[Purple Duck Games] Kineticist of Porphyra (and guide) discussion

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N. Jolly wrote:
Xelaaredn wrote:

So... I've really been trying to figure out exactly what sort of thematic effect (mainly the sound part of it to be honest) would be for a chronokinetist gathering power. Any suggestions?

I had this problem with Wood myself, and in Time's case, I'd flavor it sound wise as either the ticking of a clock or the sound of sand passing through an hour glass. There's not a huge amount of options for it, but those are what I imagined myself. I suppose the tech level of the setting is something that needs to be considered for this.

Firstly I feel I should apologize for commenting after so long, i have a bad habit of missing all the good conversation.

Secondly i think it's really a tonal/personal taste issue.

If it has to sound uniform each time I'd say the choice is pretty clear.

If you have time to spend a full round or more i'd use something a bit longer.

If you're wanting to gather for a single action, are feeling triumphant or are as willing to make entire characters around a bit as me then it sounds like this.
(I must say, I'm disappointed in both myself and the internet that i couldn't find a clip of the riff with video in under 5 minutes, or even audio alone without excellent on the front)

And if things are getting dramatic and/or some s!&#'s about to go down i've always imagined time sounding like "I can't break away" by Big Pig

Also, while it's not technicallany gathering power and doesn't technically have an explicit audial display, any of these options(particularly the first and last) would be an amazing way to spend the minute charging up the Teleport wild talent. Even if the GM didn't allow it as part of the teleport i'd work a ghost sound into the build for this reason alone.

(Ghatdemmit! This isn't the first time since KOP came out that i've been forced to abandon a character i'm working on because something awesome presented itself and i needed to build it)

[Irrelevant asside to clarify the comment about making a character entirely for a gag: my first ever character design that wasn't just a blank class and race was a earforged bard(3.5) who's only purpose in life was to jump up on tables, use the summon instrument cantrip to make an anachronistic keytar and play MR. Roboto by STYX. Then I found out it'd been done and when I emerged from the binge loop of spg i swapped him in for a monk/totemist dip kalashtar warlock lush/barfighter.(who has never turned down nor allowed anyone to survive a challenge of Rochambeau)]

I figure i'ts not rude to textdump and overhare if you have no expectations of anyone reading that far. I'm probably wrong.

Sorry about that. What happened there.

I'm trying to quit. Or at least cut down. They should make a patch for being an ass.

To underail from the guide/discussion, would the wild talent that lets you chose creatures as the object of aether's telekinesis allow you to telekinetically manipulate an object on which a creature was perched as long as it (or they if you're into verisimilitude) didn't exceed your weight limit?

It's been pointed out that things attend objects by standing on them and i was wondering if there was a way other than max range ride the blast with expanded element wood for a melee aether kineticist to travel like mercenary Tao. It seems like cheating if you make your own tree.

Silver Crusade

Kinetically challenged wrote:

Firstly I feel I should apologize for commenting after so long, i have a bad habit of missing all the good conversation.

Secondly i think it's really a tonal/personal taste issue.

If it has to sound uniform each time I'd say the choice is pretty clear.

If you have time to spend a full round or more i'd use something a bit longer.

If you're wanting to gather for a single action, are feeling triumphant or are as willing to make entire characters around a bit as me then it sounds like this.
(I must say, I'm disappointed in both myself and the internet that i couldn't find a clip of the riff with video in under 5 minutes, or even audio alone without excellent on the front)

And if things are getting dramatic and/or some s~**'s about to go down i've always imagined time sounding like "I can't break away" by Big Pig

Also, while it's not technicallany gathering power and doesn't technically have an explicit audial display, any of these options(particularly the first and last) would be an amazing way to spend the minute charging up the Teleport wild talent. Even if the GM didn't allow it as part of the teleport i'd work a ghost sound into the build for this reason

It's all good man, it really is up to personal taste here. Having a big gather energy could be a lot of fun though.

And to answer your second question, I'd say yes myself, although that's 1p and I have far less jurisdiction over that. With self TK, it's not super useful for yourself, but you could air lift an ally with it.

Also work is going to begin soon on KOP 4: KOP to Grave, so hopefully I'll be able to get out some spoilers for you all that'll help keep the kinetic fire burning for my final kineticist (Exclusive) product in this line.

Silver Crusade

Work has now officially begun on KOP 4, and damn is there a lot already done. Onyx has been working hella hard on a lot of things that help push this class even further, and composites are getting even more interesting. I think one of the things this volume is continuing is both keeping composites as more than just 'that damage booster' as well as giving very unique archetypes.

