Date discrepancy? (Spoilers for Books 5-6)

Reign of Winter

Shadow Lodge

So, by-general-rule, A.R. = Earth year + 2700 (at least in PFS, since 4716 A.R. = 2016 C.E.)

But a certain Old Crone is listed as being born in 2720 A.R. (75 B.C.E.)... that seems kind of off?

Also, 4713 ~> 1918 for Book 5?

The group I'm GMing is only halfway through Book 3, but I have two people in the party who are really good about noticing (and sometimes get hung up on) nuances like that, so I wanted to fish for an answer before it comes up, other than waving my hand and saying "timey wimey stuff".

Thanks in advance for any thoughts!

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So real world, our dates match up to 2013=4713. However in game it does not, so yes in Rasputin Must Die! 4713=1918.

Hopefully, the rest of your math works itself out. :-)

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Yeah, the formula of A.R. = A.D. (or C.E.) + 2700 is mainly just to keep track of products and their publication years.

"In world", it's how Captain Y. described it: A.R. 4713 = 1918 A.D. (on "pulp Earth").

And just in case anyone attempts some tricky "timey-wimey stuff" in order to interfere with BY's origin, remember that there is no "year 0" on Earth. The calendar goes from -1 B.C. to 1 A.D., so any time travel which doesn't take that into account will risk being off by one year.

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So Baba Yaga is an ancient immortal who wears many faces, travels around the universe wreaking havoc for personal power, and has a sentient house that's much bigger on the inside and can travel between worlds in an instant?

We've found Missy's next regeneration.

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If your players know anything about world history then there's another error in Book 5. Rasputin didn't meet and start working with the Romanovs until after Anastasia was born (by several years). I spotted it and fixed it by having him deliberately pretending to be the King and then staying away for a while (long story short). Just might be worth knowing...

Of course, if you read up some on our world's Rasputin, he wasn't anywhere near as Evil as depicted both in the AP and in much 20th Century Earth legend -- he had a lot of political opponents that wanted to smear him -- the Romanov monarchy was plagued with a LOT of intrigue -- too bad Ultimate Intrigue wasn't out or probably even dreamt of when Reign of Winter was written -- which gives me a thought: How would you alter Reign of Winter to take advantage of Ultimate Intrigue?

I'd probably make Ras a Mesmerist and put more intrigue in Whitethrone.

You'd probably be able to incorporate more of Occult Adventures into then Ultimate Intrigue.

But I don't really care for Ultimate Intrigue so I could be biased. :-)

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