Possible Bestiary 6 Errata

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Dark Archive

p. 7 Alp

minor formatting: SLA concentration has th in value should be just 13
"Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th; concentration +13th)"

Dark Archive

p. 50 Boggart

Feat Pre Req: Improved Drag is missing prereq feat Power Attack

Dark Archive

p. 66 Coral Capuchin

Skill:Climb: Computed: 11 Stat Block: 6
Skill:Swim: Computed: 11 Stat Block: 6

Dex should be used not Str for Climb and Swim due to Tiny size

Climb +11 = +0 ranks, +3 Dex +8 climb speed
Swim +11 = +0 ranks, +3 Dex +8 swim speed

Dark Archive

p. 77 Daemon, Erodaemon

SLA DC-utter contempt: Computed: 22 Stat Block: 20
10 +6 Spell.SLA_Level +6 AbilityBonus (Cha)

Dark Archive

p. 109 Elder Wyrm
Special Ability:
Synchronized Strike (ex) An elder wyrm's two heads work in perfect concert when making attacks, snaking apart to strike targets from opposite directions. Once per round, the elder wyrm can perform two bite attacks as an attack action, such as when performing a charge or making an attack or opportunity. When an elder wyrm uses both bite attacks against a creature that is at least one size category smaller than it is, the elder wyrm s treated as if both heads were flanking the target for the purposes of resolving the attacks.

Dark Archive

p. 79 Daitengu

Feat Pre Req: Snatch Arrows is missing prereq feat Deflect Arrows

The rougarou list it's bite damage as a d6 in the creature's stats but the rules for it as a 0HD says it's bite damage is a d4.

P.20 Archdevil Belial

Missing a melee attack... since he's wielding a speed weapon.



P.140 Gold Golem

Shouldn't it get a weapon attack with the scepter?


P.267 Troop, Goblin

Melee troop (2d6 plus overwhelm)

Dark Archive


Skill Over HD Max:Perform [comedy]: Computed: 17 HD: 14

Skill Points Exceeded : -3
Skills Ranks: 126 = 0 class skills +126 race skills
Bluff +21 = +14 ranks, +4 Cha, +3 class skill
Fly +14 = +14 ranks, +3 Dex, +3 class skill -2 Large -4 poor
Perception +19 = +14 ranks, +2 Wis, +3 class skill
Perform (comedy) +21 = +17 ranks, +4 Cha
Sense Motive +19 = +14 ranks, +2 Wis, +3 class skill
Spellcraft +20 = +14 ranks, +3 Int, +3 class skill
Use Magic Device +21 = +14 ranks, +4 Cha, +3 class skill
Knowledge (local) +20 = +14 ranks, +3 Int, +3 class skill
Knowledge (planes) +20 = +14 ranks, +3 Int, +3 class skill

Dark Archive

p. 100 Adult Havoc Dragon

Melee Attack Bonus-Bite: Computed: 26 Stat Block: 27
20 BAB +8 AbilityBonus -2 SizeMod -2 Multiattack

Melee Attack Bonus-Tail Slap: Computed: 24 Stat Block: 25
20 BAB +8 AbilityBonus -2 SizeMod -2 Multiattack -2 Secondary

Skill Over HD Max:Perform [comedy| sing]: Computed: 23 HD: 20

Skill Points Unused : 17
Skills Ranks: 220 = 0 class skills +220 race skills
Bluff +29 = +20 ranks, +6 Cha, +3 class skill
Diplomacy +29 = +20 ranks, +6 Cha, +3 class skill
Fly +17 = +20 ranks, +2 Dex, +3 class skill -4 Huge -4 poor
Perception +27 = +20 ranks, +4 Wis, +3 class skill
Perform (comedy| sing) +29 = +23 ranks, +6 Cha
Sense Motive +27 = +20 ranks, +4 Wis, +3 class skill
Spellcraft +28 = +20 ranks, +5 Int, +3 class skill
Use Magic Device +29 = +20 ranks, +6 Cha, +3 class skill
Knowledge (local) +28 = +20 ranks, +5 Int, +3 class skill
Knowledge (planes) +28 = +20 ranks, +5 Int, +3 class skill

p. 49

The entry refers to the Rawhead as being on page 242. The Rawhead is actually found on page 241.

Pg. 244, Ximtal Sakhil.