Personally, I can't even fully describe one of them because it would take too long, but let's just say the Entropist is probably going to completely shift HOW you look at the class.

We're also introducing elemental saturations for Void and Wood for those of you who thought they were left out, as well as tons of other content.

If there's anything you'd like to see introduced, let us know and we'll do our best to get to it either in this or LK 2.

N. Jolly wrote:

Work has now officially begun on KOP 4, and damn is there a lot already done. Onyx has been working hella hard on a lot of things that help push this class even further, and composites are getting even more interesting. I think one of the things this volume is continuing is both keeping composites as more than just 'that damage booster' as well as giving very unique archetypes.

Personally, I can't even fully describe one of them because it would take too long, but let's just say the Entropist is probably going to completely shift HOW you look at the class.

We're also introducing elemental saturations for Void and Wood for those of you who thought they were left out, as well as tons of other content.

If there's anything you'd like to see introduced, let us know and we'll do our best to get to it either in this or LK 2.

Maybe feats or talents that expand the use of basic kinesis abilities. I've mentioned examples before, like creating minor items out of rock/ice or minor illusions for fire/light: fire could make something like tiny humanoid flames that dance while light would make them look like real people, bit translicent, not solid.

A talent letting the telekinetic levitate people. My personal favorite idea is one that expand basic telekinesis to levitate creature up to your weight restriction (with a save attached). This would let them levitate small creatures at first, and then larger creatures with telekinetic haul.

N. Jolly, what's your take on the interaction between Synchronous Charge from KOP1'S Kinetic Duelist when paired with KOP3's Intelligent Mutation? Does the mutation prevent using Synchronous Charge entirely?

The Exchange

You know, I always thought having the basic photokinesis letting you do the Light spell 3 times was pretty... underwhelming. What about an alternate basic that lets them use Dancing Lights? Flare would make sense as well, though I can understand you would want to be a little different than Basic Pyrokinesis. It's just that quite a few of your archetypes give up the basic talent, and while that's almost unthinkable with aether, I find myself easily giving up basic photo.

FuzzyrabbitMD wrote:
N. Jolly, what's your take on the interaction between Synchronous Charge from KOP1'S Kinetic Duelist when paired with KOP3's Intelligent Mutation? Does the mutation prevent using Synchronous Charge entirely?

Personally, I'd say it wouldn't, although I'm not sure if that was N.'s intention. The way I see it, you gain synchronous charge later than you can take a mutation, so it's adding an exception to the mutation's limitations on the use of gather power, just like it would if you didn't have that limitation. Oddly enough there's a similar issue with a new mutation we have planned that alters how gather power is used, so that could do some especially funky things if synchronous charge is allowed with it.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I have a question about Brutal Mutation. It says:
"Whenever a kineticist with this mutation gains the expanded element class feature, if the kineticist selects a new element to expand into, they gain an infusion for that element."

Does that mean the the selected infusion must be tagged with the specific element gained? Or would a universal infusion (presumably one that could be used with whatever blast you picked up) be legal?

Silver Crusade

ZZTRaider wrote:

I have a question about Brutal Mutation. It says:

"Whenever a kineticist with this mutation gains the expanded element class feature, if the kineticist selects a new element to expand into, they gain an infusion for that element."

Does that mean the the selected infusion must be tagged with the specific element gained? Or would a universal infusion (presumably one that could be used with whatever blast you picked up) be legal?

Universal is totally legal for this. Also I agree with Onyx about Synchronous charge.

N. Jolly wrote:
ZZTRaider wrote:

I have a question about Brutal Mutation. It says:

"Whenever a kineticist with this mutation gains the expanded element class feature, if the kineticist selects a new element to expand into, they gain an infusion for that element."

Does that mean the the selected infusion must be tagged with the specific element gained? Or would a universal infusion (presumably one that could be used with whatever blast you picked up) be legal?

Universal is totally legal for this. Also I agree with Onyx about Synchronous charge.

One more question, this time regarding Elemental Scion from KOP1 and the Brutal Mutation. At level 7, Scion gets "Focused Element" instead of Expanded Element. Brutal Mutation specifically says "Whenever a kineticist with this mutation gains the expanded element class feature....If the kineticist chooses to expand their original element, they gain both a new infusion and utility wild talent." Can an Elemental Scion benefit from the Brutal Mutation's expanded element boost of both an infusion and a wild talent?

