Good Party Addition


I'll be joining a group of level 3 players at the same level. The party is composed of a summoner, a warpriest, and a monk. What would be a good addition to this party? I don't know anything about what each character has built towards and the campaign is "nondescript." Build restrictions include 20pb, no pets, and no gunslinger.

I was thinking a divine tracker (ranger) with a bow would be a good addition, bringing skills and ranged to the party since it seems likely that the frontline is going to be pretty crowded. Thoughts?

No pets? Does that mean the summoner is a synthesist?

You have a lot of 3/4 bab melee..a whole lot if synthesist, so I would lean strongly to a Bard to buff that up, and take some ranged feats to help deal with that issue. Evangelist Cleric could probably do the same thing, with slightly better casting but quite a bit weaker on skills. Probably a wash in my opinion.

However, knowing classes doesn't really tell us anything, as most classes can be build to fulfill different roles in combat. You seem to have a melee focused hitting party, but I could take those 3 classes and end up with no one focused on melee damage.

Arcanist pehaps occultist, Brown fur transmuter or school savant conjuration(teleportation) the arcanist is at the same time a very powerfull and a very forgiving class since it can do almost everything.
Human int 16+2 con and dex 14 rest 10,
Focused Study Alternate racial trait for skill focus(linguistics) and orator at level 10 this will give you somthing like +11 on a good part of the social skills at level 1, +3 if you get a parrot familiar.
From there you spend your powers on playing like a GOD wizard that is also a party face.

Or you drop the face stuff and get spell focus(conjuration) and agument summoning at level 1.

There's no dedicated Tank. There's no Blaster Wizard. There's no dedicated healer. I don't see a skill monkey.

So, how about a Cleric/Wizard/Mystic Theurge?
An Inquisitor with the Artifice Domain or the Flotsam Domain of Water?
Maybe some kind of Arcane Trickster?

Full arcane caster is the obvious choice.

What are your preferences?

Scott Wilhelm wrote:

There's no dedicated Tank. There's no Blaster Wizard. There's no dedicated healer. I don't see a skill monkey.

So, how about a Cleric/Wizard/Mystic Theurge?
An Inquisitor with the Artifice Domain or the Flotsam Domain of Water?
Maybe some kind of Arcane Trickster?

Not sure if trolling...

They could use a lot of things.

I would bring in a full caster, but I like playing the prepared caster classes.

Witch could cover a lot of the spells the party doesn't have.
Bard would help everyone else hit.
Skald is much like bard, but it feels different.
Cleric, Druid, Wizard, Oracle, Sorcerer, Arcanist, Shaman: see Witch above.

RumpinRufus wrote:
Scott Wilhelm wrote:

There's no dedicated Tank. There's no Blaster Wizard. There's no dedicated healer. I don't see a skill monkey.

So, how about a Cleric/Wizard/Mystic Theurge?
An Inquisitor with the Artifice Domain or the Flotsam Domain of Water?
Maybe some kind of Arcane Trickster?

Not sure if trolling...

I think it is more a case of we all play differently, and to some the above could seem like a way to fill some of the niches that some belive need filling.

I like the forge idea for combat and think some one need a decent perception and somebody need some face skills for out of combat. The monk can properly take Care of both sense motive and perception.

A wizard/arcanist or a bard sound good. I've never played as or with a bard though... beyond inspire courage, how can they contribute to combat?

A god wizard could be fun, as such I would either be a diviner or conjurer.

Silver Crusade

Bards can fill the following roles in the party with out trying. Social Skills, Knowledge Skills, Buffer, melee or range combat, and back up healing. What more do you need then some one that can do almost any job. They might not be the best at each job but they can do all of them.

Your not going to perfectly fit and solve all their weaknesses so I think this will be a matter of picking your poison or playstyle. We know they are weak in skills, we know thy are very likely not good in ranged, no true full caster but summoner covers arcane well enough, and their is limited healing. Based on those weaknesses you are looking at a divine class of some kind.

1) ranger: easy to use, lots of skills, another spell list, ranged and melee easy enough. Safe but not necessarily the best choice.

2) inquisitor: perfect fit for ranged and skills. With bane and judgements your going to be dealing out damage at very good levels and stay there. Recommend you take heroism domain as that will make all your team more accurate and slightly help out social skills. Take a look at preacher archetype as this strips teamwork for limited ability to get rerolls to help out that front line.

Oracle: here's a doozy! The devil is in the details though so this is an advanced and complicated option. The mysteries of life, lore, and battle all have strong options and this doubly so if you can get aasimar, elven, or similar favored class bonus. Lore will make almost everything fall under one stat except combat, and maybe that. Life is obvious and so on.

The ancient lorekeeper archetype would be worth a look as well as then your a mystic theurge, mostly. Dual cursed is great for support as well so don't ignore that as you have little support in that party. War sighted opens possibilities. If your worried you need a switch hitter this works beautifully because grab a finesse weapon and a bow In your equipment and then you can change in the fight what feats you have. Elves are best at this but a half elf is almost as good. And some of those three can be combined to make a versatile package.

4) paladin: not my first choice but I have to respect it, especially with a monk in the party. Great saves, martial prof for ranged or melee, healing, good mouth, can be a great tank. I would focus on this class being either an aid another specialist that gives big bonuses to party and then attacks OR a hospitalier that shoots arrows. I favor the hospitalier, just give him quick channel ASAP and grab that pally spell that makes you take the damage instead of someone else.

Liberty's Edge

Do you know the archetypes of the Monk, Warpriest and Summoner?
And do you know which 'prefered weapon' each has? All three could be archers for what we know.
An Arcane Spellcaster seems like the safest bet, so as not get conflicted roles.
Witch, Wizard.. The bard could combo amazingly with the summoner (if he may summon).

What I posted is all I know about the party unfortunately :/ Thanks for all the input everyone! I think I'll make an archer bard as that provides the most utility/versatility IMO. Even if they all turn out to be archers, there will still be something for me to do that nobody else can't!

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