Athaleon |
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In 3.5? Barbarian or Bloodrager into Frenzied Berserker. Crazy AC is going to be difficult no matter how you slice it, since you take a penalty while raging. Khornates (especially the 40k variety) don't seem to bother much / at all with defenses besides wearing heavy armor.
Edit: Steelblood archetype and Abyssal bloodline seem appropriate for a Bloodrager entry.
Irthos |
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Avoid ragechemist; it's a disaster waiting to happen. The extra Strength and Constitution may look good on paper, but in practice you'll be making multiple Will saves (i.e. your one bad save) every round, and they'll be getting progressively harder. Also, you can't end a mutagen like a rage, which means you'll have no way of avoiding that anger coma.
If you want a monstrously high Strength score, your best bet is probably a straight alchemist with a barbarian VMC. Pop a Strength-boosting mutagen, an enlarge person extract, and enter a rage for +10 Strength as early as 3rd level. Plus, the natural armor from your mutagen offsets the rage AC penalty!
Azariah Russ |
update no 3rd party. side note this is kinda meta but after last session its clear one guy in the group has it out for my pc's he is a rough/shadow dancer (not sure) fat skill monkey. valid points both of you. so 1 armored hulk (for the heavy armor ascetics of the khornate + ac) thinking 6 blood ragers no clue on blood line maybe black blood?. i looked at steel-blood, thanks for the idea it does fill the need but i think ill need uncanny dodge. alchemist 2?
Irthos |
Internal Alchemist will give you uncanny dodge, but you'll need to invest at least 6 levels. Alternatively, the variant multiclass for barbarian (seen here) gives you uncanny dodge at 7th level.
If you want a crazy AC and survivability, the alchemist can provide. You've got access to cure extracts, fast healing through discoveries, and numerous self-buffs like barkskin and shield. Your BAB will be a few points lower than a dedicated martial, but extracts like haste and the aforementioned mutagen will more than make up for it.
If you really want to go true martial (because d12's are fun and science is for nerds), I'd pick either bloodrager OR barbarian, not both. The core class features don't stack with one another, and dividing your levels will severely hamper your bloodline/rage power progression.