FuzzyrabbitMD wrote:
One more question, this time regarding Elemental Scion from KOP1 and the Brutal Mutation. At level 7, Scion gets "Focused Element" instead of Expanded Element. Brutal Mutation specifically says "Whenever a kineticist with this mutation gains the expanded element class feature....If the kineticist chooses to expand their original element, they gain both a new infusion and utility wild talent." Can an Elemental Scion benefit from the Brutal Mutation's expanded element boost of both an infusion and a wild talent?

Here's how I would interpret it for those that replace expanded element, on a case-by-case basis:

Elemental Avatar: unaffected by brutal mutation, as the language clearly states they replace expanded element, not alter it, nor do they have a class feature that counts as it. However, I honestly wouldn't much mind it working with them, since elemental avatars are already lagging behind in that department as it is, but as worded, no.

Elemental Scion: unaffected by brutal, same reason listed as elemental avatar. In my opinion the elemental scion really doesn't need any help in being better, as it's already a straight upgrade to those who wish to stick with pure elements.

Fusion Kineticist: obviously yes, since there's special exceptions that dictate how brutal works with them (in fact, there's a print error that lists this exception twice, just so you're extra-sure this'll work on a fusion kineticist).

Elemental Brethren: affected as normal when they gain improved expanded element, as they technically gain expanded element through that ability.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

N.Jolly, is there a particular reason that Pitfall (level 3) has Shift Earth (level 4) as a prerequisite?

I understand the flavor of it, but it feels really weird to have a level 3 talent require a level 4 talent. Not to mention it makes it really expensive talent-wise to combine pitfall and sinkhole, since pitfall adds kinetic cover and shift earth as prerequisites.

ZZTRaider wrote:

N.Jolly, is there a particular reason that Pitfall (level 3) has Shift Earth (level 4) as a prerequisite?

I understand the flavor of it, but it feels really weird to have a level 3 talent require a level 4 talent. Not to mention it makes it really expensive talent-wise to combine pitfall and sinkhole, since pitfall adds kinetic cover and shift earth as prerequisites.

All honesty, that's probably an oversight on our part, and I really cannot answer for him in this regard. My best bet is he was simply mistaken as to what level shift earth could be taken. That means the acid pit and sinkhole talents need to be looked over as well, as the former is also 3rd level and the latter is 4th, but neither can be taken until 10th level at the earliest by most kineticists.

As it is now, an elemental scion could take earth shift at 7th as their bonus wild talent (since focused element allows then to treat themselves as 2 levels higher for taking wild talents). Then they can take pitfall at 8th, giving them one level for it to only provide the effects of create pit. Even better, if they also have the brutal mutation, that increases the level of wild talents they can take with Extra Wild Talent by 1. Combined with focused element's effect, they completely eliminate the level drawback of EWT, allowing them to take pitfall at 7th with the feat. Admittedly this is a fringe case, but it does justify keeping the wording as it is IMO.

Now personally, I'd increase pitfall to 4th level, and acid pit and sinkhole to 5th. This eliminates the brutal mutation exploit here, but an earth elemental scion still gets to take pitfall at 8th.

But yeah, that's just my two cents; if Ehn has a different explanation and/or solution, go with his.

Silver Crusade

I agree with Onyx here, it was an oversight, but not a big enough one for me to want to change it here (maybe in KOP:C?).

Right now, we're hoping to start the KOP 4 playtest next friday. We yet again have 4 archetypes including a new racial one for a non paizo race. There's also a ton more composite blast (with a ton more tristalts), elemental saturations for wood and void, new infusions, wild talents, and feats as well as everything else you've come to expect from Team KOP. We also have a new member (since we do every book), and hopefully we'll see a lot of feedback on this playtest to make sure that the final book in this trilogy is the best.

I was looking through the talents on d20, and I was reminded there wasn't any real conjuration/creation/wall of Stone/wall of ice analogue. By that I mean, there really isn't a way for ice, eart, wood or any applicable KoP elements to create things out of their element on a large scale.

Examples of this might be like when Katana created a sheet of ice for the rest of the Gaang to escape during the Serpents Pass battle in season 2, or the many walls of stones Toph creates to block enemies or passageways, or when the Let It Go song from Frozen.

I envision such Kineticist being able to conjure walls, domes, bridges, structures etc. Like make an igloo out of ice, or a stone hut, or make a bramble wall and so on.

