Talonhawke |
I don't know how many people have played any of the Cortex system games, but a common theme in these games is a pool of dice that move between the player and GM in one way or another based on the system to create tension. Basicly if the GM has a lot of dice on his side test are more likely to have higher DC's (the systems usually allow up to 3 total dice to be used to make a final result but any number of dice availble may be rolled at once.) while the players having alot of dice means things are calmer and safe as they can more easily overcome challenges.
What I am considering using would be the standard hero point rules but also having the GM have a pool to start each adventure with as well. When the GM wishes he can spend a dice on a roll (more than likely with less options than players) and give it to the player most effected when players spend these dice they return to the GM's pool.
Some options i though of using to go along with it might include.
1. Allowing players to attempt stunts to buy dice for later. Basicly attempting something dangerous with a chance of failure success means they get the dice failure the GM would.
2. Have the extra dice on the players side simply be a pool as well with dice available to anyone in the party's use.
What do you all think?