Redgar |

So I was browsing Amazon (yay Gift Card + preorder of Crimson Throne AP!), when I stumbled upon what appears to be a fake version of the Pathfinder ACG app.
It was only uploaded a couple weeks ago, and the Icon, Screenshots, Description, and other information all appear to be straight out of the Pathfinder Adventures App.
https://www.amazon.ca/pathFinder-AdvenTures-Amazing-PvP-matches/dp/B01LNWIY JM/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1473955822&sr=8-12
It's in the French section, though, so I don't know if Paizo has a different distribution partner for that? ("Express Games Arena", vs. Obsidian)?
If it is a fake, sadly, it appears a couple of customers may have purchased this.
Where Paizo is the IP holder of a lot of the material displayed in the app, this seemed like the kind of thing that Paizo might care about, so I thought I'd post this here in case my suspicions are confirmed and the powers-that-be want to do something about it.
Also, anyone who was unfortunate enough to download the app would miss out on a fun of playing through