DM vs Alchemist

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Hello all. Now that my alchemist is lvl 8 and getting multiple bombs per round, and hitting touch... My DM is not happy at all. For the most part, as long as I don't roll a 1 I can hit with every bomb. He feels that class is broken and is having a hard time figuring out what to throw at us other than trying to focus all mobs on me every battle, which would suck because I'm squishy. He found that demons and devils have a higher touch, dex, and resistance to pretty much anything I throw at them, but doesn't want to change his whole dragon campaign into a demon & devil campaign.

Do you all have any suggestions as to help balance this back out?

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Honestly, the easiest solution on the DM's end is to just limit how much you're allowed to rest.

The downside to throwing, say, 3 bombs per round (2 from BAB and +1 from rapid shot), is that you only have 8+Int mod bombs per day. That's probably, what, four full attacks for the entire day and then you've burned your resources?

It also cost you a discovery (Fast Bombs).

I realize that our gaming group's style is "unusual" to some, but we always push extremely hard in between rest periods. Part of that is gentlemen's agreement, but another part of that is that we've all experienced greedily resting only to be punished for doing so. There have actually been multiple occasions where we've gained two levels in between rests, to give you an idea of how far we'll push before backing off.

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I've always felt the Alchemist is broken and won't allow them in a game I run.

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Weaknesses/ issues with bombs that should not be forgotten: they are limited number per day; they are subject to the standard ranged attack problems of cover, attacking into melee, and range penalties; they are AOE. Sure there are feats and discoveries to cover some of these issues, but if you spend all of your build resources on one thing, you should be good at it.

Dragons have servants. Servants are mad your trying to kill their master/god/leader. A few of them are monks with the scailed fist archetype (I think that's what its called) specifically to provide a challenge to you.

Monks tend to have good touch AC, and if he doesn't like the monk flavor he could also just give the bad guys some potions of resist energy. That should make the hits you land a bit less impactful, bringing you more in line with the rest of the party.

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I'd recommend that your DM review the alchemist class including the FAQ and errata to make sure they are running it correctly. Touch AC to hit the target but only splash damage to the surrounding squares. There are many ways to err when running this class. Alchemists aren't broken, bad players and DMs run them incorrectly.

The greater/true dragons tend to have spellcasting - Resist Energy would effectively limit you, or make you get creative to use enough power to be of use but still not your full power.

Or minions to cast some low-level resist spells on it, or those monks derpdidruid mentioned.

(As I've learned from running Hell's Vengeance with an Alchemical Sapper Alchemist in the party, the problem is that stacking everything of importance on one enemy is something the alchemist counters.)

Liberty's Edge

For Dragons, there's also the spell Scales of Deflection which only buys them one round, but does buy them that and is pretty neat.

Resist Energy also helps a lot, and can indeed make a Dragon basically immune to a particular Alchemist depending on the Dragon's color and the Alchemist's discoveries. It should also be on most Dragon's spell lists most of the time.

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Level 8, get Holy Bombs and/or Force Bombs.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

How big is your party? If it's even a little bit average or bigger in size, most fights should have multiple opponents. If the opponents stay just a little bit away from each other, you can only focus fire on one of them at a time.

I've only run one or two alchemists, but they were fun to GM "against." They're pretty versatile, so you should be doing something different in each battle. Sometimes toss bombs, sometimes HULK out, sometimes hand out infusions to buff and/or heal, sometimes do archery/crossbowery, sometimes tank, sometimes debuff with poisons, etc. etc.

Want to know how to kill a mid-high level alchemist ? With level 1 NPCs ?

Can you say level 1 Dex 15 Monks with snatch arrows (yes you can have it at level 1 , imp unarmed strike free, deflect arrows bonus feat, snatch arrows level 1 feat.)

