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When are you going to publish an Adventure path? Or at least tell me what was eventually going to happen to Caspian the halfling bard and his squeeze box?

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Any vomut arund hear need clenin?

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KenderKin wrote:
When are you going to publish an Adventure path? Or at least tell me what was eventually going to happen to Caspian the halfling bard and his squeeze box?

Now that I'm able to post again, Caspian and his cohorts can always start re-posting and see what happens...

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VomitLapPingDog wrote:

Any vomut arund hear need clenin?

(Finishes drink) Ask me again after a few of these.

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You got a towel handy.

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Ford Prefect wrote:
You got a towel handy.

Always. You need one to sit on at the nude sauna. That's just basic etiquette.

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Kirth Gersen wrote:
Ford Prefect wrote:
You got a towel handy.
Always. You need one to sit on at the nude sauna. That's just basic etiquette.

Covering top half or bottom half?

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Neither -- the towel is a barrier between your bare bottom and the wooden seat that someone else will eventually end up sitting on. And, in a pinch, it's handy for wiping sweat. (Or in case your car hits a water buffalo, or if Vincent shoots Marvin in the face.)

C'mon, the title is "Ask Kirth Anything." Don't let a few movie references scare you away!

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:
I'm not much into the "mega-church" as a concept.
I'm not much into the "church" as a concept, but I like to broaden my horizons.

Huh... I thought you were an atheist.

Was I mistaken, did you convert or do you have another reason to go to church?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Fellowship is about all I can think of.

Silver Crusade

Where in your opinion is the best location on the texas coast with the following criteria. I like the kind of towns that "roll up the streets at night". I would like access to good food, deep sea fishing and a nice sandy beach

Hello Kirth, hope you're well!

What's your opinion on class-less RPG systems? Do they make it easier or more difficult to fulfill character concepts? What advantages/disadvantages does a class-based system have compared to a class-less one?

Thanks for your time. Cheers!

Have you gotten a chance to look at Paizo's Vigilante base class? What do you think of it?

Lemmy wrote:
Huh... I thought you were an atheist. Was I mistaken, did you convert or do you have another reason to go to church?

You're not mistaken, and I did not convert. I went as something more along the lines of an anthropology outing. It's not every day you see 50,000 people get together for something other than a sports event or political rally, after all.

Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Where in your opinion is the best location on the texas coast with the following criteria. I like the kind of towns that "roll up the streets at night". I would like access to good food, deep sea fishing and a nice sandy beach

Corpus Christi actually isn't too bad if you studiously stick to the off-season. I think houstonderek ended up in Lake Jackson, so I might need to check that out.

Sandy beaches are hard to come by in TX; the ones I've seen so far are mostly silt.

Sellsword2587 wrote:
Hello Kirth, hope you're well!

Doing well enough, thanks.

Sellsword2587 wrote:
What's your opinion on class-less RPG systems? Do they make it easier or more difficult to fulfill character concepts? What advantages/disadvantages does a class-based system have compared to a class-less one?

I like them. The thing that strikes me is that there are two ways of handling a classless system, and each has different pros and cons:

Kitchen Sink (e.g., GURPS). In theory, it should be really easy to make any character using this kind of a system. Some people complain that this leaves you with a bland, flavorless game, but I've always been of the opinion that the participants can supply that in large part. The real down side, to me, is that it's devilshly hard to give that kind of freedom without having character floors and ceilings so far apart that coherent party challenges become almost impossible to produce -- you often end up with one character who can kill anything, for example, and another who's a jack of all trades but pretty much sucks at all of them. If everyone chooses to specialize too much, you can end up with 4 different 1-player games going on, instead of a single 4-player game. Another (and more easily solved) issue is that technology rules often give you cheaper ways of getting magic-like effects, so there's a lot of scamming of the system that can go on.

Single-Genre (e.g., James Bond 007). I've said a number of times before that Victory Games' James Bond 007 game from the '80s is my favorite RPG of all time, by a wide margin. Part of its appeal is that it doesn't try to do anything else. Every rule, no matter how nonsensical on paper, is geared towards reproducing an experience with the "feel" of a James Bond movie. It's class-less because everyone's character is the same type of person, within the same genre, and as long as that's what type of game you're looking for, that's what you're going to get. To a much lesser extent, 1st ed. Traveller did this, too, as long as you didn't use the psionics rules.

