[Community Project] Wayfinder #17 Call for Submissions

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Liberty's Edge

Can I post my intended submission (a creature) on the Blazing 9 RPGSS thread to get feedback and fine tune it or would that make it unfit for submission in Wayfinder ?

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

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The Raven Black wrote:
Can I post my intended submission (a creature) on the Blazing 9 RPGSS thread to get feedback and fine tune it or would that make it unfit for submission in Wayfinder ?

I think that it definitely takes the "new, never seen before" element away from it. It also risks that the entry gets distributed elsewhere, or maybe grabbed by another publication before Wayfinder gets it printed. My preference would be to perhaps ask some of the members in that thread if they'd be willing to look it over offline, via email or something?

For the record, I have less problems with a private review group than a public forum review. We've had some people get together to review each other's fiction pieces, but that is among a select, private group, and those fiction pieces don't get a public airing until they come out in print.

I have used content previously posted online before, but it's been a pre-approved case by case basis, usually approved because I don't think ENOUGH eyes have seen it. It certainly hadn't been published...and I personally thought it should be, so I did something about that. ;-)

So, I guess I would be OK with the Blazing 9 reviewing it for you, as long as this said creature doesn't pop up on other websites, blogs, or publications. Then Wayfinder would not take it (i.e., if we selected it, and found it all over the web, we'd drop it).


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Yeah, my vacation from Wayfinder needs to end. I'll be writing a submission soon. :)

Thinking about writing "A Wayfinder Journey" describing my experiences with Wayfinder since issue 8. The highs and lows, the things I learnt, how it opens doors as a writer, meeting Paris and Tim at Paizocon 9, and all of that sort of thing.

My only concern is if a reflection on my writing journey with Wayfinder would be of interest to anyone but me. What do you guys and gals (editors and the community in general) think? Would this be a suitable article? Would you be interested in such an article?

Scarab Sages

Whether it's included in WF or not, I'd be interested in reading it.

Certainly it's useful info, to anyone thinking of writing for pleasure or profit, and could be hosted in the discussion threads here, the Facebook group, or other forums specific to the sub-genre in question (deviantArt for artists, PF Chronicler for fiction, other groups for rules and mechanics-mongers, etc)

Liberty's Edge

I second Snorter's assessment of the value to be found in such an article (ie, really high).

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'd definitely be interested in reading it. Sounds like it could be useful info for anyone interested in writing for Wayfinder, or doing RPG writing in general.

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I've come up with a new recipe article!

Now to see if I can get it together in time... and within the wordcount limit. ^_^

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Heads up! Submission for this issue of Wayfinder are due by January 01, 2017 at the latest. With all the usual holiday Chaos going, Time is a slippery critter, so don't wait until the last minute. :)

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I live on the Edge!

(which means that I will be probably ill on the New Years Eve and writing then...)

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Heads up! Submission for this issue of Wayfinder are due by January 01, 2017 at the latest. With all the usual holiday Chaos going, Time is a slippery critter, so don't wait until the last minute. :)

Thanks for helping with the reminders! Just about two weeks now!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

How would I go about submitting art for this project (format etc), and if I did so would it count as one of my three?

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

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Just submitted 2 Bestiary entries! :)

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

Valcrist wrote:
How would I go about submitting art for this project (format etc), and if I did so would it count as one of my three?

We handle art differently. We maintain an artist roster, and after we select the articles, we assign artists to illustrate those articles. If you are interested in getting on the roster, now would be a great time. I just need an email from you expressing your interest, along with a link to your webpage, gallery, etc. showing me your portfolio of work. wayfinder.fanzine(at)gmail(dot)com

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

How is it looking, regarding the number of submissions?

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

Happy Holidays!

Here is a little update as to the current status of the Call for Submissions for Wayfinder #17, with ONE WEEK LEFT!

As of today, we have 22 submissions. Here is the breakdown....