When transmitted via contact with another victim, the save DC to resist the disease decreases by 4, so that only a successful DC 27 Fortitude save is needed to resist contracting the sickness from an infected host or to avoid its ongoing ravages.

Forsaken Agony: Bite—injury; save Fort DC 29; onset immediate; frequency 1/day; effect 1d6 Wisdom drain plus sensory loss; cure 2 consecutive saves.

These are inconsistent. Either the penalty is only to decrease the DC by 2, or either the original or modified DC is wrong.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Plausible Pseudonym wrote:

Pg. 244, Ximtal Sakhil.


When transmitted via contact with another victim, the save DC to resist the disease decreases by 4, so that only a successful DC 27 Fortitude save is needed to resist contracting the sickness from an infected host or to avoid its ongoing ravages.

Forsaken Agony: Bite—injury; save Fort DC 29; onset immediate; frequency 1/day; effect 1d6 Wisdom drain plus sensory loss; cure 2 consecutive saves.
These are inconsistent. Either the penalty is only to decrease the DC by 2, or either the original or modified DC is wrong.

Is it including the despoil ability?

KingOfAnything wrote:
Plausible Pseudonym wrote:

Pg. 244, Ximtal Sakhil.


When transmitted via contact with another victim, the save DC to resist the disease decreases by 4, so that only a successful DC 27 Fortitude save is needed to resist contracting the sickness from an infected host or to avoid its ongoing ravages.

Forsaken Agony: Bite—injury; save Fort DC 29; onset immediate; frequency 1/day; effect 1d6 Wisdom drain plus sensory loss; cure 2 consecutive saves.
These are inconsistent. Either the penalty is only to decrease the DC by 2, or either the original or modified DC is wrong.
Is it including the despoil ability?

It shouldn't for either, and it would be especially wrong to apply it to the transmission, which obviously could happen more than 1,000 feet from the Ximtal. But yeah, maybe that's why the author did it wrong.

Dark Archive


Ref: Computed: 17 Stat Block: 19
+0 ClassMod +16 RaceMod +-1 DexMod +2 Lightning Reflexes

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 10-11 Animus Shade

The Rend Psyche ability description states it deals a number of d4s equal to the shade's CR, but the stat block lists this attack doing 9d6 damage. Not sure which is correct, d4s or d6s.

Dark Archive

p. 108 Elder Wyrm

Feat Pre Req: Greater Spell Penetration is missing prereq feat Spell Penetration

Dark Archive

p. 122 Eurypterid, Common

minor formatting--should be semicolon between poison's save and frequency not comma "save Fort DC 12,frequency 1/round for 4"

Dark Archive

p. 122 Eurypterid, Spiny

minor formatting--should be semicolon between poison's save and frequency not comma

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 54 Charnel God - Is the severance ability supposed to interfere with divine spell casting and supernatural abilities? The phrasing "must attempt a DC 35 Will save to avoid being cut off from the divine" suggests an effect like that, but the ability instead simply stuns and staggers them, which doesn't sound like "being cut off from the divine" to me. It certainly sounds like a secondary effect of BEING cut off from the divine, but nothing about this actually cuts them from any divine abilities as written.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 59 Clockwork Assassin - What exactly is sentinel mode? The skills section of the stat block mentions a +20 racial bonus to Perception in sentinel mode, but none of the special abilities mention a sentinel mode. The closest is a standby mode, but that actually imposes a -4 penalty to Perception.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 64 Conqueror Worm - shouldn't it have the grab special ability on its bite (and the associated bonus to CMB for grapple)? Without this, it can never actually swallow whole, since that ability only triggers when "a creature with this special attack beings its turn with an opponent grappled in its mouth (see Grab)."

JoelF847 wrote:
p. 64 Conqueror Worm - shouldn't it have the grab special ability on its bite (and the associated bonus to CMB for grapple)? Without this, it can never actually swallow whole, since that ability only triggers when "a creature with this special attack beings its turn with an opponent grappled in its mouth (see Grab)."

If this is true it also applies to several other monsters. I'm weak on grapple rules, but it certainly seems to be true that Swallow Whole is supposed to come with Grab on the bite, there's not provision I can see for transferring a normal grapple or claw Grab to the mouth through any kind of action.

