Neal Litherland |
So, it's a new month, and that means I'm back at it. My latest addition to Batman's rogues' gallery, and the most recent new addition to the Suicide Squad, is the infamous Killer Croc. The next time your players irritate you, send this at them in a sewer level with plenty of water.
Devilkiller |
I thought this would be an actual crocodile. Maybe I can make some use of the beastman theme when we go through the "Island of Dr. Eomura" adventure I've got coming up (vivisectionist alchemist turning animals into people - sort of)
Anyhow, some of my players are getting eaten by an alligator next session! Actually, it will probably end up as the Oracle's animal companion, but it might give somebody a scare first...
Goth Guru |
So his parents are Were Crocodiles, but he gets more build points by giving up human form. Right?
He probably should get the deep diving traits because he was retrieving the lost Cobble Pot treasure and fencing it to Penguin in one of the cartoons. I think he was financing his nightclub by selling the treasure back to whoever it was stolen from. The Penguin always has a strange idea what legit means. :)
Neal Litherland |
I see that you recommended both Alchemist & Brawler, why not just take a dip into the Mutagenic Mauler archetype for Brawler?
Several reasons, Zonugal. First because if you're just taking 1 level of alchemist, I think that you get a bigger kick from the Ragechemist. And while 1 level of Brawler is an option, it isn't a requirement, since you'll be making natural attacks more than unarmed strikes. But it's a handy way for ignoring the Improved Unarmed Strike feat tax.
Because neither dip is required, they're just listed as possible suggestions. I didn't feel that Mutagenic Mauler was a better option. Also, it's the basis of another of the Rogues' Gallery, and I try not to do repeat performances.