137ben wrote:
Have you gotten a chance to look at Paizo's Vigilante base class? What do you think of it?

Is that the one where you basically pick what class you are every day? Definitely problematic in a standard game, for the same reason that all non-full-casters are problematic in 3.X... but that said, it might be fun to have a game with softball challenges, and a party in which everyone is a vigilante.

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Lemmy wrote:
Huh... I thought you were an atheist. Was I mistaken, did you convert or do you have another reason to go to church?
You're not mistaken, and I did not convert. I went as something more along the lines of an anthropology outing. It's not every day you see 50,000 people get together for something other than a sports event or political rally, after all.

I still don't understand the allure, but I see your point.

In the words of Hitchens' editor, "That Christopher had friends who were evangelicals is testimony to his intellectual tolerance and largeness of heart, not to any covert religiosity." (Not that I claim to be half the intellectual powerhouse that Hitchens was.)

Silver Crusade

Kirth wrote:

Corpus Christi actually isn't too bad if you studiously stick to the off-season. I think houstonderek ended up in Lake Jackson, so I might need to check that out.

Sandy beaches are hard to come by in TX; the ones I've seen so far are mostly silt.

Hmmm...I checked the area around CC, looks nice especially Port Aransas. The reason I ask is I have this strange desire to visit the Tx Coast...I watch entirely too much House Hunters.

Kirth Gersen wrote:
In the words of Hitchens' editor, "That Christopher had friends who were evangelicals is testimony to his intellectual tolerance and largeness of heart, not to any covert religiosity." (Not that I claim to be half the intellectual powerhouse that Hitchens was.)

Oh, I agree. There's nothing wrong with having people with different religious views... I just wouldn't be very interested in going into a hyper-crowded religious event. I find most religious congregations to be rather boring, even more so when one doesn't share their faith... But most importantly, I hate crowds. I lived in huge cities most of my life... But i still hate overcrowded gatherings. :P

Crossposted in AMA threads: it's a Paizopaloozaganza!

While you don't work for Paizo, you've got an AMA, so it counts..


Super-serious series of questions*:

* Nnnnnnope.

If you could have 1d4 ⇒ 1 different super-powers, what would they be and why?
(Assume corollary powers required to make a given power work are part of it; i.e. Since you'd need super tensile strength/durability to, you know, not-die when you made use of your super-strength power, you get them both when you say "super strength" as a singular option.)

If, instead, you could be a gestalt of 1d2 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 super heroes, who would you gestalt to be yourself? Why? Which comic universe would you run around in? Would you prefer to be in that one, or this one?

On the other hand: BAM! You just gained 3d6 + 2 ⇒ (2, 5, 1) + 2 = 10 levels in a Pathfinder class (or classes)! Which class(es) do you pick, and why? Incidentally, if you could spontaneously switch races, would you? And if so, to which?

Similarly, you won the super-lottery, and gained mythic tiers! 3d3 + 1 ⇒ (1, 2, 2) + 1 = 6 of 'em! (And you gain class levels to match; please feel free to change your previous answer if this does so for some reason.) What path do you take? (Alternate option: substitute a single tier for a simple mythic template.)

Yet another query: you monster. Specifically, you CR: 1d30 ⇒ 4 (or less) monster! Which are you?! ... and would this have been your first choice? If not, which would be?

But the wheels of fate-time have spun again, and your everything has been transposed into that of someone else! You've just become a prepublished NPC from an official source! Which prepublished NPC is it?

What campaign setting do you run around in? Why?

As a final thing: blend any and/or all of the above questions into a single ginormous question: an optional blend of a prepublished NPC, monster, and some superheroes all walk into a bar... and out comes you, as a gestalt of those guys, the race you choose, some extra superpowers, and have extra class levels and mythic tiers on top! What are you?! (Other than "awesome" - naturally.)

Equipment is a non-issue (like adjunct super-powers; what you need to do <X> is assumed). Also note that any significant others can be brought with you.

