Brawler ac bonus and Mithral medium armor.

Rules Questions

Does a brawler get to keep their armor bonus to light armor while wearing mithral medium armor? Say a mithral breastplate.
This is of course provided they gain proficiency in medium armor from somewhere like multiclassing or martial flexibility.

The mithral material description statistics (Most mithral armors are one category lighter than normal for purposes of movement and other limitations.).
I'm just not clear if this bypasses the light or no armor limitation in the Brawlers AC Bonus ability.

Thank you in advance for any helpful responses.

I would say yes.

Yep, that works.


Grand Lodge

"This is of course provided they gain proficiency in medium armor "

well, not even.
if you don't have proficiency, you'll get the ACP to attack rolls as well, but it's not needed
(and there's a trait to lower the ACP of an armor by 1, so mithral breastplate = 0 ACP)

Yeah, pretty much anyone that doesn't have a problem with (metal) light armor can grab mithral breastplate at a low investment of a single trait.

So the only ones left out are most monks, druids, and the full arcane casters.

And you can go mithral kikko to still get +5 AC and no trait needed. So -1 AC and no trait.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

And even a full arcane caster can benefit from wearing a mithral breastplate if he invests enough feats in it. It is possible to totally eliminate its arcane spell failure chance with Light Armor Proficiency, Arcane Armor Training, Medium Armor Training, and Arcane Armor Mastery. Of course, only somebody intent on becoming a Hellknight Signifer is likely to take all of these feats.

David knott 242 wrote:

And even a full arcane caster can benefit from wearing a mithral breastplate if he invests enough feats in it. It is possible to totally eliminate its arcane spell failure chance with Light Armor Proficiency, Arcane Armor Training, Medium Armor Training, and Arcane Armor Mastery. Of course, only somebody intent on becoming a Hellknight Signifer is likely to take all of these feats.

Yeah, but doesn't that eat up your swift action? I think that you would be better served just getting quickened spell instead, and use the 'normal' mage methods for AC and defense.

Vrischika111 wrote:

"This is of course provided they gain proficiency in medium armor "

well, not even.
if you don't have proficiency, you'll get the ACP to attack rolls as well, but it's not needed
(and there's a trait to lower the ACP of an armor by 1, so mithral breastplate = 0 ACP)

If traits aren't allowed, there's always the Comfort property, a flat +5,000 gold to reduce the ACP by 1, and you can sleep in it without issue, regardless of armor type.

Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
If traits aren't allowed, there's always the Comfort property, a flat +5,000 gold to reduce the ACP by 1, and you can sleep in it without issue, regardless of armor type.

I had missed that. Nice. IMO still worth it if you do use tratis. That way you you do not HAVE to get the Armor Expert trait.

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I think you would need the armor proficiency medium feat to get the a.c. bonus class feature.

Sovereign Court

Armor Class isn't a class feature.

Proficiency simply means you don't take the ACP on certain rolls.

If the ACP is 0, then there's nothing hindering you.

And proficiency is sometimes a prerequisite for other feats, but yeah, proficiency isn't usually that needed with 0 acp.

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