If you took the Star Stone Test to become a god what type of god would you be?

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The god of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory and self-sabotage.

After passing the Test of the Starstone, I'd second-guess myself and go back in and die. :)

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Title: The Guru of Sloth

Portfolio: Friendship, tranquility, rest

Alignment: Neutral Good

Domains: Community, Darkness, Good, Luck

Subdomains: Family, Night, Friendship, Imagination, Whimsy (I don't have chaos but it fits)

Holy Symbol: A full moon behind a cloud

Favored Weapon: Sap

Clothing: Any clothes that the wearer deems comfortable

Worshippers: Any who wish for calm and friendship

Holy Text: Ramblings for Those who Listen

Herald: A huge celestial turtle

Relations with Other Religions: Good friends with Cayden Cailean and Desna. Dislikes most evil gods but too lazy to do anything about it. Finds Torag and Erastil far too stuffy for his liking.

Ethos: To relax with time honored friends is a blessing in itself, and rest is seems to be a gift from the divine.

Title: the Binder

Portfolio: Bargains, Invention, Knowledge, Deceit

Alignment: Lawful/Evil

Domains: Artifice, Law, Magic, Trickery

Holy Symbol: Unbalanced Scales

Favored Weapon: Dagger

Clothing: Merchants'/Artisans' garb

Worshippers: Wizards (particularly Conjurors and Necromancers), Nobles, Lawyers/Judges, would-be Tyrants

Holy Text: Creed of the Oathkeeper (a manual for those who intend to keep the letter of the law as sacred -- and only the letter; failure to specify is shameful, if not sinful omission...)

Herald: the Wrath (an Imp Consular of high degree in the mortal realm)

Relations with Other Religions: Wary alliance with Asmodeus (always seeking advantage). Opposes chaotic deities on principle (they just won't keep to their bargains). Most other deities dislike his priesthood, as they are ALWAYS willing to bargain with the faithful of other beliefs, most often to their detriment and corruption.

Ethos: Bargain, haggle: chain with words. Negotiation is the preferred mode of battle in the ongoing War. Take what you can get, charge all the market will bear, and then a little more. "No" is just shorthand for "not yet."

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Title: The Princess of Procrastination


I'll get back to this.

Sovereign Court

I'd Emulate Tyrion Lannister (you know why :))

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Sissyl wrote:

Title: The Princess of Procrastination


I'll get back to this.

My Gmail status has been "Daedric Prince of Procrastination" for years. :)

I'd probably end up something like I mentioned this here.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

The Green Star

Alignment: NG

Domains: Community, Good, Knowledge, Luck

Portfolio: The use of druidic wisdom and the natural sciences to benefit human society and grant good fortune.

Might is right

Strength, magic, chaos, evil
Weapon: Tooth and nail
Sacred beast: red dragon
Worshipers: the strong
Holy text: might is right
holy symbol: fist in the face

motto: seize all you can, trample down the weak. The ruler who isnt strong does not deserve to rule. Only slaves are born into contracts (laws). Someone smites you, smash them down breaking every bone in their body. Freedom or death are no empty words. Each individual must determine right or wrong, or their individuality is lost. Take a silver from a peasant and they think you a thief. Take 3/4 of their harvest as rent and tax and they will worship you.

Shadow Lodge

Anti-Rahadoum and/or Philosophy Clerics. (others may worship, but gain no divine powers or clerical rank)

Domains: Special, see below

True Followers: Animal (Growth SubDomain only), Community, Good, Knowledge, Liberation, Luck, Travel. I'm also kind of partial to the Heavy Mace. Maybe go with that, if you feel like it.

Everyone Else: Cherry pick any two. As long as they are not an Alignment Domain that your actual Alignment is not, they are yours. PS, also just pick any Simple or Martial Weapon that you feel makes sense. Boom. Free Proficiency.

Holy Symbol: an open hand drawn with crude stylizations hitting the back of someone's head.

Holy Book: "Don't be an idiot".

Sacred Animal: I like doggies.

Aranna, the blessed


Domains: All
Weapons: All

The purpose of a fantasy deity is to help her followers be better. So WHY hold them back with silly restrictions on what they can use? To be a petty tyrant? Silly. Aranna supports her clerics, paladins, inquisitors, or any class that benefits from a divine patron with complete freedom of choice in benefits. She just asks that you be nice to people, that isn't so hard is it? Of course not.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Aranna wrote:
Domains: All

Even Evil, Madness, and their attendant subdomains?

Ain't nothin' wrong with madness, sir! Nothin' at all!

Cole Deschain wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Domains: All
Even Evil, Madness, and their attendant subdomains?