Is there any such ability in KoP?

Tels wrote:

I was looking through the talents on d20, and I was reminded there wasn't any real conjuration/creation/wall of Stone/wall of ice analogue. By that I mean, there really isn't a way for ice, eart, wood or any applicable KoP elements to create things out of their element on a large scale.

Examples of this might be like when Katana created a sheet of ice for the rest of the Gaang to escape during the Serpents Pass battle in season 2, or the many walls of stones Toph creates to block enemies or passageways, or when the Let It Go song from Frozen.

I envision such Kineticist being able to conjure walls, domes, bridges, structures etc. Like make an igloo out of ice, or a stone hut, or make a bramble wall and so on.

Is there any such ability in KoP?

Soon... >:D

Onyx Tanuki wrote:
Tels wrote:

I was looking through the talents on d20, and I was reminded there wasn't any real conjuration/creation/wall of Stone/wall of ice analogue. By that I mean, there really isn't a way for ice, eart, wood or any applicable KoP elements to create things out of their element on a large scale.

Examples of this might be like when Katana created a sheet of ice for the rest of the Gaang to escape during the Serpents Pass battle in season 2, or the many walls of stones Toph creates to block enemies or passageways, or when the Let It Go song from Frozen.

I envision such Kineticist being able to conjure walls, domes, bridges, structures etc. Like make an igloo out of ice, or a stone hut, or make a bramble wall and so on.

Is there any such ability in KoP?

Soon... >:D


Ya know, this is really something I should have thought to ask a looooong time back but never did:

How exactly does elemental scion's damage increase interact with kinetic fist? Kinetic fist lists a specific value for its damage (1d6 per 6 damage dice of the blast), so I would assume it's not affected by the increases to a blast's damage die size increase from elemental heart, focused element, and elemental master.

In the event that it does increase, however, how would this affect a kinetic fist empowered by an elemental ascetic's powerful fist ability? What would come after d12s, or would it even advance beyond a d12? Regardless a scion/ascetic combo is still incredibly potent, it's just slightly less so if the damage increase doesn't affect kinetic fists (although they could take ranged blast to help out in that regard).

To be fair this could also apply to a void elemental ascetic who uses kinetic fist with a gravitic boosted blast, so I could possibly ask in the main kineticist question thread with regards to that.

I haven't had the time to give the play test for KoP4 the attention it deserves because my power company accidentally sliced through the temporary phone line we had strung up until we could install buried cable. So we've been rushing around to get trenches dug before the ground freezes.

Anyway, I did immediately seek out the "create element" talents that I talked about and were hinted at, in the last few posts. Gotta say, I am a little underwhelmed. It takes a lot of investment to create anything (4 talents to create a single 5 ft wall!). Is there any reason why they're so... Weak? I imagine mimicing wall of stone/ice would have been a better choice as the mechanics behind both are very simple to use.

Tels wrote:

I haven't had the time to give the play test for KoP4 the attention it deserves because my power company accidentally sliced through the temporary phone line we had strung up until we could install buried cable. So we've been rushing around to get trenches dug before the ground freezes.

Anyway, I did immediately seek out the "create element" talents that I talked about and were hinted at, in the last few posts. Gotta say, I am a little underwhelmed. It takes a lot of investment to create anything (4 talents to create a single 5 ft wall!). Is there any reason why they're so... Weak? I imagine mimicing wall of stone/ice would have been a better choice as the mechanics behind both are very simple to use.

I agree. I was at first thinking of just increasing the area allowed per level, but I think I like wall of ice better overall than wall of iron, so long as I make some modifications to the spell. I'll go ahead and fix it up.

I was thinking of something like being able to conjure up material as if using wall of stone but not requiring two anchors. Environmental effects can still destroy it, like walls made of ice melt at a rate of 1 hp per minute at room temperature and another 1 hp per minute for every 20 degrees higher (assuming farenheit). To prevent spamming it, you can mess with the casting time and or duration. Like, cast it as a standard, but it only lasts 1 rnd per level unless you accept burn or extend the casting time to 1 minute. Or casting time is 1 minute, or accept burn to cast as a standard, but the duration is instantaneous (permanent). Something like that.

This gives the Kineticist a shapeable utility power that they can build things with, but not one they can just spam during combat to create permanent walls without a cost. Personally, I lean toward the 1 rnd per level duration one so that it can still be used in a pinch to wall things off even if it's only temporary. You could do things like throw up a temporary wall of wood and then, while the wall is there buying time, spend a minute throwing up a permanent wall. Or if the group is fleeing you could toss up a temporary bridge over a chasm that might collapse if the bad guys follow you over it.

