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David knott 242 |

Not new news. Capaldi announced his intention to leave 2 years ago. When he's replaced, so will be Steven Moffat, as he's leaving as well.
Steven Moffat's departure after season 10 has been known for some time. The last word before the recent news in regard to Peter Capaldi was that he had no intention of leaving Doctor Who any time soon, so this announcement that he is leaving after season 10 is news.

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Yeah, the Capaldi era should have been called the Clara era.
Eccleston and Capaldi are both my favorites in the new era.
It has nothing to do with the writing and more to do with the Doctor's personality.
McCoy is still my favorite overall.

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I had a weird experience with nuwho. My usual process is to hate the new doctor until they can grow on me and I can let go of the previous. I liked Eccleston in the role and was sad to see him leave so quickly. Tennant fit that trend perfectly I couldn't stand the new guy but eventually Tennant grew on me. However, Matt Smith I loved right away which bucked the trend. By the end of Smith's run I was nearly done with Who. I couldn't care enough to get into capaldi mostly due to Moffat's showrunning. It pretty much killed Who for me.

Calybos1 |
I had a weird experience with nuwho. My usual process is to hate the new doctor until they can grow on me and I can let go of the previous. I liked Eccleston in the role and was sad to see him leave so quickly. Tennant fit that trend perfectly I couldn't stand the new guy but eventually Tennant grew on me. However, Matt Smith I loved right away which bucked the trend. By the end of Smith's run I was nearly done with Who. I couldn't care enough to get into capaldi mostly due to Moffat's showrunning. It pretty much killed Who for me.
That mirrors my own experience. Capaldi seems to be an excellent actor; too bad he was handed such a crap show to work on.

Goth Guru |

Pertwee was the first Dr. Who I ever saw, and Tom Baker taught me to never confuse the character with the actor. I won't get alarmed by a new Dr. Who. I'm just glad there is one. Missy is kind of a joke.
What they need is a story Arch. The time war and end of the universe are becoming stale. What they need is a conspiracy to create new universes, with The Doctor as the crucial element. The paradise project is where those last humans were headed for, and the doctor arrives a few thousand years before. Scientists of several races are trying to create extra dimensional spaces. Project A and B collapsed immediately. When the doctor arrives(after being directed there by several adventures running into interested parties) he notices that using pieces of a mini scope and a time scoop, you could insert a large mass causing a universe to form. When he puts the ultimate dalek fleet into early D space, they find themselves millennia from any heavy metals. He could use Terminus to light the big bang for E-Space. He could then shift late Gallifrey to G space.

Greylurker |

Bloody hell, how did they manage that
The old costumes for the Cybermen, which you would think would look silly and dated on modern shows.
and somehow, they made them utterly terrifying.
ok correction, yet again, Dr. Who made something that should be silly, utterly terrifying.
g@~ d&$n that gave me the shivers.

Bjørn Røyrvik |
I have made no secret of my love for Moffat, which is close to Freehold's love of Joss Whedon (though not quite so unnuanced).
First of all: Missy. Terrible idea, terrible character, terrible all around.
Second: The slamming in our face of 'Doctor Who'. Yes, Steve, we know you're trying to be clever. Stop it.
Third: why does a really big starship look like it's made from early 20th century buildings down below? The whole hospital scene is because Steve finds that scary. It worked in The Empty Child/Doctor Dances (which is frankly the only good DW Moffat has ever done) because it was a scene that was appropriate to the setting. It doesn't work here. Moffat is seemingly incapable of considering whether any given idea or scene that pops into his head actually fits with the scene or the story or show in general.
At least the entire premise of the episode wasn't terrible, as so much of the stuff he's done has been.

MMCJawa |

I actually love Missy. I also like that Moffat stopped the trend of killing off the bad guys that we knew were never going to stay permanently dead, How many times were the daleks wiped out by the last showrunner, only to keep popping back up?
I do think though that Moffat has long run out of ideas. This season has been an improvement over the last couple however.

Kileanna |

I liked the previous episode (watched it the other day but forgot to comment) but as Moffat usually writes poor endings despite the mood can be great I am still waiting for the second part to come out to give a full opinion.
I'll be watching it tomorrow morning, I hope, expecting the ending is not disappointing.

Voss |

Very disappointed.
The first part was the first good episode of a rather mediocre season. (Which sadly is a step up for the writing of the last couple seasons). This was a train wreck.
Major plotholes, made the only interesting plot line for the entire season completely pointless and basically rehashed the worst elements of Asylum of the Daleks.
I can't even figure out what's motivating the Doctor's vehemence at the very end.

Greylurker |

I'd say time. This incarnation of the Doctor had a lot of it that we didn't see. The years he spent living that one night with his wife, years spent babysitting Missy's vault.
I think the only one who had as much time would be Matt Smith's but most of his years were spent fending off the invasion of Christmass town by...well everyone. So I would say Capaldi had a lot more "good" years under his belt than most incarnations.
Capaldi's Doctor was an old man who had settled into being who he was, who rather liked being who he was.
And now he is going to get a lesson from .... well lets face it, when you get right down to it, the stroppy teenager who stole the family car and went on a joy ride.
why the fellow is barely a few hundred years old

Ambrosia Slaad |
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The BBC has officially announced (Twitter video clip) the new actor who'll be portraying the Doctor after he regenerates...
Edit: Whether we agree with their casting decision or not, can we please be respectful of each other and not create more work for Paizo Mods?

Ambrosia Slaad |
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Hopefully the new showrunner won't Moffet-up this new regeneration's character development. I also think the new actor is a good choice and I'm hopeful they'll let the actor breathe new life into the character. Which isn't a complaint against Capaldi; he valiantly worked his hardest against Moffet's and script limitations. My only regret (other than CraigyFerg not guest acting on an episode) is that Michelle Gomez is out of the show. It would have being amazing to see her play against the new Doctor.