Bestiary - 6
Class - 4
Crunch - 5
Fiction - 2
Flavor - 1
Games - 2
Magic Items - 0
Poetry/Songs - 1
Side Trek Seeds - 1
Side Trek Adventure - 0
Weal or Woe - 0

Note that we usually don't just take the Side Trek Adventures straight out of the Call, given that they need to be pre-approved since they are typically 3000-4500 words. We usually line up an experienced writer (someone who has shown that they can do short adventures, via 3PPs, PFS, or APs) who makes a pitch, and we go from there. So, as of now, we don't have plans to have an adventure this issue, but if you are out there, and have some credentials and the interest, email me.

Since this issue also covers 10 APs, we broke it down by AP for you too:

Skull and Shackles - 1
Shattered Star - 0
Reign of Winter - 3
Wrath of the Righteous - 1
Mummy's Mask - 2
Iron Gods - 3
Giantslayer - 2
Hell's Rebels - 3
Hell's Vengeance - 4
Strange Eons - 1
Golarion Generic/Can't Figure out which AP - 2

As expected, Cheliax is the favorite here, so far. Still early, yet....would like to see more on the others.

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If I can find the time (and I get my computer fixed in time to produce anything), in addition to my planned entry, I'd love to provide something for Shattered Star. If anyone has any ideas, I'm potentially open to suggestions...

(Maybe a Weal and Woe, since those are pretty easy and the topic looks to be underserved. Magic items are also a possibility - Thassilon is fertile ground for all manner of fascinating items.)

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Probably a question that has already been answered, but I'm on my phone on vacation and want to ask:

If we sent in a submission, would we get some sort of notification that it was accepted?


RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Need to crack open my Shattered Star books and see what could use some love!

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

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Harrowed Wizard wrote:

Probably a question that has already been answered, but I'm on my phone on vacation and want to ask:

If we sent in a submission, would we get some sort of notification that it was accepted?


I get asked this a lot....so here's my answer: Sort of.

When I first took the reins, the standard practice was you found out if you were in when the issue came out. I know how that sits with people, so I emailed everyone who submitted to let them know if they had been accepted or not. Back then, only 50 people submitted, and nearly everyone got accepted, so that was easy enough.

That practice was short lived, however, when we started to get over 100 submissions. We are usually under a time crunch to get them all reviewed, picked, and assigned to editors ASAP. We got overwhelmed, and sending out acceptance/rejection letters was just one too many things on the list. So, we silently slid back to not letting people know until the issue came out.

Now, we've hit a compromise. When we make the selections for the issue, we post the names of all those who got something selected. I post it here, and on Facebook. If you don't see your name, you didn't get in the issue. We then follow up with those selected to let them know what article(s) were chosen, and to notify them that editors may contact them with questions or feedback.

That's how it rolls right now. We will likely make our selections by mid-January, so look for my post in the latter half of January 2017, OK?

Silver Crusade

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I have a monster for strange eons on the way, I just want a bit more peer review for it before I send it in, especially if I decide I want to add an archetype with it too.

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I'll see if maybe I can throw some magic items together, though not sure I'll be able to find time. Maybe something Shattered Star related...

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You two know where to find me if you need feedback. ^_^

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Timitius wrote:
Harrowed Wizard wrote:

Probably a question that has already been answered, but I'm on my phone on vacation and want to ask:

If we sent in a submission, would we get some sort of notification that it was accepted?


I get asked this a lot....so here's my answer: Sort of.

When I first took the reins, the standard practice was you found out if you were in when the issue came out. I know how that sits with people, so I emailed everyone who submitted to let them know if they had been accepted or not. Back then, only 50 people submitted, and nearly everyone got accepted, so that was easy enough.

That practice was short lived, however, when we started to get over 100 submissions. We are usually under a time crunch to get them all reviewed, picked, and assigned to editors ASAP. We got overwhelmed, and sending out acceptance/rejection letters was just one too many things on the list. So, we silently slid back to not letting people know until the issue came out.

