Pallid plague, does it work on animal companions?

GM Discussion


As per above.

The druid has a nice roc, but obviously there's a high chance the roc will be within the blast radius from the plague zombies.

In the PDF it is said the plague works on humanoids and fey.
But it being a biological hazard, would it affect animal companions?

4/5 *

Nope, not unless the AC is a humanoid or fey.

Think bird flu - no big deal for birds, but bad for humans. It might get into the AC's bloodstream, but it has no game effects.

The Exchange 4/5

Isn't the first fight a bunch of plague wolves ?


Yes it is.

4/5 *

Hmm... went back and checked. It sounded like you were quoting the rules that it affected humanoids and fey, and you were trying to extrapolate beyond the rules by thinking it is a biological hazard. Sorry, shouldn't have assumed and just gone and checked.

GM Chryo wrote:
In the PDF it is said the plague works on humanoids and fey.

It doesn't say that *only* humanoids and fey can get it - the V-C has reports of fey getting it, and also says it is possible to be passed on to humanoids as well. But the rules for the disease do not state any restrictions. So anything not immune to disease would be susceptible.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Minor point, but any flu kills birds quickly and is just a few days of suffering for healthy humans. A few specific strains notwithstanding.

Back on topic, unless the Roc has 3 levels of Paladin, it saves with everyone else. For the sake of completeness, Familiars and mounts would also be affected.

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