Second Pathfinder ACG App, or just a Fake?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

So I was browsing Amazon (yay Gift Card + preorder of Crimson Throne AP!), when I stumbled upon what appears to be a fake version of the Pathfinder ACG app.

It was only uploaded a couple weeks ago, and the Icon, Screenshots, Description, and other information all appear to be straight out of the Pathfinder Adventures App. JM/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1473955822&sr=8-12

It's in the French section, though, so I don't know if Paizo has a different distribution partner for that? ("Express Games Arena", vs. Obsidian)?

If it is a fake, sadly, it appears a couple of customers may have purchased this.

Where Paizo is the IP holder of a lot of the material displayed in the app, this seemed like the kind of thing that Paizo might care about, so I thought I'd post this here in case my suspicions are confirmed and the powers-that-be want to do something about it.

Also, anyone who was unfortunate enough to download the app would miss out on a fun of playing through

half of
the real RotRL AP app, so if any disappointed customers might come here looking for help, hopefully they can be alerted to the fact that they might have grabbed the wrong app and pointed in the right direction (to either the cards or the app.)

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