Mrpops |
So I am making a character to play in a game my friend is DMing. Now, I have played with him before, his world has a lot of history behind it, and I want to make a good, compelling character for him to add to his history books.
I made a elf using the hunter class from the ACG, with the feral hunter archetype (Basically lose animal companion, and gain wild shape). I envision her as an Indiana Jones-esque explorer. While I was making her, I stumbled upon an awesome drawback, which is Umbral Unmasking [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/drawbacks/umbral-unmasking].
Now, here is my problem. I can't figure out what I want the shadow to be, and how she obtained it. I have all of my imagination to choose from, and nothing to narrow it down with. I hope that you guys can give me some helpful ideas about this.
In case you want to read it, the character sheet: http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=78307.

Efreeti |

Since you're going with a feral hunter... why not a feral shadow?
You could have your shadow shift between different animals, or be the one of the shape you most expect to use/the one you default to, in a spirit guide kind of way.
If you go this rute, I'd link the shadow to the shapeshifting: perhaps you were abandoned in the forest when you were young and it's magic transformed you, or you are possessed by animal spirits, or there's a trace of fey ancestry in your blood.
Also, you should note that, should you wish to gain an animal companion, there's a 3-feat tree in the advanced class guide that allows you to do so.

RumpinRufus |

It looks like your elf has drow heritage, seeing as you have darkvision. Maybe the demon lord patron of your drow ancestor's house is a jealous one, and resents having his house's blood running through a surface elf, and a worshiper of Desna at that. So, he possesses your shadow, and has it illustrate to you what a true drow would do in whatever situation you are in.
If you want "epic character for the history books", being a pawn in a battle between Desna and Baphomet could do the trick.

Mrpops |
Since you're going with a feral hunter... why not a feral shadow?
You could have your shadow shift between different animals, or be the one of the shape you most expect to use/the one you default to, in a spirit guide kind of way.
If you go this rute, I'd link the shadow to the shapeshifting: perhaps you were abandoned in the forest when you were young and it's magic transformed you, or you are possessed by animal spirits, or there's a trace of fey ancestry in your blood.
Also, you should note that, should you wish to gain an animal companion, there's a 3-feat tree in the advanced class guide that allows you to do so.
Really, now? Which feat chain is that?