That does seem odd doesn't it. But if followers who would be attracted to a good goddess who teaches you to be nice to each other can find some use for those domains then why not?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Aranna wrote:
Cole Deschain wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Domains: All
Even Evil, Madness, and their attendant subdomains?
That does seem odd doesn't it. But if followers who would be attracted to a good goddess who teaches you to be nice to each other can find some use for those domains then why not?

Sickening people by touch, making their own weapon more harmful to good-hearted beings, casting spells to keep good forces at bay (or outright kill them)...

Suffice to say, boring and horrible as I find the alignment domains, there's probably a reason there are rules about who can give them out...

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Most likely a bad one. With infinite power, my personal hangups would probably do more damage than good, despite my intentions. I'd probably wind up like Adam Warlock.

Cole Deschain wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Cole Deschain wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Domains: All
Even Evil, Madness, and their attendant subdomains?
That does seem odd doesn't it. But if followers who would be attracted to a good goddess who teaches you to be nice to each other can find some use for those domains then why not?

Sickening people by touch, making their own weapon more harmful to good-hearted beings, casting spells to keep good forces at bay (or outright kill them)...

Suffice to say, boring and horrible as I find the alignment domains, there's probably a reason there are rules about who can give them out...

Maybe but I would wait to hear the reason they want such a domain first not just assume it can only be bad. Who knows maybe the GM is using a good group against good players. But players can be pretty creative when they need something. Better to listen first.

Shadow Lodge

SlaKing the sleepy wizard, God of the hearth, home and library and anywhere you can get a brief nap in with a good book
Domains: Magic, community, charm, knowledge, darkness, good, law, animal, fire
Favored weapon: pistol-cane or walking stick

Titles: Guardian of the Wood, The Great Shepherd, The Lord of Beasts

Alignment: LN

Portfolio: Conservation, Biodiversity, Ecological Balance

Domains: Law, Plant, Animal, Protection, Knowledge

Symbol: A upside down dagger with an "x" across it

Worshippers: explorers, biologists, rangers, environmentalists

Herald: The Maw of Extinction, an awakened unique clockwork Tyrannosaurus

Favored servants: Inevitables, agathions, awakened celestial and fiendish animals

Allies: Brigh (for her interest in science), Gozreh (concern over the wilder elements of the environment), and Erastil (who teaches respect for the land)

Enemies: Abadar (whose support of civilization often leads to wild areas being cut down), Lamashtu (for encouraging beasts to be more dangerous and for polluting the environment with abominations) and Rovagug (for his mindless destruction)

Tough for me to break down.

Title: Would be whatever the heck people want to call me. You don't give yourself a nickname.

Alignment: Really don't know what I fall under. Whatever my mood is at the time really.

Domains: I guess whatever allows for people to party and have fun, order and responsibility, education and critical logical thinking, and just generally not being a dick unless it is really funny. Also shape-shifting because it is fun to have a change of pace now and then and see the world differently.

Favoured Weapon: Whatever I can get my hands on when I am mad enough to beat someone down.

Worshippers: Who am I to say who can or can't worship me? Go nuts. Just be willing to listen to outside ideas and weigh them rather than follow blindly.

Herald: Screw the rules. I'll do it myself. I'll get involved all I want.

Allies: Whoever doesn't have a wild hair up their butt about how I do things and isn't a self righteous idiot. Relax, people.

Enemies: Look at allies.

Special Quality: Unlike many other gods, my opinions change and adapt over time when taking in new information and experiences. I can actually sit down and listen to an argument or debate without going "Raaah! No! My rules can never change and I am always objectively correct and everyone else is wrong!"

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Me as a god is not a nice thing, I've thought about it before and it never goes well.

I have firm ideas on how things should work. As a mortal I can do nothing but grumble but as a God.

hooo boy would there be some smitings.

Lord of Order, Arbiter of Judgement
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Domains: Law, Death, Torture(Destruction), Rune, Resolve(Strength) and Protection

Worshippers: Judges, City Watch, Bounty Hunters, Torturers and Executioners.

Ethos: there is a line. A Line made of rules, laws and order upon which civilization is built On one side of the line the world works in a nice orderly fashion and people are safe and protected. Cross over that line and you become a threat to that order, those people and society. I and my servants will make you wish you hadn't crossed that line

Shadow Lodge

Name: Myrlan Dai

Title: the Ringmaster

Alignment: NG

Domains: Evil, Good, Magic, Travel

Subdomains: Arcane, Corruption, Redemption

Portfolio: travelers, entertainers, summoners

Worshipers: ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages

Symbol: a large center ring with two smaller rings connected on either side forming a line

Garb: colorful and garish.

Favored Weapon: cane

Ethos: to explore the wonders of the world, and bring to light all that is joyful, and share it with everybody

Herald: a large elemental (may be earth, air, fire, or water)

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Title: the Most Hated Man

Alignment: CN

Domains: Chaos, Knowledge, Madness, Trickery

Portfolio: satire, antagonism and irreverence

Worshipers: devil's advocates, comedians, gadflies, scapegoats

Symbol: A crudely drawn picture of a man sticking his tongue out

Favored Weapon: slingshot

Favored Animal: dodo bird

Ethos: Nothing is above mockery.

