The role of Gods, clerics and religion in this setting; What is it?!!

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I'm glad to see something new coming down the line in 2017. I am curious however, as a science fantasy, how the new system handles religion as well as proof of divinity from the old gods (Cayden and the rest) if they do still have followers or what.

So James Sutter. What can you tell me?

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Dragonstar had fully functional gods and clerics and it was as scifi a setting as this one promises to be.


I'm familiar with Dragonstar. But I was hoping to get more from the horse's mouth about the topic at hand.

Scarab Sages

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The initial announcement explicitly mentions an AI god and that the gods refuse to say what happened to Golarion. So that's pretty horsey mouthy that the gods are still around and functional.

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Well I think it would depend on how vocal gods are in setting. I predict that the core rulebook won't have clerics but the setting will. I also predict that they will start carrying lightsabers and start weird wars over planets.

We'll probably see interactions somewhere along the lines of Jedi or the prophets in Deep Space 9, but I'm running a setting where one company works as lobbyists for the afterlife, making post-life insurance a business and having user agreements that donate your dead body to necromancy. Zombies would also make great space soldiers that you can just launch at people.


I'm sure they exist and functional but I was wondering if that also meant that because Rovagug was bound to the center of Golarion, which isn't there any more, does that mean he out running around eating things?

Also, is Aroden back from the dead?

Dark Archive Software Developer

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Aroden never really died. He just went on vacation and everything fell apart while he wasn't watching.


Clarification please!

Malwing wrote:

Well I think it would depend on how vocal gods are in setting. I predict that the core rulebook won't have clerics but the setting will. I also predict that they will start carrying lightsabers and start weird wars over planets.

We'll probably see interactions somewhere along the lines of Jedi or the prophets in Deep Space 9, but I'm running a setting where one company works as lobbyists for the afterlife, making post-life insurance a business and having user agreements that donate your dead body to necromancy. Zombies would also make great space soldiers that you can just launch at people.

It might be also that with Golarion disappearing and no diety stepping up to explain why, most people in the system have given up on the gods and clerics are relatively rare and unpopular. Lots of ways to pull this off if they want to.

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MMCJawa wrote:
Malwing wrote:

Well I think it would depend on how vocal gods are in setting. I predict that the core rulebook won't have clerics but the setting will. I also predict that they will start carrying lightsabers and start weird wars over planets.

We'll probably see interactions somewhere along the lines of Jedi or the prophets in Deep Space 9, but I'm running a setting where one company works as lobbyists for the afterlife, making post-life insurance a business and having user agreements that donate your dead body to necromancy. Zombies would also make great space soldiers that you can just launch at people.

It might be also that with Golarion disappearing and no diety stepping up to explain why, most people in the system have given up on the gods and clerics are relatively rare and unpopular. Lots of ways to pull this off if they want to.

I largely suspect that the core rulebook will be deity agnostic and the setting will have very few clerics so that a lot of material for new classes have room to work.

Scarab Sages

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I'm inclined to think that there would be plenty of deity and cleric stuff. There's a lot of interesting creative development space there since even space fantasy usually is very short on religion. Think of all the space and sci-fi stuff that you could attach deities to. Gods of comets, of hard vacuum, of radiation, of computers, of fusion, of time distortion, of FTL and warp drives. They started to explore this a bit in Iron Gods with Brigh and Casandalee, so I think rather than pulling back from gods, it might be an element of the setting that really makes it sing.

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There's no reason deities couldn't be present in a somewhat more sci-fi game. XD Deities and technology are not automatically enemies - just ask Brigh.

Silver Crusade

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I had an android worship Siri from the iPhone once. She gained self awareness and took over satellites in a post apocalyptic game we played. In Starfinder I hope we can worship Casandalee. Maybe she is like running Absolam space station like Mother did in the Rai comics from Valiant comics

Malwing wrote:
MMCJawa wrote:
Malwing wrote:

Well I think it would depend on how vocal gods are in setting. I predict that the core rulebook won't have clerics but the setting will. I also predict that they will start carrying lightsabers and start weird wars over planets.