Here are monsters in this book with Swallow Whole who do not have Grab on their bite attack:

Conqueror Worm
Giant, Mountain (no bite attack or Grab at all!)
Horseman, Trelmarixian
Kaiju, Vorgozen (no bite attack at all)

The assumption of the developer seems to be that any sort of grab transfers to the mouth on the next turn as a free/no action if they have Swallow Whole, and as a free action on this turn if they have Fast Swallow. Compare Starfish, Giant:

Stomach special ability wrote:
Stomach (Ex) The giant starfish can invert its stomach to attack prey up to 20 feet away. The hook-lined opening to the starfish’s stomach is a primary attack that deals piercing damage. If a giant starfish successfully grapples a foe with its stomach, it gains the benefit of the fast swallow universal monster rule and can swallow the target immediately rather than waiting until the start of its next turn. It does not trigger a fast swallow effect if it grapples a foe with a slam attack.

The implication here and in the above block sis that a normal grapple, combined with Swallow Whole or Fast Swallow, allows it to trigger, but that's not reflected in the actual Swallow Whole rules, which don't explain how it ever gets into the mouth if something other than the mouth initiates the grapple via another appendage Grab or a regular grapple attempt.

Dark Archive

p.124 Exoskeleton

missing Ecology section, none of the example templated monsters has an Ecology section.
I know there are multiple examples of the template being applied but at least one should have an Ecology Section

Plausible Pseudonym wrote:
Giant, Mountain (no bite attack or Grab at all!)

Mountain giant gains grab when it uses its impale ability.

Dark Archive

p. 130 Fungus Queen

Skill Over HD Max:Disguise: Computed: 15 HD: 12
Skill Over HD Max:Sense Motive: Computed: 15 HD: 12
Skill Over HD Max:Use Magic Device: Computed: 15 HD: 12

Skill:Knowledge (dungeoneering): Computed: 4 Stat Block: 10
Skill:Knowledge (planes): Computed: 4 Stat Block: 10

Skills Ranks: 72 = 0 class skills +72 race skills
Total Ranks Used 72
Bluff +22 = +15 ranks, +7 Cha
Disguise +28 = +15 ranks, +7 Cha +3 SkillFocus+3 SkillFocus-Disguise 10 ranks
Perception +18 = +12 ranks, +3 Wis, +3 class skill
Sense Motive +18 = +15 ranks, +3 Wis
Use Magic Device +22 = +15 ranks, +7 Cha
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4 = +0 ranks, +4 Int
Knowledge (planes) +4 = +0 ranks, +4 Int

Dark Archive

p.133 Giant, Mountain

has "SPECIAL ATTACKS" instead of "SPECIAL ABILITIES" after Ecology section

Dark Archive

p.135 Giant, Shadow

Naming convention-- you have "GIANT, SHADOW CR 13" it should be "SHADOW GIANT CR 13" to following other Giant naming convention in B6

Dark Archive

p.135 Giant, Tomb

Naming convention-- you have "GIANT, TOMB CR 12" it should be "TOMB GIANT CR 12" to following other Giant naming convention in B6

Kaiju, Vorgozen

Has acid resistance and acid immunity listed, since acid immunity is it's only energy immunity then the acid resistance is incorrect.

Dark Archive

p. 154 Herecite

formatting -- last two paragraphs in description suddenly became italicized

p. 238 Qlippoth Lord, Thuskchoon


Nearly Mindless (Ex) Thuskchoon’s limited intellect and his

overwhelming hunger combine to make the creature nearly mindless in his actions. Unless he uses his intellectual flash ability or gains the benefit of false intellect, he cannot activate any spell-like abilities and his tactical choices in combat are those of a violent animal. While in his nearly mindless state, Thuskchoon gains a +8 bonus on all saving throws against mind-affecting effects.

Thuskchoon always has immunity to mind-affecting effects, this is redundant unless you're worried about the rare demigod or artifact that can overcome such immunity.

