The Monkey's Treefort

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Patrick Curtin wrote:
To whomever gave me a Paizo gift certificate, thank you! That was very kind of you.

Likewise! Vielen Dank!

God bless us, every one.

Merry Christmas eve everyone, hope the day will be enjoyable for all.

So many tasty food stories, although despite my weekly sunday roast training my sister will insist on using premade Yorkshire puds & other things.

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DSXMachina wrote:
... premade Yorkshire puds ...


Celestial Healer wrote:
I may be able to salvage the pieces close to the edge of the pan.


DSXMachina wrote:

Merry Christmas eve everyone, hope the day will be enjoyable for all.

So many tasty food stories, although despite my weekly sunday roast training my sister will insist on using premade Yorkshire puds & other things.

My wife is cooking right now ;-)

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I'm at work, but I'm hoping that it's a calm time st the ol' Hospital tonight

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Stille Nacht, monkey.

the boy is happily playing with his Fireman Sam fire station, I had a great time putting it together and almost as much fun assembling the Playmobil castle smithy

Meh. Rain and headache...

At least rain might reduce smog...

Liberty's Edge

So I've been playing a lot of After the End recently...

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aeglos wrote:

the boy is happily playing with his Fireman Sam fire station, I had a great time putting it together and almost as much fun assembling the Playmobil castle smithy

Enjoy these years! I miss the kid Christmases , although in a few years I'll have grandkid Christmas to look forward to :)

2016 has been a rough year. My town is reeling after two students were killed in a car accident


It feels so odd, because I had these kids on my bus, taking them to various games. So tragic.

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>Autumn Swirl<, an otherworldly swarm of fey leaf-spirits dancing on the winds...

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Well, blew my diet today


T-16.5 hours left of work-a-paloozemas.

I think I'm gonna make it!

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Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Treppa wrote:
I might just have a wee dram with every meal to take the edge off.

"I love cooking with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food!" -- Julia Child

Sounds like a good menu. :-)

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Patrick Curtin wrote:

T-16.5 hours left of work-a-paloozemas.

I think I'm gonna make it!


Mon-Key! Mon-Key! Mon-Key!

You got it Pat!

A VERY calm and quiet night to you at your last few hours of shift.
And Merry Christmas Eve to you all Treeforters!

ALmost time to kick the (big) kids to bed so 'Santa' can haul out the loot, er, presents. Erm, lets just call it what it is,
"Bribe to be good for next year'
Out and stack it all in front of the fireplace.

Which I HAD planned on lighting and making Smores in tonight, but it's frikkin' 70 degrees F out there! Not gonna happen tonight.

Tomorrow, I'm cranking down the AC and were lightin' that sucker!

Digital Smores for all!

Night all!

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Night Rags!


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Happy Holidays to all!

Liberty's Edge

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Merry Christmas Pat - thanks for the games! Have a good one all.

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Aaaand time for work again!

Feliz Navidad!

Last push through. 16 hours left before Boxing Day!

Today doesn't even count on my 183 hr/2 wk work total. That tally is done, those paychecks are set. Today starts a new two weeks.

I am a very lucky person. I cannot even count the manifold blessings in my life. My one wish for all of you, this feast day of the Redeemer, is that you can feel the joy that just drawing breath can bring. Taking a few moments in the stillness of morning to savor peace. It might not be peace on earth, but at least let there be peace in your own heart.

All we have is Now. It is all we ever have. When you dwell in the past or the future you dwell in a house of illusion. Stop and experience where you are. For better or worse, that is your Now. Don't waste it by reliving the past or worrying about the future. Our time is never guaranteed, look at those two poor young men in my town. Popular athletes with the world at their feet, cut down by black ice and bad driving. You can be on the top of the world and it can all end at any time. Don't waste your today in a wager for tomorrow.

May the Divine Architect keep you and bless you today. May they open your perception and allow you to experience the simple joy of Being. Namaste.

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~walks in half asleep~ I thought this weekend was supposed to be quiet? ~grumbles and gets ready to go back into work~

Oh well. I need money.