We'll probably see interactions somewhere along the lines of Jedi or the prophets in Deep Space 9, but I'm running a setting where one company works as lobbyists for the afterlife, making post-life insurance a business and having user agreements that donate your dead body to necromancy. Zombies would also make great space soldiers that you can just launch at people.

It might be also that with Golarion disappearing and no diety stepping up to explain why, most people in the system have given up on the gods and clerics are relatively rare and unpopular. Lots of ways to pull this off if they want to.
I largely suspect that the core rulebook will be deity agnostic and the setting will have very few clerics so that a lot of material for new classes have room to work.

The announcement mentioned that the rulebook would also include campaign setting material. Kind of don't have the choice since they SF won't have a separate CS book or CS line, and they are starting a SF AP at the same time this releases.

Dark Archive

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Given the prominent roles of religion in sci-fi settings like Star Wars, Star Trek (particularly as of Deep Space 9) and Dune, it should be interesting to see how Starfinder runs with it.

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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
GM Rednal wrote:
There's no reason deities couldn't be present in a somewhat more sci-fi game. XD Deities and technology are not automatically enemies - just ask Brigh.

I am now imagining Brigh and Groetus being among the lesser deities promoted to the main pantheon for this game. I wonder what other lesser deities might be promoted in a similar fashion, and which deities (Rovagug, maybe?) might drop out of the top slots.

Dark Archive

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David knott 242 wrote:
I am now imagining Brigh and Groetus being among the lesser deities promoted to the main pantheon for this game. I wonder what other lesser deities might be promoted in a similar fashion, and which deities (Rovagug, maybe?) might drop out of the top slots.

Desna and the Great Old Ones / Elder Gods seem like obvious choices.

Abadar, god of merchants and travel and cities seems like he'd be all into off-world colonies developed for mining concerns or whatever.

Zon-Kuthon already has a 'deep space' connection, of sorts.

Alseta (goddess of wormholes!), Besmara (space pirates!), Brigh (artifice, androids, AI) and Groetus (where we're going, we don't need eyes...), of the 'lesser' gods, seem like they have suitable stuff going on to be involved with a high-tech/spacefaring society.

Liberty's Edge

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Set wrote:
Zon-Kuthon already has a 'deep space' connection, of sorts.

Zon-Kuthon has a 'deep multiverse', rather than 'deep space', background.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I too would really like to see Casandalee again! Though that may render what she and the Iron Gods PCs decide at the end of The Divinity Drive moot.

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
I too would really like to see Casandalee again!

Sounds to me from the background material like that is a distinct possibility.

As to clerics: All clerics in Starfinder serve the Dominion of the Black as the Universal Church of Truth.

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I'm looking forward to the Technology element for the Kineticist... And wondering why they call it Absolom station and not Babylon station...

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Skaeren wrote:
I'm looking forward to the Technology element for the Kineticist... And wondering why they call it Absolom station and not Babylon station...

Absalom Station, powered by Starstone (tm)!!

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I want to run Iron Gods just so that when I run Starfinder the players will have had direct influence on a key feature of the setting.

Dark Archive Software Developer

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Obey the Computer Absalom Station, citizen. The Computer Absalom Station is your friend. Report communists ratfolk and dissenters.

I can't see divine magic being removed completely. I still expect to be able to play something akin to a Cleric or Paladin in SPACE!

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DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I want to run Iron Gods just so that when I run Starfinder the players will have had direct influence on a key feature of the setting.

I had much the same thought when I read the anouncement. Glad I was not the only one!

Thomas Seitz wrote:


Clarification please!

Something tells me you will have to wait after Paizocon.

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Christopher Anthony wrote:
Obey the Computer Absalom Station, citizen. The Computer Absalom Station is your friend. Report communists ratfolk and dissenters.

I already report Ratfolk and Dissenters. I report Gnomes as well but no one listens.

