What is the Golarion equivalent to your modern job?

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Liberty's Edge

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Squeakmaan wrote:
I'm not sure, is there a profession that keeps magical energy residue from leaking out from wizard towers and affecting the surrounding environment?

First level PC

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I make predictive computer models of coal mine subsidence. So I would guess a dwarven diviner wizard? With create pit as a favourite spell.

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Liz Courts wrote:
I'm thinkin'...alchemist? Lots of ranks in Craft, for sure. Kitchen Witch.

So you say that you are making "cookies"?

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I'm a manager in IT support who works I call center.

So, I guess I'd be an Expert with Skill Focus (Sense Motive), and Skill Focus (Profession (fortune-teller)).

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Profession: Hardware Estimator, I get plans for buildings, and cost out all the doors and frames and the related hardware.

"Yes my liege its going to cost 134,000gp to outfit your castle with the top of the line Maple reinforced wood doors you wanted"

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Aniuś the Talewise wrote:

A person who studies history from an anthropological perspective.

Does that make me a pathfinder?

(granted I am not well versed in Golarion)

As for my actual current employment: A prestigious academy needs pot cleaners for its kitchen, no?

Since a lot of people in the thread are answering how to represent their profession game-mechanically, I'll bite

I suspect I'm a commoner with ranks in knowledge history working on leveling in expert, and looking forward to an eventual level in barbarian.

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Teamster, hewer of wood, or drawer of water.

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So "Goblin" isn't just an occupation on its own? ;)

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At least you're not doomed to spend hundreds of years in horrid unlife trapped in a 10'x10' room in some a*###$#'s tower, all because you did the brick work for the pit with spikes at the bottom.

Orthos wrote:
So "Goblin" isn't just an occupation on its own? ;)

It feels like it sometimes.

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Is it when someone hands you a big f*#~ing box of fireworks and tells you not to light it off.

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Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
Orthos wrote:
So "Goblin" isn't just an occupation on its own? ;)
It feels like it sometimes.

Goblin isn't decent occupation on its own anymore... Cave expenses and such...

House-troll warehouse goblin on the other hand...

Dark Archive

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captain yesterday wrote:
Is it when someone hands you a big f#@+ing box of fireworks and tells you not to light it off.

Per state law, please wait until you are at least 300' away from my store's property line before igniting your purchases. Thank you for not killing everything in a quarter mile radius. Have a nice day.

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Hmmm... I'm a Disability Claims Analyst and a part time Satellite Communications Technician.

I guess that makes me an Inquisitor 3/ Wizard 3?

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Dieben wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Is it when someone hands you a big f#@+ing box of fireworks and tells you not to light it off.
Per state law, please wait until you are at least 300' away from my store's property line before igniting your purchases. Thank you for not killing everything in a quarter mile radius. Have a nice day.

You're not my supervisor!!!

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Hmmmm... Cleric specialized in lesser restoration. Of, say, Sarenrae. Healbot.

I help people deal with mental ability score damage. Including drain. Specializing in permanent such damage.

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Hmm SR Telecom Enterprise Routing Analyst...

Sorc/Investigator? Some days feels more like Inquisitor...

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Hmm - lot of help desk work, so probably some sort of Expert with Skill Focus (Diplomacy)

"Yes, it's okay - this happens to lots of people, just reboot."


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A little bit Inquisitor of Abadar, a little bit Cleric of Lorris, and a little bit raptor wrangler.

Dark Archive

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Well at the moment, House Derexhi operative. If you had asked me a year ago it would have been huntmaster and deer herdsman.

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Drejk wrote:
Village idiot telling weird tales.

I feel that the idiot is a part of the old village system, and as such has a vital role to play in modern rural society.

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DANGERDuMont wrote:
In about three months? Rogue 3/Druid 1, starting up at SUNY Environmental Science and Forestry

Gooood luck, homeslice... You'll need it.

Get in, get your degree, then get out before this black hole of a city sucks you into its accretion disk.

*source: I live in Syracuse, my dad is an ESF alumnus, and I've got a degree from SU.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Aniuś the Talewise wrote:

A person who studies history from an anthropological perspective.

Does that make me a pathfinder?

Not unless you've triggered at least one curse or unleashed a dangerous artifact in the process!

--Brann Bronzebeard

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I've had a hell of a lot of jobs over the past decade or so. I'm an ex- camp counselor, ex- library page, ex- box stacker, ex- loading dock operator, ex- delivery driver, ex- oil change tech, and ex- tape archivist, currently working as a freelance illustrator & graphic designer, handyman, apprentice electrician, and rock musician.

So, in all likelihood, the world's most poorly-optimized level 1 Bard with a level or two of Expert. Truly a jack of most trades and master of f&!@-all.

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I've personally worked in 22 (or 23) different professions.

Ideally tho I'd hunker down in the woods, build a small log cabin and live like druids, but that would be ridiculous to dream of...

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LazarX wrote:
Aniuś the Talewise wrote:

A person who studies history from an anthropological perspective.

Does that make me a pathfinder?

Not unless you've triggered at least one curse or unleashed a dangerous artifact in the process!

--Brann Bronzebeard

I may already be cursed. ;)

Community Manager

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Drejk wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
I'm thinkin'...alchemist? Lots of ranks in Craft, for sure. Kitchen Witch.
So you say that you are making "cookies"?

