Fluff request - Season Art

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

Grand Lodge

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Hey content team!

Just chiming in that I would love to see a piece of fluff. I've been making binders for each season for my store and would love to have nice front and back cover art. I usually just try to resize the Season AP art but it always looks sad. I would love to see a piece that I could use for the Season binders and other promotional material.

I end up making FB event cover photos my slapping the Scenario name below the Adventure name.


Having actually OP assets to use to promote the play group would be awesome!

We saw an uptick in our event attendance replies when we started including artwork so things looked cooler in players FB feeds

You guys always have such good art, help me use it to draw even more players in!

Dark Archive 5/5 *

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I second the idea of having cover art for the ACG seasons. I too make binders for every season, for use at my store. I use the covers of the season's demo scenario.

Grand Lodge

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Does anyone have any good art links for using for binders? Thinking of also making it easier on my players and just making a binder for each class deck.

Silver Crusade 4/5 ***

I generally print out the guide to organized play for the season to put in my binders, and I use its cover for the cover.

Grand Lodge

Or you could use the cover from the first Adventure as the art.

I use an automatic card shuffler and over the weekend my best friend used Pathfinder art to decorate it. I'm not sure how to post pictures, and also not sure how legal it is, but I only use the deck shuffler at home so figured it wasn't so bad.

If it's OK I can post my Facebook link, since it is on my Facebook page.

Scarab Sages

Which shuffler do you use? Do you sleeve your cards?

I'm not sure that I'm allowed to say what automatic deck shuffler I use other than it's on Amazon for less than $10.00, especially since the name is so general. All of my cards are sleeved. In my Base Sets I use the official PACG card protectors and my Class Decks are in more recognizable UltraPro card protectors with different colored backs. Even though the surfaces of my sleeved cards differ, the device picks them up handily. But I more intending to gloat about how attractive my shuffler is now that my best friend covered it with Pathfinder art.


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To post, or rather link to, a picture of your shuffler, take a picture, post it somewhere on the web, then use the LINK code to link to it (you can see example by clicking the "Show" button below after "How to format your text".

Not sure if this is related to the original message, but there isn't enough art with Damiel in it. :_(

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