Garb: offensively ugly

Herald: That One, a doppelganger-like creature that can only appear as a crude caricature of the person it's trying to imitate.

Relations: Every other god hates me, I make absolutely sure of it. (Except maybe Shelyn, who occasionally admits that I'm funny and treats me civilly. This makes her absolutely terrifying.)

Prayers: Loud, incoherent strings of profanity and colorful insults directed at me

...the kind of god who would immediately hide the Starstone from others, thus preventing them from ascending in this fashion. :P

Title: That Little <expletive deleted>

Portfolio: Insane Schemes, Overconfidence, Cowardice

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Fire, Madness

Subdomains: Whimsy, Catastrophe, Fear, Arson, Insanity

Symbol: A Crude Representation of a Goblin Wearing a Pirate Hat

Favored Weapon: Cutlass or Bomb

Worshippers: Idiots, mostly.

Holy Text: NO BOOKS!

Herald: The Greatly Impressive And Totally Mighty One, a slightly outsized goblin with a lot of bombs.

Relations with Other Religions: Most of them are embarrassed or annoyed that this obnoxious idiot is somehow one of them. Besmara, however, is amused by the piratical pretensions and chaotic nature of the noisy little twerp, and sometimes enlists his aid in ruining something. Rovagug's followers are annoyed because Killjoy's followers seem to have more fun. Everyone else tries to pretend they don't exist.

Ethos: Everything I do is totally awesome and will absolutely work as planned. When things go wrong, it's because someone else screwed up.

Name: Jaas

Titles: The Original Position, The Bane of Fallacy, The Credible Hulk

Alignment: Neutral Good

Domains: Knowledge, Strength, Liberation, Destruction

Subdomains: Education, Thought, Ferocity, Resolve, Self-Realization, Revolution, Rage

Portfolio: Justice, Education, Freedom, History, Anger

Worshipers: Revolutionaries, marginalized peoples, philosophers, battle-focused arcane casters, particularly intellectual gym-rats.

Holy Text: A Theory of Justice

Symbol: A clenched fist behind an open eye

Favored Weapon: Falcata

Favored Animal: Owlbear

Ethos: No one is entitled to their beliefs. The only things a person should believe are things which can be rational defended. Anything that can be destroyed by reason, deserves to be.

Garb: Scholars robes worn over armor.

Heralds: John Rawls, Hari Michaelson, Boo Radley.

Prayers: None. Prayers are meaningless without actions to back them. Think. Then act. Don't pray.

Sacred Colors: Black and White

Obedience: Learn something new about the plight of others, teach someone about logic, reason or philosophy, or engage in meaningful debate with someone who does not agree with you on a subject important to you both.

Title: Moth of All Moths

Alignment: CN

Domains: Knowledge, Trickery, Fear

Worshipers: Conspiracy Theorists

Symbol: A crude, "y" shaped thingy

Favored Weapon: Gazing, gazing hard

Favored Animal: It ain't birds

Holy Text: Top Secret files

Garb: Nude and naked

Ethos: Something bad is going to happen

Liberty's Edge

Name: Issuls
Title: The Tireless Sleeper, The Obfuscator, The Arbitrary, The Sore Thumb
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Ethos: Solving simple problems with difficult and inefficient answers, just to see if it can be done.

Domains: Law, Artifice, Luck, Knowledge, Glory
Subdomains: Legislation, Inevitable, Toil, Thought, Honor, Legend
Special Domains: Industry, Hubris

Worshipers: Bureaucrats, Inventors, Philosophers, Politicians
Symbol: A devil's fork with a penrose triangle on the far end.

Garb: Nightgown.

Favored Weapon: Dire Flail

Herald : An inevitable shaped like a giant puzzle box, that spends an eternity solving itself, and reshaping itself into something new and even more complicated.

The Green-blooded, The Ordinary Incomprehensibility

LN, despite it not fitting the portfolio that well :)

Nature is not unused to strangeness, anything that is possible can be natural

Domains: Law, Earth, Animal, Artifice, Madness
Subdomains: Insect, Truth, Metal, Caves, Construct, Loyalty

Worshippers: construct crafters, Urban Druids
Symbol: A web pattern within a gear

Garb: Armoured in a mix of Steel, Adamantine, and Chitin

Favoured Weapon: Hurlbat

Relations: Rivalry with Lamashtu over the Drow and other insect/monster loving cultures. common enemy leads to leaning more towards the G end of Lawful, except for Erastil (too many different views). Trying to learn from Nethys and Brigh.

Borrows Gorum's rules for Druids wearing metal.

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