Dark Archive

p. 162 Lovelorn

SLA DC-crushing despair: Computed: 17 Stat Block: 16
10 +4 Spell.SLA_Level +3 AbilityBonus (Cha)

Dark Archive

p. 197 Munavri

minor formatting -- class level comes before monster source "Female munavri mesmerist (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 38) 1"

should be "Female munavri mesmerist 1(Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 38)"

"Spell Like Abilities" should have hyphen "Spell-Like Abilities"

Dark Archive

p.198 Naga, Dream

Skill Over HD Max:Knowledge (planes): Computed: 16 HD: 13

Skills Ranks: 104 = 0 class skills +104 race skills
Acrobatics +22 = +13 ranks, +6 Dex, +3 class skill
Bluff +16 = +13 ranks, +3 Cha
Fly +20 = +13 ranks, +6 Dex, +3 class skill -2 Large +0 average
Knowledge (arcana) +17 = +10 ranks, +4 Int, +3 class skill
Knowledge (planes) +20 = +16 ranks, +4 Int
Perception +24 = +13 ranks, +2 Wis, +3 class skill +3 SkillFocus+3 SkillFocus-Perception 10 ranks
Sense Motive +15 = +13 ranks, +2 Wis
Survival +18 = +13 ranks, +2 Wis, +3 class skill

Silver Crusade

P.117 enthrope, weremantis

The hybrid form of this creature utilizes her claws alongside her flurry of blows, natural weapons cannot be used alongside a flurry.

Dark Archive

p. 215 Psoglav

SLA Concentration-Spell-Like Abilities: Computed: 12 Stat Block: 11
12 Caster Level +0 Charisma modifier

Dark Archive

p. 217 Psychopomp, Algea

SLA DC-plane shift: Computed: 25 Stat Block: 27
10 +7 Spell.SLA_Level +8 AbilityBonus (Cha)

Dark Archive

p. 225 Qlippoth, Cataboligne

you included +20 natural for Touch AC when you shouldn't have
AC Value Touch : Computed: 11 Stat Block: 31

Dark Archive

p. 241 Rawhead

SLA DC-hold person: Computed: 18 Stat Block: 19
10 +3 Spell.SLA_Level +5 AbilityBonus (Cha)

Dark Archive

p. 246 Sahkil, Zohanil

SLA DC-overwhelming grief: Computed: 18 Stat Block: 20
10 +4 Spell.SLA_Level +4 AbilityBonus (Cha)

Dark Archive

p. 263 Thessalhydra


Paizo Employee Developer

chopswil wrote:

p. 246 Sahkil, Zohanil

SLA DC-overwhelming grief: Computed: 18 Stat Block: 20
10 +4 Spell.SLA_Level +4 AbilityBonus (Cha)

The SLA overwhelming grief has the emotion descriptor, so it gets the +2 to the DC from the emotional focus special ability.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 117-119 Entothropes (weremantis, werespider, werewasp)

(minor formatting): Shouldn't the vermin shape II listed in their change shape ability reference Ultimate Magic with a superscript?

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 118 werespider - looks like it's missing a rogue talent as a 2nd level rogue.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 127 Fen Mauler - why does the trophy hunter ability allow them to select pounce as a special ability since they already have that. Alternatively, should pounce not be listed and is possibly an artifact from a stat block that did include trophy hunter abilities assigned?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
chopswil wrote:

p. 225 Qlippoth, Cataboligne

you included +20 natural for Touch AC when you shouldn't have
AC Value Touch : Computed: 11 Stat Block: 31

You may wish to reference the cataboligne's deflective carapace ability. As the saying goes: it's not a bug, it's a giant engine of Abyssal destruction feature.

In related news, I finally got my copies and everything looks amazing. ^_^

Dark Archive

p. Zombie, Spore

minor formatting: semicolon should separate CMB and CMD not comma "CMB +7 (+11 grapple), CMD 18 (26 vs. trip)"

CMD: Computed: 17 Stat Block: 18
10 +3 BAB +4 StrModUsed +0 DexMod +0 SizeMod

JoelF847 wrote:
p. 127 Fen Mauler - why does the trophy hunter ability allow them to select pounce as a special ability since they already have that. Alternatively, should pounce not be listed and is possibly an artifact from a stat block that did include trophy hunter abilities assigned?

I am unsure, but I think the statted-up Fen Mauler is supposed to be using his trophy hunter ability to get pounce.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

Eric Hinkle wrote:
JoelF847 wrote:
p. 127 Fen Mauler - why does the trophy hunter ability allow them to select pounce as a special ability since they already have that. Alternatively, should pounce not be listed and is possibly an artifact from a stat block that did include trophy hunter abilities assigned?
I am unsure, but I think the statted-up Fen Mauler is supposed to be using his trophy hunter ability to get pounce.

That's what I thought, but the text of the trophy hunter ability indicates it's not in the stat block.

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