"Official" and "Pre-published" are loose terms, but general expect something that has a solid publishing company and identifiable map/world/conceits behind it (like WotC for Forgotten Realms, Eberron, Dark Sun, Greyhawk, etc; or Green Ronin for Blue Rose, but not "True20"; or Paizo for Golarion, or the Maelstrom, or the upcoming Starfinder; but not "the Bestiaries" or "the Planes" or things like that - basically things that people can find and nerd out about with you). Similarly, if it has a solid AP out for it, that, too, is acceptable (like Legendary Planet; or any of Paizo's APs). It should probably be a d20 variant, but it can be whatever you like of those many variants (True20, Blue Rose, Paizo, 3.5, 3rd; etc.). That said, if a Homebrew or otherwise "weak" entry just needs to be there due to compelling reasons... okay. Similarly other systems. Let us know why! Computer and video game translations of such (Neverwinter Nights and/or expansions/sequels; PFO; etc) are acceptable as interpretations as well.

Similarly, for comics, it needs to be superheroes that people can reasonsonably be expected to come across - "that one I made up with my cousin as a kid" is an awesome answer, and worth noting and why, but prrrrooooobabaly isn't the best choice, unless it's just so powerful that you've GOT to. In which case: sure, but bring us along for the ride! Related, the super need not come from one of the "big two" in comics, so long as the people and world is both recognizes me and accessible - choosing The Incredibles world is valid (and awesome), as is Spawn (blech); you're not just limited to Marvel or DC. Similarly "standard" powers need not apply - so long as it is clearly communicable, it's fine (even if all the field specifics aren't clear, that's okay - knowing you're powered by our yellow star is fine; you don't need to know this, but it's acceptable if you do).

Finally, presume you have the basics necessary for a happy life. Your spouse, best friend, and so on, can all be considered to "come with you" (should they choose to do so) wherever it is that you go.

Oh, and one more thing: if you lived through a Legend of Zelda (as one of the Links); which would it be, and why?

Thanks! Enjoy!

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Tacticslion wrote:

1. If you could have 1d4 different super-powers, what would they be and why?

2a. If, instead, you could be a gestalt of 1d2+1 super heroes, who would you gestalt to be yourself? Why?
2b. Which comic universe would you run around in? Would you prefer to be in that one, or this one?
3a. You just gained 3d6+2 levels in a Pathfinder class (or classes)! Which class(es) do you pick, and why?
3b. Incidentally, if you could spontaneously switch races, would you?
4. You won the super-lottery, and gained mythic tiers! 3d3+1 of 'em! What path do you take?
5. Yet another query: you monster. Specifically, you [dice=CR]d30 (or less) monster! Which are you?! ... and would this have been your first choice? If not, which would be?
6a. You've just become a prepublished NPC from an official source! Which prepublished NPC is it?
6b. What campaign setting do you run around in? Why?
7. As a final thing: blend any and/or all of the above questions into a single ginormous question: an optional blend of a prepublished NPC, monster, and some superheroes all walk into a bar... and out comes you, as a gestalt of those guys

1. Teleport without error anywhere in the world at will. Get put in prison? No worries, teleport out. What dinner at Antoine's, but you're in Tibet? No problem. The possibilities are limitless.

2a. I don't know enough about super heroes. I'd be hard-pressed to list half the Avengers, even limiting it to the ones in the movies.
2b. None. I could never afford comics as a kid, don't read them now.
3a. Wizard or druid. No sense playing a chump.
3b. Human, all the way.
4. "Mythic" should have been integrated into martial classes standard 1-20 progressions. So, no, I don't play that.
5. See 3b, above.
6a. Do previous editions count? Elminster controls the universe and uses goddesses as cheap sex hook-ups. Might be fun for a weekend.
6b. Real life. Because I hate FR with a passion.
7. I'm already a gestalt -- no need to hypothesize!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Oh, and one more thing: if you lived through a Legend of Zelda (as one of the Links); which would it be, and why?

I don't know what that is.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Which part of jazz-funk do you like best, the jazz bit or the funk bit?

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Limeylongears wrote:
Which part of jazz-funk do you like best, the jazz bit or the funk bit?

