Those who use PDFs instead of books

Gamer Life General Discussion

insted of printing out a sheet for your stats is there anything i can use to alter the chracter sheets and justt ype it and make it easyer for my play group or what cvan i do to save paper

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Do a Google search for "form fillable Pathfinder character sheet".

Use HeroLab on the ipad.....

I use TOS+ for my characters, it's a character generator based on Excel rather than a form fillable pdf. It's a paid for ap but has a free Core version.

I use it on a Win 10 Tablet when playing and due to its "laptop" sheet which is dynamic, it's very handy. You can add temporary effects such as spells, potions, poisons, Power Attack etc. on the fly and all the calculations are done for you.

HERE is a free fill able Character Sheet on Paizo.

Dark Archive

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Sheets work great, and they're easily sharable.

Are there any that allow you to add / remove fields? I'm planning a rather unusual setup, and I'm having a hard time finding a sheet where I can list everything without just writing all the extra stuff in a big text field. (What do you mean my familiar can only fit 4 feats??? And she can't even have her own familiar???)

Also, while HeroLab looks nice, I think I'm going to avoid that one. I'm using content from four of the additional packages, and some of the books I'm using aren't listed... $70 for an incomplete character sheet seems a bit steep.

Dark Archive

Legio_MCMLXXXVII wrote:


Sheets work great, and they're easily sharable.


I registered at Myth-Weavers, but when I go to the character sheets screen it's empty. Is there something I need to do first?


With bold characters and cell borders, you can make a half-decent character sheet, and customize it all you like.

You can even import images into it, so you can have a character portrait. :D

I use this googledocs sheet or Mythweavers depending on how much infromation and detail I need

Dark Archive

This is the one i created.

It has alot of my work in progress stuff and ideas for things i want to do or wanted to finish but it is a fully functional character sheet that auto fills data and updates as you fill it out.

Dark Archive

Firewarrior44 wrote:
I use this googledocs sheet or Mythweavers depending on how much infromation and detail I need

That is an awsome sheet, i might have to take some notes from that created and incorporate some of that into mine.

I made an Excel sheet. Merging cells, using borders, painting font and backgrounds, I was able to replicate the look of the sheet in the book. Add in formulas for skills, saves, and so on, it takes little work to maintain. When I needed another weapon box, I just inserted a few rows, copied an existing one, and then told the print "fit to one page". I even have the formulas handle multiclassing, and leadership feat followers. Pretty much all weapon combat, skill usage, and defenses are on that page. Spells are on a separate page, mostly as a list, as they are so varied.


I made a sheet for my own use using Windows Office Word. I just insert tables in an order that makes sense to me and I can access my info faster than on most other sheets.

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I use notepad.

I use Beyond Tabletop
Though that does not have Unchained classes.
So sometimes I use The Pathfinder Autosheet A handy google spreadsheet someone made!

Shadow Lodge

You can get a text file template of a PFS character sheet here.

The Only Sheet

Not free, but not expensive, and it gets constant updates to add new PF material. Also, there is an extensive community that provides easy to include classes/races/etc.

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