I'm not sure tying it to kinetic cover is the right choice because it still sucks up a large amount of talents to get to. Maybe they can take the temporary version, but if they have all of the kinetic cover talents then they can use the permanent options? Don't know, but 3 talents is quite a lot... But it's also a really useful ability. I'm torn.

Silver Crusade

Onyx Tanuki wrote:

Ya know, this is really something I should have thought to ask a looooong time back but never did:

How exactly does elemental scion's damage increase interact with kinetic fist? Kinetic fist lists a specific value for its damage (1d6 per 6 damage dice of the blast), so I would assume it's not affected by the increases to a blast's damage die size increase from elemental heart, focused element, and elemental master.

In the event that it does increase, however, how would this affect a kinetic fist empowered by an elemental ascetic's powerful fist ability? What would come after d12s, or would it even advance beyond a d12? Regardless a scion/ascetic combo is still incredibly potent, it's just slightly less so if the damage increase doesn't affect kinetic fists (although they could take ranged blast to help out in that regard).

To be fair this could also apply to a void elemental ascetic who uses kinetic fist with a gravitic boosted blast, so I could possibly ask in the main kineticist question thread with regards to that.

For this, I'd say it boost the value of it myself. For what comes after d12, I'd say 2d8, which I think is the next step in the progression.

N. Jolly wrote:
Onyx Tanuki wrote:

Ya know, this is really something I should have thought to ask a looooong time back but never did:

How exactly does elemental scion's damage increase interact with kinetic fist? Kinetic fist lists a specific value for its damage (1d6 per 6 damage dice of the blast), so I would assume it's not affected by the increases to a blast's damage die size increase from elemental heart, focused element, and elemental master.

In the event that it does increase, however, how would this affect a kinetic fist empowered by an elemental ascetic's powerful fist ability? What would come after d12s, or would it even advance beyond a d12? Regardless a scion/ascetic combo is still incredibly potent, it's just slightly less so if the damage increase doesn't affect kinetic fists (although they could take ranged blast to help out in that regard).

To be fair this could also apply to a void elemental ascetic who uses kinetic fist with a gravitic boosted blast, so I could possibly ask in the main kineticist question thread with regards to that.

For this, I'd say it boost the value of it myself. For what comes after d12, I'd say 2d8, which I think is the next step in the progression.

Increasing to 2d8s is a bit of a problem, though, in all honesty, for effects that deal with number of damage dice, such as bloody infusion. While it's not a huge boost, it's something. That said, I don't know if d14s or other unusually-numbered dice are common enough that we could increase to those expecting players to have them, and jumping right up to d20s seems like an awfully large jump from d12s. *shrug* Not sure what the fairest thing to do here is, in all honesty.

Silver Crusade

It's not the 'best' situation, but there's no way to really increase the die to a d14, making 2d8 the closest possible way to do it without going to a d20, which is a far larger jump.

Gotcha. Personally, I'd say it wouldn't count; kinetic blast states a specific amount of damage. But then same goes for several things within the KoP books, but is errata'd. Well, either way, its ultimately your ruling how things stack up, and it's a little less harmful for kinetic fist than it might be for other things (that and there's relatively few things that increase based on number of damage dice besides the above-mentioned and some boost composites).

Does this mean reductions (such as from conservative mutation or from it being a chrono or sonic kinetic fist) are accounted for too, then?

Hey there, hope everyone's having a good day. I've gotten the chance to use all three Kineticist of Porphyra books in a game I'm in and so far it's been pretty cool. One thing I have been thinking about is the Kinetic Sniper feat from the first book and how it interacts with certain infusions like Fan of Flames, Torrent, or Spray for example.

Since the wording of extended range is a bit vague I can't tell if they're just incompatible with each other or if for example Fan of Flames and Spray suddenly turn into 120 ft cones of death, and Torrent becomes a 120 ft line of death.

Any thoughts on this N. Jolly?

Silver Crusade

Centarius wrote:

Hey there, hope everyone's having a good day. I've gotten the chance to use all three Kineticist of Porphyra books in a game I'm in and so far it's been pretty cool. One thing I have been thinking about is the Kinetic Sniper feat from the first book and how it interacts with certain infusions like Fan of Flames, Torrent, or Spray for example.

