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105. I had a Qlippoth 'lord' that was a ginormous house-sized eyeball that splorped along on a mass of thousands and thousands of smaller eyeballs (ranging from as large as basketballs and presumably coming from cyclopes, giants and krakens, to human and animal-sized eyeballs).
So, 'huge squelchy mass of bitter-smelling eyeballs and tears.'
106. A 'half off' defective flying carpet that can't fly (and can't go over water at all). It otherwise moves along the ground at full speed, and bears the expected number of passengers and cargo, it just doesn't leave the ground.
107. A bunch of bones worked into a large spider/scorpion like riding vehicle and animated necromantically. In addition to six legs, it has four 'arms' (made from spines tipped with hands, and flexible, like Doctor Otopus' mechanical limbs), and can carry and manipulate stuff for it's lazy / disabled 'rider.'
108. A couple hundred pounds of horsemeat sausages stolen from a butcher, and animated necromantically into some sort of creepy worm-thing. (What? I needed a mount, and some idiot turned all the dead horses into sausage to 'feed the poor survivors' or some nonsense! He'd still be 'riding the sausage' if that didn't turn into a bad joke...)

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2. Flail snail
3. Hydra (bonus points if each head gets its own rider)
4. Another PC
5. Animated Piano
My son runs a game (Legacy of Fire) where the party's gnome alchemist is lame (metal prosthetic leg) and he rides around in a basket mounted to the back of our party's half-orc barbarian.

Dko |
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Depends on what the definition of the term "mount" is. :-)
I can't help but picture a silly scene where a person with a cowboy hat riding up, on a Succubus with bit and Bridge.
Cowboy: "Yee haw C*** Sucker! Only 40 more miles to the oasis!"Succubus (mubling thru bit and bridle): I am so going to enjoy your soul slowly when this enchament ends.
109: A Tarrasque. Good luck taming it.