Now, we've hit a compromise. When we make the selections for the issue, we post the names of all those who got something selected. I post it here, and on Facebook. If you don't see your name, you didn't get in the issue. We then follow up with those selected to let them know what article(s) were chosen, and to notify them that editors may contact them with questions or feedback.

That's how it rolls right now. We will likely make our selections by mid-January, so look for my post in the latter half of January 2017, OK?

Thanks for the thorough response!

Liberty's Edge

No Gazetters?

I am working on a Shattered Star Weal or Woe article submission this week. Sorry if it seems like I'm stealing your idea, Isabelle. It's the only one of the APs I am familiar with and/or not currently playing in and avoiding spoilers.

No worries! Please, be my guest. It's not like I don't have plenty else to keep me busy. ^_^

Sovereign Court

I've got a story idea featuring ghouls and was wondering if any of the APs would be a good fit?

Captain Phoenix wrote:
I've got a story idea featuring ghouls and was wondering if any of the APs would be a good fit?

Maybe Mummy's Mask? Or possibly Strange Aeons - Lovecraft made significant use of ghouls in his stories, so you might be able to justify the link. ^_^

Isabelle Lee wrote:
Captain Phoenix wrote:
I've got a story idea featuring ghouls and was wondering if any of the APs would be a good fit?
Maybe Mummy's Mask? Or possibly Strange Aeons - Lovecraft made significant use of ghouls in his stories, so you might be able to justify the link. ^_^

Maybe they're advanced scouts for whatever happens when those Osirian countdown clocks strike zero? Maybe they're some other faction/power attempting to exploit the convergence/event?

Sovereign Court

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Isabelle Lee wrote:
Captain Phoenix wrote:
I've got a story idea featuring ghouls and was wondering if any of the APs would be a good fit?
Maybe Mummy's Mask? Or possibly Strange Aeons - Lovecraft made significant use of ghouls in his stories, so you might be able to justify the link. ^_^
Maybe they're advanced scouts for whatever happens when those Osirian countdown clocks strike zero? Maybe they're some other faction/power attempting to exploit the convergence/event?

Thanks Ambrosia and Isabelle, "Empty Graves" from Mummy's Mask provided an excellent fit for what I was looking for. Wish me luck :)

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Two submissions in, a third in progress...

Shadow Lodge

Just Submitted two. Now off to PFS. Don't have time for my Shattered Star fiction, alas.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Captain Phoenix wrote:
I've got a story idea featuring ghouls and was wondering if any of the APs would be a good fit?

Without getting too spoilery, Shattered Star has a rather prominent* lacedon in the first book. Technically a ghast, but close?

*Okay, maybe he was only prominent in my game.

He sings.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Meraki wrote:
Captain Phoenix wrote:
I've got a story idea featuring ghouls and was wondering if any of the APs would be a good fit?

Without getting too spoilery, Shattered Star has a rather prominent* lacedon in the first book. Technically a ghast, but close?

*Okay, maybe he was only prominent in my game.

** spoiler omitted **

Aaand, I completely missed the resolution to the situation above. *ahem* Ignore me. That'll teach me to browse the forums without adequate caffeination.

Sovereign Court

Meraki wrote:
Meraki wrote:
Captain Phoenix wrote:
I've got a story idea featuring ghouls and was wondering if any of the APs would be a good fit?

Without getting too spoilery, Shattered Star has a rather prominent* lacedon in the first book. Technically a ghast, but close?

*Okay, maybe he was only prominent in my game.

** spoiler omitted **

Aaand, I completely missed the resolution to the situation above. *ahem* Ignore me. That'll teach me to browse the forums without adequate caffeination.

No worries, I'm glad for more ideas.

Sovereign Court

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Since the WF16 layout is done for the moment (off to the proofreaders), I may try to put together a weal or woe I came up with a little too late for the Osirion issue ...

