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Hello everyone
The thing is the next : In a home game our gm have nerfed rogues, so they are weaker even more that they already were. To make a sneak attack is very very difficult and no feat or special ability help to make them, there's even more : trapfinding got nerfed too .
Still i want to challange myself (and him a little) and make a (at least at some point) rogue feasible. I dont matter if i have to multiclass him provided i have more rogue levels.
What about to make him good at maneuvers , maybe using a whip or spiked chain?
I Been thinking on make him human , take racial herritage (Halfing) and get one level of monk (Maneuver master and Underfoot adept)
to get improved trip , improved disarm and Flury of maneuvers all in level 1 .
But Besides that i have no clue on good archetypes , rogue talents or feats to take. I dont want to rely on sneak attacks as that will never happen.
Any advice, any other ideas?

Claxon |
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Rogues are the weakest class in the game, tell your GM to back off on the rogue pain train.
If you must play a "rogue" with his rules, instead play a wizard. Invest in all the sort of skills a rogue would (disable device, sleight of hand, stealth, bluff, etc). Use spells to help you accomplish all your tasks. Detect Magic can allow you to detect magical traps to make up for Trapfinding.
But using the vague rule changes you've suggested, there is no point in playing a rogue. At best you would be proving you can make the rogue viable once you gutted all the class features.
Instead you should talk to your GM about his being an ass and tell him to stop.

Scavion |

Hrm. My advice would be to play the max strength dump int/charisma Rogue. Use a 2-handed weapon and move along the Cornugon Smash/Shatter Defenses route.
Basically a Fighter with better skills.
So Thug and Scout archetypes. Thug will get rid of trapfinding since you said it was nerfed anyways. Scout will net you some guaranteed sneak attacks.

Lord Wimpy |

Did your DM buff the rogue in any way to compensate for the loss of sneak attack? Sneak attack is their major class feature, it would be like taking spells away from the magus. Your DM has taken away the only tool available to the rogue to really have a moment to shine in melee, infrequently as it was.
Aside from combat maneuvers being a weak option overall, a rogue only has 3/4 base attack bonus, making it even worse. I would frankly play a bard, swashbuckler or monk at that point, depending on your character concept. Of course, some campaigns have no combat. I played in a campaign that often went four or five sessions without combat. If that's the kind of game you play, the loss of sneak attack won't be missed much. If you don't mind casting spells, the Eldritch Scoundrel archetype gives you 6th level spellcasting off the wizard spell list. With that, you could be the best at skill checks and have a few creative ways to solve problems that only magic gives you. I'd still make sure your combat ability is buffed in some way though.

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Hmm he didnt buffed the rogue in any way but they are plenity of situations when go sneaky is usefull.
i know theres other class that will do it better that the rogue but still i want to try with the rogue.
About the intimidating way, maybe a half orc with a few levels in barbarian to get Intimidating Glare and fury and then go with Thug archetype to make some kind of dirty rogue/barbarian?

Corvino |
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Eldritch Scoundrel Unchained Rogue power attacking with an Elven Curve Blade. Sneak Attack is a cherry on top, but even when denied you're still doing solid damage.
Eldritch Scoundrel gets you casting, as noted. 13 Strength is enough to qualify for Power Attack, Unchained Rogue gets Rogue Finesse and 1.5x-Dex-to-damage using finesseable 2-handers. Casting mitigates a lot of Rogue weaknesses, such as Blade Tutor's Spirit helping with Power Attack to-hit penalties.
This isn't a particularly Feat-intensive build, so you have plenty left over to shore up weaknesses or diversify.

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Laugh and roll a Bard and do things better than a rogue could.
Sneak attack sucks anyways and finding a better damage source should be your priority instead of trying to make a the weakest class in PF work after GM nerfs it further. THe core rogue was boarderline unplayable...with your GMs additions he made it a useless class you should avoid it.
A Core rogue offers nothing a group can not survive without and brings nothing unique to the party. Many classes can out rogue a rogue.

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With the advent of the Slayer and the Unchained Rogue the Core rogue is obsolete. Not sure why a GM would nerf it, but I suppose I would have to ask him.
If Sneak Attack is something you are wanting to spec away from but keep the rogue feel going I would suggest the Slayer with Trapfinding as a Talent at second level. Also back in 3.5 there was an archetype for the rogue that replaced each instance you would gain another Sneak Attack dice with a bonus Combat feat instead. A sort of Fighter-Rogue hybrid class. You may want to run the idea past your GM and see if they will allow it.