Since the wording of extended range is a bit vague I can't tell if they're just incompatible with each other or if for example Fan of Flames and Spray suddenly turn into 120 ft cones of death, and Torrent becomes a 120 ft line of death.

Any thoughts on this N. Jolly?

I'm glad you've been enjoying them; if you get the chance, please drop a review for one or check out the KOP 4 playtest.

AS for your question, they're basically incompatible. Kinetic Sniper's increasing the range, but those are area of effect infusions, which don't receive any benefit from a range increment increase.

Opinion Time: I just hit level 8 and I'm playing a Divine Conduit Kineticist. For flavor and some mechanical reasons, I picked Wood as my first expanded element,

Should I take the mount utility talent from Divine Scion or would Exdpanded Defensive.

Silver Crusade

I wouldn't really bother with wood's defense, especially as a secondary. The mount will do you better unless your first element is air, and hell, it'll probably still be better even if you went air.

Has KoP done anything with the Enervating Infusion?

Occult Origins wrote:

Enervating Infusion

Element void; Type substance infusion; Level 7; Burn 4
Associated Blasts: negative, void
Saving Throw: Fort negates

Your kinetic blast drains life force. Foes that take damage from your infused blast also take 1 temporary negative level. Negative levels from this infusion fade after 24 hours and never become permanent

Just seems like one of those infusions that could be built off of, like, healing X hp for every level drained, or adding a temporary burn point to your internal buffer that fades after a minute or something like that. Though it can't be too powerful as it could be lots of fun with Kinetic Blade/whip or the flurry infusions. The thought of the using a greater flurry with a healing Enervating drain on a crowd of muggles makes the Sith Lord inside me pleased.

Tels wrote:

Has KoP done anything with the Enervating Infusion?

Occult Origins wrote:

Enervating Infusion

Element void; Type substance infusion; Level 7; Burn 4
Associated Blasts: negative, void
Saving Throw: Fort negates

Your kinetic blast drains life force. Foes that take damage from your infused blast also take 1 temporary negative level. Negative levels from this infusion fade after 24 hours and never become permanent

Just seems like one of those infusions that could be built off of, like, healing X hp for every level drained, or adding a temporary burn point to your internal buffer that fades after a minute or something like that. Though it can't be too powerful as it could be lots of fun with Kinetic Blade/whip or the flurry infusions. The thought of the using a greater flurry with a healing Enervating drain on a crowd of muggles makes the Sith Lord inside me pleased.

I don't think actual healing would be feasible due to kitten shenanigans, but you might be able to get non-stacking temporary hit points...or perhaps stacking, but with a hard maximum. Well, maybe if the healing could only heal you so much per day...

The Exchange

So, in Viscera's list of wild talents, it lists "body's corruption" as a second level utility talent, but I cannot find it in any of the books. Is this a thing or was it cut and then not removed from the talent list? If it is a thing, WHAT IT DO?

Hunterofthedusk wrote:
So, in Viscera's list of wild talents, it lists "body's corruption" as a second level utility talent, but I cannot find it in any of the books. Is this a thing or was it cut and then not removed from the talent list? If it is a thing, WHAT IT DO?

You might have an out-of-date version of the second book. That was name-changed to visceral corruption, which provides a -1 penalty to saving throws for 1 round when you hit a creature with any viscera kinetic blast.

The Exchange

Onyx Tanuki wrote:
Hunterofthedusk wrote:
So, in Viscera's list of wild talents, it lists "body's corruption" as a second level utility talent, but I cannot find it in any of the books. Is this a thing or was it cut and then not removed from the talent list? If it is a thing, WHAT IT DO?
You might have an out-of-date version of the second book. That was name-changed to visceral corruption, which provides a -1 penalty to saving throws for 1 round when you hit a creature with any viscera kinetic blast.

I don't think www.opengamingstore.com updates then, because I just re-downloaded it again and still has that in the list

Silver Crusade

Hunterofthedusk wrote:
Onyx Tanuki wrote:
Hunterofthedusk wrote:
So, in Viscera's list of wild talents, it lists "body's corruption" as a second level utility talent, but I cannot find it in any of the books. Is this a thing or was it cut and then not removed from the talent list? If it is a thing, WHAT IT DO?
You might have an out-of-date version of the second book. That was name-changed to visceral corruption, which provides a -1 penalty to saving throws for 1 round when you hit a creature with any viscera kinetic blast.
I don't think www.opengamingstore.com updates then, because I just re-downloaded it again and still has that in the list

I guess they don't; I just checked my copy here, and it doesn't have that. Onyx is right, that was changed to Viscera's Corruption because the element's name changed from Body to Flesh to Viscera, and that was an early draft wild talent.