DM "You just walked into an unholy temple the monks look pissed. "
Alchemist " no problem I throw one force bomb at each of the nearest , that's 7 bombs total...*rolls*.... heh like I need to"
DM " you hit all of th..."
Alchemsit " sweet I roll dam.."
DM " I'm not finished , you hit all 7 but they catch you bombs in flight and redirect them back towards you. What's your touch AC ?
Alchemsit" wait don't they roll to catch them ?"
DM "Nope, your touch AC please"
Alchemist " ummm like 13"
DM " 5 of the force bombs hit you direct, the other 2 hit you for splash damage, now you can roll your damage"
Alchemist " *Sqweak*"

And that with a bunch of level 1 throw away's he hasent even seen the BBEG monk yet.

Also wind walls ! Oh look 30% of your bombs miss

Displacement of look half your bombs miss.

Mirror image , well 5 bombs later your hitting the right target.

These are all good ideas! Thank you I will pass them along.

Dark Archive

Enlisting small minions (fey) can be very problematic because at 3/4 BAB and with no ability to add standard magic bonuses (i.e. +2 sword) your normal attack bonus as an alchemist isn't all that great compared to a normal melee character. Those have given me some tough fights in PFS. The energy resistance is also a big one. I prioritized force bombs as a discovery over fast bombs because of it. That said if your GM is running a campaign were it is white dragon focused your alchemist is going to look ridiculous.

Dark Archive

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Phasics, that's a cool plan. Adding my 2cp worth of pedantry:

PRD wrote:
Bombs are unstable, and if not used in the round they are created, they degrade and become inert

So the monks in question need to go after the alchemist in the same round. I thought the feat Throw Back Arrows would help, but it specifies ammunition, which bombs are not.

mirror image doesn't it get ruined by being damage. and bombs do splash damage.....

Alchemists with Fast Bombs might be one of the most burst damage capable classes in the game. But that isnt game breaking, it just means you cant face off against single large baddies in one per day fights. But there are way too many ways for one per day and one battle per day scenarios to be steamrolled by players and the game falls apart when played like that.

What would you say is a typical scenario for your fights?

Is the GM tracking on how limited your bombs are? You have, what, 13 or 14 per day, yeah? you can drop at most 5 per round for ~20D6+30 dished out in increments of about 20 elemental damage per hit, right? so energy resist 10 will half your damage output right off the bat. Even without energy resistance, getting 100 damage a round with haste at level 8 is just good, not unheard of. look at a barbarian with a +1 weapon who would be dropping a conservative 6D6+60, or ~81 with investing just high strength and power attack and is able to pull that off in every round instead of burning out in 3.

Is the GM tracking that each bomb is an individual source of damage and energy resistance applies to each?

Are enemies just bottle necking up to let you hit multiples at a time?

How much of your character's resources are tied up in those bombs? PBS, PS, RS, TWF... so perhaps all of your feats thus far? How many of your discoveries? if you have dedicated all of your resoures to doing one thing than yes, you are good at that one thing.


I would at least rule that the re-thrown bombs dont benefit from feats and abilities that the Monks dont have, ie, no INT to damage and only using the hit bonus of the monk's thrown attack. Still, ouch.

Ectar wrote:

Phasics, that's a cool plan. Adding my 2cp worth of pedantry:

PRD wrote:
Bombs are unstable, and if not used in the round they are created, they degrade and become inert
So the monks in question need to go after the alchemist in the same round. I thought the feat Throw Back Arrows would help, but it specifies ammunition, which bombs are not.

No, but they are Thrown Weapons, where Snatch Arrows comes in, with the line "Thrown weapons can immediately be thrown back as an attack against the original attacker (even though it isn't your turn) or kept for later use."

Java Man wrote:
Weaknesses/ issues with bombs that should not be forgotten: they are limited number per day; they are subject to the standard ranged attack problems of cover, attacking into melee, and range penalties; they are AOE. Sure there are feats and discoveries to cover some of these issues, but if you spend all of your build resources on one thing, you should be good at it.

Exactly these things.

You probably have about 11 or 12 bombs per day at 8th level. With your BAB and taking the feat Rapid Shot you can use 3 bombs per round, assuming you have Fast Bombs discover. You could use up to 5 if you had Two Weapon Fighting and Improved TWF (but it's not worth it IMO).

