mechaPoet RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 |
Rare-Metal Infusion
Element(s) earth; Type substance infusion; Level 3; Burn 2
Associated Blasts metal
Saving Throw none
You can control the properties of metal, allowing your metal blast to bypass damage reduction as if it were adamantine, cold iron, or silver (your choice). If your target has an unusual type of damage reduction that could be overcome with the correct type of metal (such as DR/gold), you can also select that metal for this purpose. The metal you create with this infusion crumbles away shortly thereafter and has no gp value.
By RAW, this explicitly refers to overcoming Damage Reduction. But could an adamantine rare-metal infusion also bypass hardness less than 20 as an adamantine weapon?
mechaPoet RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 |
Ah, found an unofficial confirmation in the designer's ask thread too:
Lukas Stariha wrote:1) Just DR. A +4 weapon also counts as adamantine for DR and not hardness.Hey Mark, I have a couple of clarifications for the designer of the Kineticist and the Medium, if you can find him!
1) Is Rare Metal Infusion supposed to bypass hardness, considering it counts as adamantine for DR?