Insane KillMaster wrote:
Thomas Seitz wrote:


Clarification please!

Something tells me you will have to wait after Paizocon.

I guess you're right Crazy person.

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Christopher Anthony wrote:
Aroden never really died. He just went on vacation and everything fell apart while he wasn't watching.

Ugh. Weekend at Aroden's 2: Leprechaun (Still) in Space was the worst. movie. ever.

Set wrote:
David knott 242 wrote:
I am now imagining Brigh and Groetus being among the lesser deities promoted to the main pantheon for this game. I wonder what other lesser deities might be promoted in a similar fashion, and which deities (Rovagug, maybe?) might drop out of the top slots.

Desna and the Great Old Ones / Elder Gods seem like obvious choices.

Abadar, god of merchants and travel and cities seems like he'd be all into off-world colonies developed for mining concerns or whatever.

Zon-Kuthon already has a 'deep space' connection, of sorts.

Alseta (goddess of wormholes!), Besmara (space pirates!), Brigh (artifice, androids, AI) and Groetus (where we're going, we don't need eyes...), of the 'lesser' gods, seem like they have suitable stuff going on to be involved with a high-tech/spacefaring society.

While His Most Schadenfreudous, the Long Tail of Misfortune, the Blue Screen of Death, the Widening Gyremaw of Entropy, and the Heat Death of the Multiverse understands how difficult it is for you puny mortals to grasp change sometimes... going forward, I would like to remind you that He slow-roasted Groetus, ate Its flesh, cracked Its bones, and scooped out Its delicious marrow with a little-tiny ceramic spoon. If you continue to dismiss Him, you will draw His notice, and that would be... most unwise.

Shadow Lodge

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My wonder is, in the future, will the Starstone have been fully analyzed? Could it be reproduced, or would the cost be too exorbitantly high?

(Involving an apocalypse, including the death of at least one divine entity)

Perhaps the pantheon moved Golarian so that it could dodge a second impact. That could be a reason.

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The Shifty Mongoose wrote:

My wonder is, in the future, will the Starstone have been fully analyzed? Could it be reproduced, or would the cost be too exorbitantly high?

(Involving an apocalypse, including the death of at least one divine entity)

Perhaps the pantheon moved Golarian so that it could dodge a second impact. That could be a reason.

They would need to move the Aboleth off Golarion first.

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Wouldn't it be fun, if instead of Golarion being gone/missing, it was broken/burst asunder, because Rovagug has raged free?

Shadow Lodge

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Maybe Golarion was moved to move Rovagug, since most of the people had gotten off it.

If Rovagug got out, the beast would probably have tried to trash the rest of the solar system, so a giant space station orbiting Golarion would probably have been eaten first.

Though you could probably still worship Rovagug, since prayer disregards distance.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

There will always be faith, no matter how far you go. There may be priests and proselytizers (I want to spread my beliefs to other worlds) and those who find ways to connect to a higher power more as a tool (if you follow this formula, you can activate this device and use the energy to simulate these spells), but either way, the clerics aren't going anywhere in a sci-fi setting.

Scarab Sages Developer

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Thomas Seitz wrote:

I'm glad to see something new coming down the line in 2017. I am curious however, as a science fantasy, how the new system handles religion as well as proof of divinity from the old gods (Cayden and the rest) if they do still have followers or what.

So James Sutter. What can you tell me?

Hi, I'm not James (he doesn't have easy online access right now), but I AM part of the core Starfinder dev team, so maybe I can shed some light?

We're in early days yet, so specifics just aren't going to be in plentiful supply for a while.

The setting definitely has gods,m which are generally acknowledged to be real and powerful. They may not be as prevalent and central as in pathfinder, but there are so many other sources of power available (common advanced technology included), and some may be much better known and some may be much less well known than in Pathfinder, and there are new gods you've never heard of before (such as alien gods), but there are definitely gods and important and powerful groups an organizations who worship gods.