This means about 4 rounds per day where you can throw all your bombs.

Your bombs do 4d6 each, so you can do 12d6 in the round, average of 42 damage. But it's fire damage, which is commonly resisted. Unless you add another discovery to change it.

For context, at this level a wizard can cast scorching ray that will fire 2 rays that deal 4d6 each.

The other thing to remember are penalties, which you are probably forgetting OP because a lot of people do. Rapid Shot is a -2 to hit. Firing into melee (if applicable) -4 to hit. This probably doesn't come up much since hopefully you're not throwing bombs on top of allies, but if you've got selective bombs then you do have to worry. Bombs only have a 20ft range increment, -2 for every increment beyond (21-40ft -2 to hit, 41-60 ft -4 to hit, etc). Cover causes a -4 to hit (and any squares occupied by a creature between you and your target count as cover). It's very easy to have a -8 or more to your attack roll just from attacking into melee and attacking through an ally's square. So make sure you're applying those penalties.

Liberty's Edge

A word of caution though. Just make sure the DM does not target your character all the time. The above tactics are good within moderation. If not eventually your going to ask the DM if you should play a new character.

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zainale wrote:
mirror image doesn't it get ruined by being damage. and bombs do splash damage.....

It would, potentially, limit the amount of full damage the target would take.

Personally, I think a grenadier alchemist with Explosive Missile or the Launching Crossbow + Crossbow Mastery builds are scarier than a Fast Bombs build; and I'm with Claxon that when you compare this to what a wizard is doing, you're really not coming out that far ahead.

Yeah, at this level, you can have some devastating nova rounds, but you're spending so many resources to accomplish your trick. It - as others have said - *should* be good if you've devoted so much to it.

Compare even to a natural-attacking vivisectionist/beastmorph who doesn't *have* a daily limit. (Or the aforementioned barbarian.)

I agree that the best thing to do is limit sleep.

Once was in a game with a gnome alchemist (I helped him make it) and he was with the archer.

He tosses all these bombs (we were around 10th level) and cleans up. Archer leans over and says "man what the hell is this?" Having never seen the class (was a few years back)

I say "wait for it"

"OK guys I'm empty. I'll need to sleep"

"You can't sleep here. You must press on"

And there you go. It's a great one fight maybe two fight build. But 5 min adventure days are beyond stupid. Keep the pressure on group and they will keep moving. Let them rest and don't be surprised when the bad guys die quickly.

Who stays in the next room after hearing their friends die and the people that killed them make camp??!?!

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Technically, alchemists don't need to sleep to recover either their bombs or their extract slots. They just need to wait until the next day. Most of the time this means the same things, but they don't actually suffer from losing sleep, or 'casting' within 8 hours that spellcasters do.

Yeah, it's true that you can't cave to the 5 minute adventuring day.

Make sure your group fight 4 - 5 fights a day by conferring with your GM. You can only pull off this crazy routine 3 times a day, and aren't even necessarily likely to end a combat by doing so. At 42 average damage for level 8 that only really 1/2 to 2/3 the hp of many creatures.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Range increment on bombs is 20', max range is x5 so 100'. The alchemist is at -10 while even the short bow is only in the first increment so -2. Smart archers set up behind cover could provide a decent challenge to the whole group without specifically picking out the alchemist.

If the BBEG is a dragon (flyer) and it hears about the alchemist, it just has to stay at longer range until the alchemist is out of bombs.

As a general rule, Alchemists hate having to make Will saves.

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If an Alchemist with Fast Bombs is BREAKING your GM's game, then your GM is doing it wrong.

Or, you know, it's just a really powerful ability that targets one of the main foes of the game's weaknesses.

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Azten wrote:
Or, you know, it's just a really powerful ability that targets one of the main foes of the game's weaknesses.

Not sure I'd call sneak attack damage without a weapon 'really powerful'.

