this. But for my friends' immortal souls...
Six hundred sixty and six days per term for a total of one thousand nine hundred ninety and eight days of service.
"Six hundred sixty-six days per term. All three terms to be served consecutively, starting at the moment we come to an accord. The three souls are specifically those of the mortals known to me as Joe Manco, Angel Eyes and Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan Maria Ramirez, to be sent to Pharasma's Boneyard at the moment we come to an accord. My soul is forfeit if I am irretrievably killed during your service. I am free in the entirety upon completion."
Asmodeus dipped his head ever so slightly showing a minute fraction of respect.
We have an accord on this the ninety-ninth day of your six hundred sixty-sixth year of life, Lota Albusa.
On the images Joe, Angel Eyes and Tuco are instantaneously incinerated by blasts of fire. The projections shift to show their arrival in Pharasma's Boneyard amidst the shattered remnants of Ydersius' skull before winking out.
A temporary attitude adjustment is in order while you are in my service, mortal. Your terms of service begin ... NOW.
Asmodeus' ruby staff points at me, crackling with thrumming power while actinic energies build within the malevolent crystal before lashing forth to encapsulate me in excruciating agony. I'm not sure whether the howling scream is mine, that of the maelstrom about me ... or both.
Roaring hell-fire washes out all sensory input save the desiccation of my flesh while almost inconceivable pain shoots along nerves I did not know were part of human anatomy. The pain is especially intense in the palm of my right hand, my off-hand?
Years of training pass in mere moments while enduring the dark crucible of Asmodeus' 'temporary attitude adjustment'.
While in service to the Dark Prince what matters is that I am advancing His agenda with the new tools at my disposal: fear, malevolence and tyranny; deception and trickery; brute force and stealth ...
Servant, you are here. Try not to die before your service is more than mere minutes old...

"Lota Albusa" |

Epilogue to Hell’s Rebels ... okay, a Prologue to Way of the Wicked
Pain ... indescribable agony ... my flesh searing ... the scent surprisingly appetizing, as if my body is comprised of a blend of lean venison and pork in a delicious amalgamation.
.I am Zepar, servant of Asmodeus, assigned to guide your ... transformation. A small slice of eternity passes as the Archstar brands itself into the palm of my right hand at the behest of the Prince of Darkness, disappearing wholly from view when the heat cools and its pink-white light subsides. Along with who I was, ushering in who I am for the coming 1,998 days ... who I will be for all eternity should I die before that time is complete.
Now to see if you are as worthy as the Lord of the Ninth believes you to be, mortal.
Agony anew as I struggle suddenly ... to swim?! Flotsam ... no, wreckage, the hull of my ship behind me aflame. Rough hands drag me out of the ocean before the undertow sucks me down to Davey Jones’ locker.
“So this is the notorious Free Captain Lota, eh? You don’t look like so much now, crispy one.” Excruciation this is not, thought I immediately sympathize as fresh pain shoots through my own seemingly still-cooking body. “Surgeon, see to it the ‘fair Captain’ Ugly here doesn’t die on us before we return to Talingarde.”
“Aye aye, Cap’n Sambryl.”
The surgeon’s ‘ministrations’ barely keep me alive on the voyage.
“As the ‘Captain’ of that ship, you are to be flogged into submission until your trial as punishment for the lives you most assuredly took, pirate scum. Tie this cretin to the main mast!” Daily, flogged until the pain drove me back into the increasingly welcome embrace of darkness.
During the evenings on this voyage the carousing of the deck crew are strangely comforting as the memories of my past years rapidly slip into a shielding fog or stupor, as if I were sharing both grog and stories with this ship’s crew. All that remains is despair, pain ... transformation ...
Unsure of the length of the voyage save only by the floggings that drive my face into that mast, nine times. Nine long excoriating floggings that sought to strip every ounce of flesh from my charred form. Respite found only in snatched dreams, sipping from bowls of watery stew and brackish water. The surgeon’s peat-based poultices become anathema. So long as that stench fills my nose shall it be known that the justice of the righteous can be as cruel as the claws of daemons.
Clad only in a ragged shift and manacles they drag me out of the hammock, down the splintery gangplank to swiftly follow one Captain Edmund Sambryl to a magistrate’s court in an unfamiliar city flying unfamiliar banners save those bearing the red and white sword-and-sun of Iomedae.
Hrm ... well, not completely unfamiliar. There was that one ship in the Shackles we came across and chased down. Turns out they were carrying a cargo of high-grade naphtha from Thuvia when a most unfortunate ballista bolt punched through their cargo hold. The conflagration was impressive, the loss of life, ship and plunder, total. Turns out that ship hailed from here. Who knew?
“For your crimes of piracy on the high seas as attested to by Captain Sambryl and further presumed upon you by this court, you are hereby sentenced to hang by the neck until dead, your corpse thence to be displayed in a gibbet at the entrance to Matharyn’s harbor until the gulls pick your flesh clean from your bones. Bailiffs see to it that the prisoner is transported to Branderscar Prison for execution. Sap this cur so that it remains unconscious for the journey.” “What, no ...” well, you get the idea.
They made sure I had food and water regularly before beating me unconscious again.
Despair ... pain ... at the willing, sun-loving hands of those that believe themselves just in all that they do. ... transformation ...
Groggy from the sapping during the journey I awaken just in time to suffer the further humiliation of branding on the inside of my right forearm before being unceremoniously manacled and clapped in irons bolted to the wall of a stinking cell. “Ugly, you’ve got three days to make your peace, though it shan’t be by Iomedae’s grace you forsaken wretch.”
I peer out and finally catch a look at a crude calendar marked on the wall outside of the cell. 24th July, 16th year of the reign of King Markadian ‘the Brave’ V.