Dang; ran out of time. I've got three decent magic items, but it feels incomplete without a full set of seven and I'm leaving on vacation tomorrow so won't have time to finish the article. Oh well -- hopefully I'll be able to use them somewhere else down the road.

Jacob W. Michaels wrote:
Dang; ran out of time. I've got three decent magic items, but it feels incomplete without a full set of seven and I'm leaving on vacation tomorrow so won't have time to finish the article. Oh well -- hopefully I'll be able to use them somewhere else down the road.

Submit them. Wayfinder will often cherry pick items and make collections into articles.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

Eric "Boxhead" Hindley wrote:
Jacob W. Michaels wrote:
Dang; ran out of time. I've got three decent magic items, but it feels incomplete without a full set of seven and I'm leaving on vacation tomorrow so won't have time to finish the article. Oh well -- hopefully I'll be able to use them somewhere else down the road.
Submit them. Wayfinder will often cherry pick items and make collections into articles.

What Eric said. Note the change in the Call above (first post). We will treat them like monsters for the bestiary, and if chosen, will put them into Heroes' Hoard or something.

Also, not many magic items right now.....

I'm polishing my article submission and it should be finished soon.

Do we have a count on article types yet?

I'm just curious to see where we are if we can.

So far we only know we are short on magic items?

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

As of today, we have 36 submissions. Here is the breakdown....

Advice - 1
Bestiary - 8
Class - 5
Crunch - 6
Fiction - 5
Flavor - 2
Games - 2
Magic Items - 0
Poetry/Songs - 2
Side Trek Seeds - 3
Side Trek Adventure - 0
Weal or Woe - 2

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I've got 1,400 words of Thassilonian magic items coming your way - Jacob's work was a fabulous foundation. ^_^

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And I got my special project done! Fit in the wordcount nice and neat, too. ^_^

I thought about doing a third, but I'm kinda spent. 2,400 words will have to be enough for one night.

(For Wayfinder, anyway. There's still Paizo work to be done.)

Shadow Lodge

Timitius wrote:

As of today, we have 36 submissions. Here is the breakdown....

Advice - 1
Bestiary - 8
Class - 5
Crunch - 6
Fiction - 5
Flavor - 2
Games - 2
Magic Items - 0
Poetry/Songs - 2
Side Trek Seeds - 3
Side Trek Adventure - 0
Weal or Woe - 2

What by adventure path.

758 words of magic items sent.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

As of this morning, we have 42 submissions. Here is the breakdown....

Advice - 1
Bestiary - 8
Class - 6
Crunch - 7
Fiction - 5
Flavor - 3
Games - 2
Magic Items - 2
Poetry/Songs - 2
Side Trek Seeds - 3
Side Trek Adventure - 0
Weal or Woe - 3

Still no Gazetteers, and Flavor in general is kind of low. Fair balance with the rest of the categories, so far.

Since this issue also covers 10 APs, we broke it down by AP for you too:

Skull and Shackles - 3
Shattered Star - 1
Reign of Winter - 4
Wrath of the Righteous - 3
Mummy's Mask - 4
Iron Gods - 3
Giantslayer - 2
Hell's Rebels - 5
Hell's Vengeance - 6
Strange Eons - 4
Golarion Generic/Can't Figure out which AP/Multiple APs - 6

Again, Cheliax is getting the most. Several of the submissions are either Golarion generic (or I'm too dense to figure out what AP it fits) or are applicable to multiple APs. Right now, Shattered Star and Giantslayer are the lower ones.

You have today and tommorrow!

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

I've got a pair of submissions just about finished for Hell's Rebels and the workings of a third brewing. Hopefully I find the time to actually finish them properly.

Unfortunately I'm not super familiar with Shattered Star or Giantslayer so I won't be doing a whole lot of filling in the gaps there.

Shadow Lodge

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Happy new year, people who are working feverishly to finish before the deadline.

Scarab Sages

Just to confirm, is the deadline 11:59 AM, or PM?

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