Dark Archive

Oh, that's neat. I didn't notice that line in the description for snatch arrows. Gonna store that away in the file of "Things to do to mess with my players"

swoosh wrote:
Azten wrote:
Or, you know, it's just a really powerful ability that targets one of the main foes of the game's weaknesses.
Not sure I'd call sneak attack damage without a weapon 'really powerful'.

To be fair, sneak attack damage is just increments of D6, Alchemists add static modifiers to it and can "stack" multiple sneak attacks reliably thanks to fast bombs. its not tons better but it is better. and as far as nova builds go it is good. but in the ends it is still just good, not amazing.

Of all the classes that can break a game, Alchemist tends to rank lower on the list, Your GM is lucky none of you are playing a real threat build. He obviously lacks imagination if he can't think of any pther ways to challenge you and your...three mightyish rounds of bomb throwing per day. Also, a lot of creatures resist fire, pro tip.

zerojjc wrote:

Hello all. Now that my alchemist is lvl 8 and getting multiple bombs per round, and hitting touch... My DM is not happy at all. For the most part, as long as I don't roll a 1 I can hit with every bomb. He feels that class is broken and is having a hard time figuring out what to throw at us other than trying to focus all mobs on me every battle, which would suck because I'm squishy. He found that demons and devils have a higher touch, dex, and resistance to pretty much anything I throw at them, but doesn't want to change his whole dragon campaign into a demon & devil campaign.

Do you all have any suggestions as to help balance this back out?

Dragons are spellcasters. Some of the savvy ones have Resist Energy and Protection from Energy in thier repetroire. There are other spells that can screw with ranged attacks such as wind wall, or mirror image just to name a few. Your DM needs to vary his tactics more and really study up on his dragons.

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Ectar wrote:
Oh, that's neat. I didn't notice that line in the description for snatch arrows. Gonna store that away in the file of "Things to do to mess with my players"

Only alchemists can throw their own bombs, they become inert for anyone else:

An alchemist's bomb, like an extract, becomes inert if used or carried by anyone else.

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Torbyne wrote:

To be fair, sneak attack damage is just increments of D6

yeah, the same increment at which bomb damage advances.

Alchemists add static modifiers to it

Well yeah, but so can rogues. And weapon damage too.

and can "stack" multiple sneak attacks reliably thanks to fast bombs.

Yeah but rogues can full attack too.

The point is that it's essentially equal or marginally better (in the absolute best case scenario) to what a rogue can do an unlimited number of times per day.

Well, a point in favor of the alchemist is that they can reliably sneak attack at range, for a full attack sequence. while targeting touch AC, often with a nifty rider effect to boot.

Obviously being able to do THAT an unlimited number of times per day would be mega-broken.

So, what... Do you ban the firearm training rogue talent?

Um, no?

I'm not saying the alchemist is overpowered. I'm saying if the alchemist had unlimited bombs it would be overpowered.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I think Swoosh is implying that firearms let rogues sneak attack at ranged against touch ACs. Maybe not every round, but possibly every other round.

SmiloDan wrote:

I think Swoosh is implying that firearms let rogues sneak attack at ranged against touch ACs. Maybe not every round, but possibly every other round.

Well sure, but full attack using rapid shot, TWF, with either an int or double int bonus to damage, bypassing DR, doing splash damage and inflicting effects like stagger, blindness, or knocking someone prone?

Without a chance of misfire?

No, sneak attack generally only applies on the first attack. Furthermore, there are plenty of creatures immune to precision damage. None immune to force damage, AFAIK.

Again, it's balanced because it's limited, but it sounds a bit more powerful than a rogue with a firearm.

The bypassing DR bit is a little misleading because most people I know, when they talk about bypassing DR are referring to using Silver against a Lycanthrope or something.

And hey, for the one combat you spent a bunch of your daily resources on, shouldn't you feel strong?

Azten wrote:

The bypassing DR bit is a little misleading because most people I know, when they talk about bypassing DR are referring to using Silver against a Lycanthrope or something.

And hey, for the one combat you spent a bunch of your daily resources on, shouldn't you feel strong?