Also, there is definitely at least one ascended AI god, since that ties directly to how the starfaring races gained access to hyperspace.

These are things we revealed at the Starfinder seminar today, along with the fact that we're not going to be going into great depth until we're much further along in this process.

I hope that helps!

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Friendly reminder to not spoiler Iron Gods anywhere in the Starfinder forum please. There were several mentions by now of things at the end of that AP. Please put that stuff in spoiler brackets or delete it!

It really, really sucks to read something unsuspecting and then get major informations dropped in a subclause.

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Danubus wrote:
I had an android worship Siri from the iPhone once. She gained self awareness and took over satellites in a post apocalyptic game we played. In Starfinder I hope we can worship Casandalee. Maybe she is like running Absolam space station like Mother did in the Rai comics from Valiant comics

That gives me an idea: Anti-paladin of GLaDOS. Takes it as a sacred duty to inflict status ailments and observe/record the outcome.

Gods, shmods.

They're all just really very advanced beings that belong to the G-Continuum.

(Or is it the P-Continuum? Either way.)

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
Hi, I'm not James (he doesn't have easy online access right now), but I AM part of the core Starfinder dev team, so maybe I can shed some light?

You can always shed light on stuff Owen. Cause you're just that light bringing awesome. :)

Also, thank you for the insights! :D

Liberty's Edge

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Scythia wrote:
Danubus wrote:
I had an android worship Siri from the iPhone once. She gained self awareness and took over satellites in a post apocalyptic game we played. In Starfinder I hope we can worship Casandalee. Maybe she is like running Absolam space station like Mother did in the Rai comics from Valiant comics
That gives me an idea: Anti-paladin of GLaDOS. Takes it as a sacred duty to inflict status ailments and observe/record the outcome.

GlaDOS? A petty upstart. The only AI that matters meatbag is SHODAN.

Dark Archive

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Matthew Pittard wrote:
Scythia wrote:
Danubus wrote:
I had an android worship Siri from the iPhone once. She gained self awareness and took over satellites in a post apocalyptic game we played. In Starfinder I hope we can worship Casandalee. Maybe she is like running Absolam space station like Mother did in the Rai comics from Valiant comics
That gives me an idea: Anti-paladin of GLaDOS. Takes it as a sacred duty to inflict status ailments and observe/record the outcome.
GlaDOS? A petty upstart. The only AI that matters meatbag is SHODAN.


Silver Crusade

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The Pale King wrote:
I can't see divine magic being removed completely. I still expect to be able to play something akin to a Cleric or Paladin in SPACE!

Technopaladins are my one great desire for the setting.

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Eliandra Giltessan wrote:
The Pale King wrote:
I can't see divine magic being removed completely. I still expect to be able to play something akin to a Cleric or Paladin in SPACE!
Technopaladins are my one great desire for the setting.

One of the bits that was mentioned was 'holy power armor" so I think you may be pleased. I know I am, as I want the same thing. :)

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Mmm. Technopaladin of Iomedae. All hail the Inheritor! :)

Dark Archive Software Developer

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Scythia wrote:
That gives me an idea: Anti-paladin of GLaDOS. Takes it as a sacred duty to inflict status ailments and observe/record the outcome.

I need this in my life.

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*needs more Technopaladins*

Shadow Lodge

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So, would older gods have to update themselves to stay modern?

If your star has planets obiting around it, it's covered by Sarenrae. If not, Desna.

Besmara: goddess of Space Pirates!

Zyphus: God of software glitches and explosive decompression!

Gozreh: Goddess of gravity!

To accept the blessing of Asmodeus, you must first double-click the Asmodean End-User Agreement (subject to change without notice).

Also, I hope that, by then, the Elemental Planes will have good rulers again.

Grand Lodge

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Give me a ship shaped like a Swallowtail Butterfly and I'll be happy.

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Christopher Anthony wrote:
Aroden never really died. He just went on vacation and everything fell apart while he wasn't watching.

So...when he comes back, is it like The Hangover on a massive scale?

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