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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

I don't mean to be spamming here, but some of you might have interest in some very beautiful dice sets for use in Pathfinder games - RPG sets. They are half and half colored - "Halfsies dice" - and look amazing. I am getting them for our Pathfinder Adventure card game - subscribers and we play every week. I just thought about posting here, and unfortunately the Kickstarter is ending in a few hours. The price runs about $7-8 per set. Currently there are 10 color combinations - seven of which backers chose. They are being produced by an established dice manufacture so are good quality and balanced. It is well past funded so this is really FYI. I would be sad if I hadn't heard about these in time as they will really make Pathfinder games of all kinds better. They will be available later, but at a higher cost if you see this post later and missed out, but still want some sets. Pretty sure they will be at Gen-Con also. If interested hurry over as there is only 4 hours left!

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