Online PFS News - May 2016

Online Play

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hello everyone! A new month and we got some new things for you!

First things first - if you want copies of Roll20 tables for 7-20 All for Immortality Part 1 or 7-21 The Sun Orchid Scheme, please feel free to email me at


Second, if you haven't been paying attention, the pbp Year of the Shadow Lodge that has been started hit 15 tables and qualifies for boon support. There are still some spots available, and if there isn't one for the tier you would like to play, hop on the waitlist so that Shifty knows what tiers to recruit gms for. You can find more information about this event here


In addition, Roll20 con is coming upon us, and in fact event registration will be up tomorrow. (Hey, it's still before midnight in Paizo when I'm writing this - that counts!) Jesse will be posting a thread with instructions as to how to sign up for that when event registration goes up. We're excited, and we're hope y'all are excited to come out that Friday.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5


Yes we are up to 15 tables and the start date is approaching... still a few spots :)

Shadow Lodge

Shifty wrote:


Yes we are up to 15 tables and the start date is approaching... still a few spots :)

Note quite; looking at the Ironhelixx page, it appears Hiwamari registered their Wounded Wisp table twice; the Roll20 links are the same.

Still need one more table...

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Shifty's talking about his run of Year of the Shadow Lodge, not for Roll20Con.

I haven't put my table/tables up for Roll20 yet, so we'll definitely hit the 15 needed.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5

Thats correct :)

.../prod for the next GameDay too, any hints as to when?

Scarab Sages

Where can i find the play by post section on the website, I have a GM baby that I really would like to play but I just don't have the ability now that I have a new baby. I can't just go and game anymore, so online play is my only real option

Dark Archive 2/5

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Paizo's PbP section of the boards.

The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge It's a hot spot to find PFS PbP games on the Paizo boards.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Online

FlaxSeed Lodge is more official than ever now ;b r#1

Nebten wrote:

Paizo's PbP section of the boards.

The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge It's a hot spot to find PFS PbP games on the Paizo boards.

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