Donald Robinson wrote: Wonder if I'll become dedicated or see my item first. So far, I have voted on one item 9 times in different pairings. I feel sorry for you, saw my item within the first 5 pairs and again before I hit 50 votes. Both times it was up against really bad items = ill tidings.
That's some meta stuff bro. Super meta.
I've seen a large number of items which will let my character re-roll d20s based on interacting with the item. Now my character just needs a reason to roll d20s.
The "PF is too anime" people are gonna have a field day with this one.
Cursed Item V.S. "F how combat turns work, I have blue hair" item.
Damn the large cat references are plentiful!
I love it in concept but that price is so beyond its worth.
So it's an Evil item which is Evil to use and was made by Evil to elaborate? What's Evil about it? Apparently not. It's just generically Evil, Evil, EVil, EVIl, EvIL, EVIL, eVIL, and wow, you managed to fill up exactly 300 words just repeatedly telling me your item is eViL. So what does it actually do?
36 DQs reported.
Why so many? I have surpassed my numbers from any previous competition. And I don't think I am even 250 votes yet...
Rei wrote: Using flipmats for combat is just too convenient. Let's make an item that makes that harder. wait... what?
Blood for the Blood GOD!!!
Thomas LeBlanc wrote: 36 DQs reported.
Why so many? I have surpassed my numbers from any previous competition. And I don't think I am even 250 votes yet...
My personal guess? There are three whole sourcebooks not allowed, and two of them possess lockdowns on certain themes—technology and "psionics"/psychics.
Thomas LeBlanc wrote: 36 DQs reported.
Why so many? I have surpassed my numbers from any previous competition. And I don't think I am even 250 votes yet...
If I had to guess I'd say that a lot of people missed the part about not straying from the PRD. Or maybe they thought their's was the exception. Or maybe they don't know that there is a difference between the PRD and the PFSRD.
Jeff Harris 982 wrote: Blood for the Blood GOD!!! Skulls for the skull throne!
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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
michael patrick wrote: Thomas LeBlanc wrote: 36 DQs reported.
Why so many? I have surpassed my numbers from any previous competition. And I don't think I am even 250 votes yet... If I had to guess I'd say that a lot of people missed the part about not straying from the PRD. Or maybe they thought their's was the exception. Or maybe they don't know that there is a difference between the PRD and the PFSRD. Complicating it even more, material outside the PRD was allowed for "Lore" or "fluff" but not for "mechanics". In some cases that turns the bright line into a grey area that writers blundered too far into.
michael patrick wrote: Thomas LeBlanc wrote: 36 DQs reported.
Why so many? I have surpassed my numbers from any previous competition. And I don't think I am even 250 votes yet... If I had to guess I'd say that a lot of people missed the part about not straying from the PRD. Or maybe they thought their's was the exception. Or maybe they don't know that there is a difference between the PRD and the PFSRD. I know I missed it with my first item. And then on my second item too. Thank goodness I had a proofreader. Thanks Mike!
This item makes a joke in its last line. But it's still a pretty good item, so up it goes!
A pity the writer torpedoed his/her chances like that, though.
I generally find magic weapons to be boring. Some of them are good, but most are just "Make my character more powerful."
Most of the time if an item is "Sword of _________" I look over at the opposing item first.
hey, all the fighters want the "sword of cutting stuff, you know, the way that other swords do, but THIS magic sword does BETTER!"
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Removed some posts. Do not post anything that could be used to identify an item in the contest.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Jeff Harris 982 wrote: hey, all the fighters want the "sword of cutting stuff, you know, the way that other swords do, but THIS magic sword does BETTER!" They ALL say that...until you read the fine print...
1 person marked this as a favorite.
"only cuts things that are made out of cheese on Thursdays while the moon is full and you are wearing blue" Oh son of a...
1 person marked this as a favorite.
7 people marked this as a favorite.
"This unholy charm is activated by cutting off your own genitalia and eating them. Then you get a +5 bonus to diplomacy checks"
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
If only I hand an endless supply of coffee, I could keep voting ...
artifact vs office space item
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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
michael patrick wrote: "This unholy charm is activated by cutting off your own genitalia and eating them. Then you get a +5 bonus to diplomacy checks" Time was, that would totally have been worth a +5.
Was that item written by a Pole or Lithuanian? Or had the author just read some history books?
michael patrick wrote: I generally find magic weapons to be boring. Some of them are good, but most are just "Make my character more powerful."
Most of the time if an item is "Sword of _________" I look over at the opposing item first.
I think it's a naming issue. "of" and "the" are weak words for item names (don't listen to propagandists that will tell you otherwise).
7 people marked this as a favorite.
GM_Solspiral wrote: Booze item DRINK Booze for the booze God!
5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Some people really want to wear armor but hate armor check penalties so much.
Yeah, let's pull the item price from <redacted>.
I love bagpipes (not snark, but here due to irony, most folk hate the pipes)
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Oh, boy, someone really had faith that people would know the archaic definition of that word. Yikes.
Aw, this joke item started out really funny but they dropped the joke halfway through the description. I am disappoint.
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote: Some people really want to wear armor but hate armor check penalties so much. Sounds sooooo much like the begining of an infomercial
Do you love Armor but HATE having to put up with armor check penalties? They can make it harder to climb, swim, or even move efficiently.
So many items that make you good at swimming. Isn't that what apparatuses of the crab are for?
GM_Solspiral wrote: DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote: Some people really want to wear armor but hate armor check penalties so much. Sounds sooooo much like the begining of an infomercial
Do you love Armor but HATE having to put up with armor check penalties? They can make it harder to climb, swim, or even move efficiently. Sounds more like an excerpt from email spam.
It slices, it dices, it creates mounds of fries! But wait, there's more!
Awful lot of people trying to get into my mind.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
item that gives bonus only when you can't use it vs. item only usable by one boy in all the land
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
GM_Solspiral wrote: DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote: Some people really want to wear armor but hate armor check penalties so much. Sounds sooooo much like the begining of an infomercial
Do you love Armor but HATE having to put up with armor check penalties? They can make it harder to climb, swim, or even move efficiently. I'm imagining Valeros hilariously tripping over ankle high objects in a slapstick fashion through a black and white filter.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
pro-undead weapon vs anti-undead weapon
Beware the item of 'less rules about boring things'. For those adventurers who don't care about anything but kickpunhing rolls.