N. Jolly, have you thought about making a Kineticist Simple Class Template? Might be a cool thing to toss into KoP4 for GMs to use.

[Edit] I think I made a homebrew version of this at one point, but I'm not sure where it is or if I posted it...

The Exchange

So, once KOP4 is out, any chance of you guys collecting all four into a compendium for ease of access? At the moment it's kind of a pain to search for a specific talent among the three existing books.

The Exchange

Also, just curious, but what was the logic behind the talents like light's disguise self and water's liquid body having reduced durations (minute/level) with an extended duration (10 min/level) if you take a burn? They're at will anyways, so as long as the duration is more than one round it's pretty much permanent anyways since you can always spend a standard action to refresh it.

Hi everyone. I'm about to play my first Kineticist in a on-going adventure with player already at level 13, so i started looking in the awesome KoP guides for some ideas.
I want to play a Aether/Light kineticist with the main objective of avoiding conflicts as much as i can, making illusions and throwing objects around. So much fun :D

With this idea of character i was looking at the Conservative Mutation as a way to boost the number of things i do (as i take only half damage from Burns and i don't really care of the damage). But the mutation seems a bit OP in combination with the Force Ward defense of the Aether kineticist, don't you think?
If i boost the force ward accepting burns, with the conservative mutation i can transform normal HP straight to "force HP" that regen overtime and makes me kind of untoucheable without losing a single HP in the process!!
It seems too much powerfull to me...

Am i misunderstnding something in the process?

Silver Crusade

Tels wrote:

N. Jolly, have you thought about making a Kineticist Simple Class Template? Might be a cool thing to toss into KoP4 for GMs to use.

[Edit] I think I made a homebrew version of this at one point, but I'm not sure where it is or if I posted it...

I doubt we'd do it for KOP, that's more of an LK idea (LK is where the non direct kineticist stuff goes, like a possible kineticist VMC)

Hunterofthedusk wrote:
So, once KOP4 is out, any chance of you guys collecting all four into a compendium for ease of access? At the moment it's kind of a pain to search for a specific talent among the three existing books.

There are plans for an eventual compilation with caveats made for content made while other things didn't exist to make sure that everything plays together well, but that probably won't be for a while until after KOP 4.

Hunterofthedusk wrote:
Also, just curious, but what was the logic behind the talents like light's disguise self and water's liquid body having reduced durations (minute/level) with an extended duration (10 min/level) if you take a burn? They're at will anyways, so as long as the duration is more than one round it's pretty much permanent anyways since you can always spend a standard action to refresh it.

There's quite a few times where you can't re-up things like that, although I'll admit the burn duration could probably be higher for those, we might take another look at things like that. But you can't always get away to reapply your disguise.

jimmy0gun wrote:

Hi everyone. I'm about to play my first Kineticist in a on-going adventure with player already at level 13, so i started looking in the awesome KoP guides for some ideas.

I want to play a Aether/Light kineticist with the main objective of avoiding conflicts as much as i can, making illusions and throwing objects around. So much fun :D

With this idea of character i was looking at the Conservative Mutation as a way to boost the number of things i do (as i take only half damage from Burns and i don't really care of the damage). But the mutation seems a bit OP in combination with the Force Ward defense of the Aether kineticist, don't you think?
If i boost the force ward accepting burns, with the conservative mutation i can transform normal HP straight to "force HP" that regen overtime and makes me kind of untoucheable without losing a single HP in the process!!
It seems too much powerfull to me...

Am i misunderstnding something in the process?

To be fair, you're looking at one of the best defenses; you could say the same thing about earth's amazing defense too. You'll be a tank, that's for sure, but not too much more tanky than you would have before. Plus there's the inherent drawback of any mutation (as well as only being able to take one mutation), which helps balance it out a bit.

N. Jolly wrote:

Hunterofthedusk wrote:
So, once KOP4 is out, any chance of you guys collecting all four into a compendium for ease of access? At the moment it's kind of a pain to search for a specific talent among the three existing books.

There are plans for an eventual compilation with caveats made for content made while other things didn't exist to make sure that everything plays together well, but that probably won't be for a while until after KOP 4.