...I may or may not have a sign in my kitchen that says, "Love People. Cook Them Into Tasty Food."

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Grave keeper by night, scholar pursuing charity studies by day.

The Exchange

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an alchemist that creates the wakefulness version of the polypurpose panacea exclusively. Maybe with some vanilla or pumpkin for flavor.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Electronics Tech = Some lowly stooge working for the Technic League trying to get bits of the Silver Mount to work.

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David M Mallon wrote:

I've had a hell of a lot of jobs over the past decade or so. I'm an ex- camp counselor, ex- library page, ex- box stacker, ex- loading dock operator, ex- delivery driver, ex- oil change tech, and ex- tape archivist, currently working as a freelance illustrator & graphic designer, handyman, apprentice electrician, and rock musician.

So, in all likelihood, the world's most poorly-optimized level 1 Bard with a level or two of Expert. Truly a jack of most trades and master of f&$$-all.

The Worst Bard:

NG male human bard 1 / expert 2 (favored class: bard)
Str 11 Dex 14 Con 7 Int 15 Wis 10 Cha 9
Saves: Fort -2 Ref +4 Will +4 HP: 14 (3d8 - 6 + 3)
AC: 12 (+2 Dex) CMB: +1 CMD: 13
Base Attack: +1 Initiative: +2 Speed: 30/30 feet

Feats: Fast Learner, Skill Focus (Perform (string instruments))
Traits & Drawbacks: Student of Philosophy (use Int instead of Cha on some Diplomacy and Bluff checks), Aspiring Bard (+1 to one Perform skill, +2 to Knowledge (local) dealing with the local music scene), Doubt (after failing a skill check, -4 to that skill for 1 hour), Fey-Taken (-2 to saves vs. disease, illusions, poison, as well as the spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities of fey)

Languages: Taldane Common, bad Varisian, worse Old Azlanti, and atrocious Hallit
Special Abilities: Bardic Knowledge, Bardic Performance (3 rounds/day), Countersong, Distraction, Fascinate, Inspire Courage +1
Skills: Craft (paintings) +8, Diplomacy +3, Intimidate +3, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (history) +10, Linguistics +6, Perform (string instruments) +8, Perform (sing) +7, Profession (musician) +4, Profession (carpenter) +4, Profession (artist) +4, Profession (porter) +4

Attack: light crossbow +3 ranged (1d8, 19-20/x2, 80 ft, P)
Spells per day: (Charisma not high enough to cast spells)

Gear: 40 gp, clothing, light crossbow, crossbow bolts (5), masterwork lute, backpack, rusty hammer, large flask of cheap whiskey, small bag of nails, parchment (10 sheets), quill pen, vial of ink (1), cigarillos (8) (dipped in bloodbrush extract), small bag of tindertwigs, 1 copy "The King In Yellow," 1 copy "History and Future of Humanity" (translation)

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IT Ninja... Who doesn't work in IT.
Instead I make a living with Profession: Manager (of money counters)

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Hobo aspiring to murder-hobo.

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Hey I took that two hour course at the Sheraton, it's not that hard once you work out the rob, stab, burn triangle.

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I was either a monk or fighter with the brawler archetype (I used to teach martial arts); but now I've multi classed into expert with ranks in profession: lawyer.

Liberty's Edge

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A guy who keeps the magical formulae for scribing a spell scroll that will turn the corpse of the person specifically named in the spell into a pile of gold coins?

Oh, and also teaches oratory and rhetoric to the new initiates at the local bardic college.

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wait, what???

Sovereign Court

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Sissyl wrote:
wait, what???

I'm guessing that he helps people to write their wills.

I teach English and Classical Civilisation.

So, I suppose low-level expert with ranks in profession (teacher), knowledge (history) and something to do with Thassilon and Azlant.

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GeraintElberion wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
wait, what???
I'm guessing that he helps people to write their wills.

I was guessing either something to do with cremation or something to do with selling one's body to science postmortem.

No money in obductions, I am afraid.

Wills, yeah, I suppose.

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It doesn't sound like wills... wills would be for deciding who gets the dead persons money NOT for selling the body itself. Maybe he works for a place that sells organs for transplant?

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Profession: police officer and forensic technician
Equivalent: investigator/alchemist

Liberty's Edge

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Aranna wrote:

It doesn't sound like wills... wills would be for deciding who gets the dead persons money NOT for selling the body itself. Maybe he works for a place that sells organs for transplant?

I work for a life insurance company in their operations support/service center.

The second part was my part-time teaching gig at the local community college.

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I've been teaching math and physics for the last quarter century. I'm currently teaching at the college level.

So... Universalist Wizard/Magaambyan Arcanist?

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

Profession: Language Analyst for the military
Equivalent: Bard? Maybe? I don't know. Maybe a level 4 commoner with max ranks is linguistics and one rank in profession: soldier.

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I happen to be a student of Public Administration and Politics.

Uhhh... I guess I would be a student at the University of Egorian. All they do is teach evil buerocrats and nobles.

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Most likely teaching at Turandarok Academy, given how nonsense seems to follow me like chaos in Sandpoint. (High School English Teacher)

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Arcanist/Technomancer. Decent SysAdmin with an infrastructure focus, having to scrape by on what the Technic League/my company lets me have access to, not matter what aspirations I might have for something more.

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