I like bebop jazz and especially hard bop (e.g., Max Roach, Freddie Hubbard), that some people called "funky hard bop." I like funk music (e.g., Sly & the Family Stone; P-Funk). Mixing the two directly (e.g., Herbie Hancock) isn't really my thing, although I have to admit that Traffic did a lot of jazz-like improv stuff and a lot of funk-sounding stuff, and were one of my favorite bands.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Kirth Gersen wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Oh, and one more thing: if you lived through a Legend of Zelda (as one of the Links); which would it be, and why?
I don't know what that is.

The Legend of Zelda is a series of action-adventure video games nearly as old as D&D and with similar themes and structures (sword and sorcery, dungeon delving, finding magic items, exploring the wilderness, slaying the BBEG to return peace to the land, etc; really the main two differences are a lack of an XP-based leveling system and the use of a single character instead of a party). The protagonist/PC's name in each game is Link, so Tacticslion was asking which game in the series you would most want to be the protagonist for, and why.

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Thanks for the breakdown!
I do have to quibble with this, though:

Jiggy wrote:
nearly as old as D&D

Google says 1986, vs. D&D's 1974. So 11 years younger, or < 75% as old.

I'm senstive because I'm only very slightly older than D&D, but apparently a lot older than the 30-year-olds I work with.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Kirth Gersen wrote:
137ben wrote:
Have you gotten a chance to look at Paizo's Vigilante base class? What do you think of it?
Is that the one where you basically pick what class you are every day? Definitely problematic in a standard game, for the same reason that all non-full-casters are problematic in 3.X... but that said, it might be fun to have a game with softball challenges, and a party in which everyone is a vigilante.

Not quite, I believe you are thinking of the Medium from Occult Adventures. The Vigilante is the classic two-faced character, from comic book heroes and villains, to pulp serial killers and detectives. It's in Ultimate Intrigue and uses a lot of rules to overcome the mystery-busting effects of normal Pathfinder like divinations making murder mysteries impossible.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kirth Gersen wrote:

Thanks for the breakdown!

I do have to quibble with this, though:
Jiggy wrote:
nearly as old as D&D

Google says 1986, vs. D&D's 1974. So 11 years younger, or < 75% as old.

I'm senstive because I'm only very slightly older than D&D, but apparently a lot older than the 30-year-olds I work with.

If they were both still young enough to be measured in years rather than decades (like if LoZ was only 5 to D&D's 16) then I'd agree. But now that it's 30 versus 40, I assert that "nearly as old" counts.

Sort of like how the older you get, the less creepy it is that one's significant other is 10 years younger than oneself. 26 vs 16? Super creepy. 45 vs 35? Lucky you, but whatever. 90 vs 80? Nobody cares.


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Jiggy wrote:

If they were both still young enough to be measured in years rather than decades (like if LoZ was only 5 to D&D's 16) then I'd agree. But now that it's 30 versus 40, I assert that "nearly as old" counts.

Sort of like how the older you get, the less creepy it is that one's significant other is 10 years younger than oneself. 26 vs 16? Super creepy. 45 vs 35? Lucky you, but whatever. 90 vs 80? Nobody cares.

Are you saying D&D and Zelda should date? Because I support that ship.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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At their current age? Sure.

And I'd love to meet their child. :D

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
I believe you are thinking of the Medium from Occult Adventures. The Vigilante is the classic two-faced character, from comic book heroes and villains, to pulp serial killers and detectives. It's in Ultimate Intrigue and uses a lot of rules to overcome the mystery-busting effects of normal Pathfinder like divinations making murder mysteries impossible.

I need to set aside some time and read up, then -- I've fallen behind on looking at stuff.

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To answer the big unasked question: "Kirth, you openly suggested that Trump wasn't worse than Cthulhu, how do you feel now?"
The partial answer is, "That was before he openly admitted to committing multiple felonies."

The upshot is that we can no longer get bludgeoned with "Must vote for Hillary lest Trump win!" -- because Trump winning isn't within the realm of remote possibility now, so we can vote our conscience.

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... and the answer to my last answer is, "Yeah, OK, so maybe Cthulhu is real, too."

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