BLloyd607502 |

What's the best way to simulate this sort of power
In Pathfinder? The character in question is a fey creature of night, the forest, decay and rebirth, regrowth and I'm trying to think of interesting mechanics or gimmicks to go with that theme, having plants crumble at its touch only to be reborn blossoming, or grow wild would be pretty much on the nose.

Splendor |
It depends on if the plants live until they naturally die or if they only persist for a limited time (minutes/hours)
You would need to make a custom Spell similar to other plant affecting spells plant growth (overgrowth)/entangle/etc.
If the plants only last hours then you could use something like entangle as the base of the spell.
'Any area the character steps on causes normal vegetation (grasses, flowers) that would normally bloom in the area to do so. The plants wilt after an hour.'
A spell like this is a 'flavor' spell to me and would be 1st level, since it has no effect on game play.
If the plants lived until they would normally die I would add the caveat that the plants are young (not in full bloom) and are not useful as nutritional (fruit bearing).
If you wanted the plants affected to be fully grown plants then you would need to increase the level to 3rd at a minimum (as per plant growth).
Plant growth affects 31400 sq ft. So if you could affect 1 5'x5' square per round then it would take a 1 minute to fill the same area (30 base movement * 4 for running * 5*5 square = 30,000 sq ft affected). So I would make the duration 1 round/lv.
As a magical item it would be 5th lv * 3rd lv spell * 2000gp * 4 for duration = 120,000gp
As a 1st level spell that is just for flavor and doesn't really affect anything 1st lv * 1st lv spell *2000 * 2 for duration = 4000gp.

Gulthor |

Well, there's:
Flowers in Your Footsteps (Sp)
Source Pathfinder Player Companion: Mythic Origins
As a standard action, you can expend one use of mythic power to radiate an aura of plant growth. Vegetation within 60 feet of you grows rapidly, as though you had cast the overgrowth version of plant growth (caster level equal to your character level). This ability lasts for 1 minute per tier, and follows you wherever you move until the duration expires or you end the effect as a free action. You are immune to the effects of this overgrowth, as are any allies you designate upon using this ability, up to a maximum number of creatures equal to your tier.
A 3rd tier mythic Heirophant path feature.