We're comparing firearms vs. bombs. Firearms can get shut down by DR pretty easily, though if you're doing sneak attacks, DR/5 doesn't matter so much.

Bombs ignore DR, and if you have the right discovery, they will ignore energy resistance/immunity as well.

Again, I love alchemists. I'm not arguing that they are OP. But only because their daily resources are limited.

Oh, I'm not saying the generally are either. Just that, in this specific case(low Touch AC foes), it might be a little OP. It's no Wizard with Disintegrate or Enervation, but it's still up there.

Anything that can shut down supernatural abilities will neuter an alchemist about as effectively as it would a divine caster.

Snatch Arrows and similar abilities that negate ranged attacks will still affect bombs.

Any creature with a decent touch AC will be hard for you to hit, and an incorporeal creature will not only have a good touch AC but they only take half damage from most bomb types. The one type that can deal full damage without outside assistance lowers your damage dice.

Energy resistance is a low-level spell effect that scales remarkably well, and will at least temporarily negate the alchemist's bomb damage.

Large numbers of moderately-powerful enemies will do well against bomb-focused alchemists. You might do high damage to a single target, but the splash damage is negligible.

Alchemists who specialize in bomb usage provoke attacks of opportunity like every other ranged build, and judging by the wording of the Bomb ability it might still provoke even if you have an ability that allows you to make ranged attacks without provoking. If you can't maintain your distance, you can't safely throw all those bombs.

And there's the fact that you can't do this indefinitely. Even assuming your alchemist is a human and you dedicated your build to maximizing your number of bombs per day and per round, you're limited to 3 bombs per round with Rapid Shot and 14 (level + the Extra Bomb feat 3 times) plus your Intelligence modifier bombs per day.

I have had alchemist in my game and never found them to be problem. They can nova pretty good but run out resources fast. In tough fight they can use up all their bombs. Next encounter I can through weak opponents and still challenge the party as the alchemist out of resources.

So days encounters might APL equal, APL+1, APL+2, APL+1, APL+1 by the 3rd encounter the alchemist is out of bombs.

Personally, I'd like to say that I actually find bombs builds to be kind of weak because of their limited uses. Sure, you can nova real hard, for 3 rounds. And then you're done, and you've had to invest feats and discoveries into being able to nova for 3 rounds.

Personally I prefer archetypes that trade out bombs and give me something that will last longer.

zainale wrote:
mirror image doesn't it get ruined by being damage. and bombs do splash damage.....

splash damage dose not effect mirror image. the images only pop if directly hi by an attack.

Diachronos wrote:

Large numbers of moderately-powerful enemies will do well against bomb-focused alchemists. You might do high damage to a single target, but the splash damage is negligible.

Depends on the build. Certain Alchemists can get pretty high damage with their bombs splash damage but those are more controller orientated.

That and there are controller-specific discoveries that can lay down stinking clouds and high DC grease and entanglement area effects.

Claxon wrote:

Personally, I'd like to say that I actually find bombs builds to be kind of weak because of their limited uses. Sure, you can nova real hard, for 3 rounds. And then you're done, and you've had to invest feats and discoveries into being able to nova for 3 rounds.

Personally I prefer archetypes that trade out bombs and give me something that will last longer.

This is why I'm a big fan of Favored Class Bonuses that give me extra bombs (or extra damage on bombs, so that I don't have to throw as many to end an encounter!). It's a relatively minor resource investment that allows the Alchemist to get an extra round of full nova, or multiple extra rounds of throwing a bomb a turn (which is sometimes all that is needed).

But the great thing about Alchemist is that they have other things to do besides throw bombs all day. Even when they run out of bombs, they still have extracts and the mutagen (provided the alchemist didn't use it to squeeze out a little more accuracy/damage out of the bombs, which imo is not a smart use of the mutagen). Which is enough to still contribute to encounters, just not dominate them.

So yeah, running out of bombs is certainly a weakness, but not so much that it destroys the build for me. Just means I have to be careful about resource management.

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