I'll put in another vote for a compilation! I like the sound of a lot of things I've heard about your KoP stuff, but trying to create a character and flipping back and forth between 3-4 different PDFs alongside d20pfsrd is a deterrent for me.

(Yes, I buy the Paizo books/pdfs, but I always use d20pfsrd to plan things out. It's so much easier to only have to look one place!)

Would LK be where archetypes for non-kineticist archetypes could be submitted?

Verdant Wheel

Hey community!

Which KoP (I, II, or III) has the best low-level Earth Talents?

I'd like to buy that one before I consider getting the trilogy.


Silver Crusade

rainzax wrote:

Hey community!

Which KoP (I, II, or III) has the best low-level Earth Talents?

I'd like to buy that one before I consider getting the trilogy.


Here's the spreadsheet for everything, hopefully this helps!

rainzax wrote:

Hey community!

Which KoP (I, II, or III) has the best low-level Earth Talents?

I'd like to buy that one before I consider getting the trilogy.


Hmm, I'd personally say Kineticists of Porphyra III has lots of nice ones while the original Kineticists of Porphyra has somewhat fewer but very fun ones as well...

N. Jolly wrote:
rainzax wrote:

Hey community!

Which KoP (I, II, or III) has the best low-level Earth Talents?

I'd like to buy that one before I consider getting the trilogy.


Here's the spreadsheet for everything, hopefully this helps!

Don't you know...you always close the brackets!

Verdant Wheel

N. Jolly wrote:
rainzax wrote:

Hey community!

Which KoP (I, II, or III) has the best low-level Earth Talents?

I'd like to buy that one before I consider getting the trilogy.


Here's the spreadsheet for everything, hopefully this helps!

Thanks for that.

I see that *** means Occult Adventures.

What are the other markers?

rainzax wrote:
N. Jolly wrote:
rainzax wrote:

Hey community!

Which KoP (I, II, or III) has the best low-level Earth Talents?

I'd like to buy that one before I consider getting the trilogy.


Here's the spreadsheet for everything, hopefully this helps!

Thanks for that.

I see that *** means Occult Adventures.

What are the other markers?

I belive the * actually represents the rating N. Jolly and his cohorts have given the different talents.

For an overall list of earth wild talents (including universal ones):

Childhood Adventures: battering infusion (2nd), hindering infusion (2nd)

Kineticists of Porphyra: aligned infusion (3rd), bloody infusion (1st), earth rider (3rd), fist of granite (1st), greater earth rider (6th), incorporeal infusion (1st), imprisoning infusion (8th), improved magnetic pull (3rd), improved mobile blast (5th), kinetic bomb (1st), kinetic crafter (2nd), magnetic pull (2nd), metal manipulator (4th), nullifying infusion (7th), penetrating burn (3rd), pitfall (3rd), seeking infusion (2nd)

Kineticists of Porphyra III: adamantine infusion (3rd), armor of nature (2nd), bullying infusion (1st), charged attacks (3rd), distorted area (2nd), elemental hand (4th), elemental limb (1st), follow-up shot (3rd), greater elemental hand (6th), improved elemental hand (6th), improved elemental limb (2nd), improved joint lock (3rd), improved kinetic bomb (3rd), improved kinetic cover (3rd), improved spined armor (2nd), joint lock (1st), natural rush (3rd), sharding cover (2nd), spined armor (1st), seismic stomp (3rd), sinkhole (4th), vital blade (3rd)

Legendary Kineticists: arbitrating infusion (7th), armored form (6th), cantikinesis (1st), composite versatility (4th), crushing blast (4th), durable form (6th), elemental airstrike (7th), empty infusion (1st), enhanced fist (1st), greater cantikinesis (4th), improved cantikinesis (1st), improved composite versatility (7th), keen blast (4th), nebulous shape (4th), overwhelming skill (3rd), persistent infusion (1st), skill hack (3rd), stone vandal (1st), twisted metal (4th)

Occult Archetypes: desolate (3rd), detect radioactivity (1st), dimension lock aura (8th), dimensional anchor (4th), greater detect radioactivity (3rd), greater remove radioactivity (8th), infuse weapon (2nd), planar adaptation (4th), plane shift (5th), radioactivity adaptation (1st), remove radioactivity (4th), share adaptation (3rd)

Edit: And hopefully I didn't mix any of these up!

Part IV of this series has been uploaded for sale at Paizo and the Open Gaming Store now. It is already on sale over at Rpgnow.

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