Happy Holidays everyone!

Finished a bunch of cooking and freezer stocking yesterday, yay!

Today is off to a good start for cleaning up the place - it's only 5:30, but I have the kitchen and living room done and a good start on the dining room. I will probably be done by noon and able to get some paying work in. (No OT here, but I'll take work whenever I can get it!)

There will definitely be time to draw, and maybe to play some video games. I'll take the puppy out for a walk, too. If I manage to find the mailbox key, I might find that Santa has left something there for me! Otherwise, there's nothing to open on Christmas (besides that really great scotch from last year!)

Somebody else can have my share of Rags' digital s'mores - nasty things, they are.

Have a Merry Christmas and/or Happy Hanukkah and/or (almost) Joyous Kwanzaa and/or Festive Feast of Frau Holle and/or bonus Dies Natalis Solis Invicti and/or other Winter Holiday!

Indeed Happy Holidays to all! :-)

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Oh, Steam Winter Sale, why do you tempt me so?

*surrenders to temptation*

RPG Superstar 2012

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Happy Hanukkah!

Merry Christmas!

Happy Holdiays, in general!

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Freehold DM wrote:


Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Indeed Happy Holidays to all! :-)


T-8 hours until I am DONE!

T-minus 6.5 hours.

This is such a loooong day

Still, a full 24 hours free come midnight

I'm beginning to think everyone is taking a long winters nap

2016 has struck again. George Michael is never going to dance again. RIP

Silver Crusade

Treppa wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
I have ruined a batch of cookie bars. I failed to properly calculate the adjusted baking time when I doubled the recipe (and size of the pan). I took them out too soon, and now they are a giant mess. We have to leave soon for the family gathering, so I don't think I'll have time to fix this :(
Oh no! :(

We did have time to bake them a little longer. They're still a bit underbaked, but they were passable.

Silver Crusade

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Merry Christmas all!

Having fun with family. And my sweet potato casserole was a hit.

I now have a Skagen hybrid smart watch, although I haven't figured out how to link it to my phone yet so I can do anything with it.


Rolling up on my final hour of work. Although it's been a grind, I am very happy I have put this work in. It will make my finances a lot more stable in the long run. Plus, I already have a lot of work lined up for January, and it looks as if WHOI will give me all the OT I could wish for.

I hope everyone had a good holiday, and that you are all sleeping the sleep of the content, loved, and well-fed.

Merry Christmas to all!

And for those who are sick of 2016 being so greedy, I leave you
THIS to tell it enough!


And another viewing of the new Dr Who Christmas special, and I'm off to bed, then tomorrow we clean up and pack, so we can drive and spend (almost) a week with my family in Oklahoma! ;P

And done. My week of grindage is complete.

See y'all tomorrow



I will enjoy this day off as if it was a thousand years of emancipation!

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I don't want to box. It hurts my hands.

Scarab Sages

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Celestial Healer wrote:
Having fun with family. And my sweet potato casserole was a hit.

I made gumbo. Everyone claims to have liked it.

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So, I decided to make a Monster Week until the end of the year...

Monster: Winter Worm

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Huh... Suspicious. I have already written tomorrow's monster (well, today for me, but it's only 1:20 am here, so no posting yet). Worse, I am already thinking of the Wednesday's* monster...

*I have managed to write Wednesday correctly on the first try... Yay me!

So irritated right now, at the hospital waiting x rats for me n my daughter fell on slippery steps outside. I gotta move to a warm weather climate where rain does not freeze, son of a b#!$@....

Boxing Day dinner achieved. Damn I'm a fine cook if I do say so myself.

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I had sinus cold for Christmas plus a double-case of the hershey squirts. Damnable Christmas sausage. Blood sugar wasn't co-operating either.

Other than cold, rain and irritable bowel syndrome my Christmas was meh. Cold, yes, we have a ring of snow on and around the Valley's mountains over the weekend. Not a White Christmas in the city itself, but it was quite the sight.

Skyped with an old-time friend for over an hour. I love Skype.

X-Box 1 is great.

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