Frog God Games 2015 Previews

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I heard that

Grand Lodge

No you didn't.

Scarab Sages

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Pathfinder Maps Subscriber


I read your posts in this thread every couple weeks just to let the anticipation build.

Can't wait for all of this.

Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

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Ha! That's great Shem. I'll have to try to be a little more creative and proliferative with posts so you can have a better variety of reading material. :-)

That said, I can give some updates.

I think I had mentioned previously that we wanted to get this backlog of prior KS cleared out and delivered before we launched anymore. And we're getting close.

Sword of Air is already at the printer.

Quest of Doom is through layout, and I just spent the last weekend looking over the final proofs and making corrections before they go to the printer. So I think we'll have all of that stuff shipping within the next month or so in time to launch Sundered Kingdoms followed by Northlands Saga. Sundered Kingdoms is done except for the art, I just received the turnover for NS6 for Northlands Saga, and I'm a third of the way through NS10 (the final adventure in Northlands Saga...the campaign setting and all the other adventures for it are done), so we're in pretty good shape there for a summer KS I think. Fields of Blood by Tom Knauss should be through development and ready for release around that time.

Richard Pett has told me that he'll have The Blight turnover to me by Easter, but considering I doubt that heathen even knows when Easter is I'm not holding my breath. Regardless, he seems to be pretty close to done, which fits nicely within our release timeline for 2015.

Tom Knauss has turned in his final adventure for Mountains of Madness and is now working on the environmental rules portion, and Matt Finch is currently hacking away at The Lost Lands: Perils of the Borderlands Provinces (oooh, I just snuck in reference to a new title that we hadn't mentioned yet), a gazetteer for release with one of the late 2015 KS that provides world information for the areas surrounding the portion covered in Cults of the Sundered Kingdoms. Between Perils and Cults they should pretty much fill in all the blanks on the Sinnar Coast Region map that was released with Lost City of Barakus.

And I think they probably takes us to about the end of the year.

So all in all, things seem to be progressing nicely. Stay thirsty, my friend...(Can I say that? I think I can say's probably open content, right?)

Whoa awesome!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Thanks Greg... Appreciate the update.

Cant't wait for all of it.

I so want my map to be complete.

I also do not like to see the Frogs drop off the list of current posts. Makes me feel like I am missing something.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

And only two sections of SOA left to read...


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Anyway, it's pagan, not heathen....

I'm about 5K words out from finishing the final part of the Blight city guide, and will then get the first edits done over to Greg for Easter, so all looking on course. It's nasty, heh heh.

Richard Pett wrote:

Anyway, it's pagan, not heathen....

Could it not be both? I mean, why limit oneself?

Richard Pett wrote:
Anyway, it's pagan, not heathen....

I actually had a spirited discussion with one of my literature professors about the distinction between these two words, once upon a time...


Huzzah! I think you both might like the Blight then, lots of both.

Plus Greg's just worried that I keep inviting up for our village Special Man festival every summer and so far he just hasn't showed up.

Plus he's just generally worried about the Blight as he wished he'd written it - heh heh.


Spoiler Alert! The Blight monsters are awesome! ;)

Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

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Richard Pett wrote:
Anyway, it's pagan, not heathen...

If he burns when the holy water touches him, it's all the same to me.

Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

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One of those rare days -- a Saturday when I don't have anything to do other than sit and look at game stuff.

So what did I do on this oh so rare of a day? I decided to sit and take a look at how the Lost Lands pantheon of deities is taking shape a create some organization. And for those who are interested in the development of this ongoing mountain I'm making a mole hill out of, I thought I'd give an update.

I've been keeping a spreadsheet for a couple of years now as I comb through every Necromancer Games and Frog God Games product to keep track of every single deity, demon lord, elemental prince, etc. that has been introduced. And in the course of creating our cohesive campaign setting I've added a handful here and there to fill in gaps as needed.

To date the list of gods for the Lost Lands stands at 264 deities. I know of a half-dozen more than I haven't added to the spreadsheet yet and will probably find a few more, but I'd guess the total number will come in somewhere under 300. With these 264 identified deities I began organizing them and came up with 13 pantheons/sub-groupings so far. Of those, there will also likely be a few more, but they represent the main of what we'll have in the campaign set. So here's how they come out so far (don't crunch them numbers too close because there is some overlap here and there).

Hyperborean Pantheon:
This is the primary pantheon of the campaign world. These are the "classic gods" that pretty much everybody knows about and are largely still revered to some extent or other. These have a Hellenistic vibe to some extent in that the Hyperborean Empire is the "classic" empire of our game setting and has a very Alexander's Macedonia feel to it. This also includes most of the classic Necromancer Games gods from Bard's Gate, Rappan Athuk, etc. even though many are in decline.
This group includes 36 members to date. For this group think of Thyr, Muir, Hecate, Tykee, Arden, and others. Interestingly this also includes Demogorgon (from his appearance in Milton, not his TSR/WotC incarnation), Mitra, and Hel. Both Hel and Thyr are transplants from the Aesir-Vanir pantheon that were adopted and acculturated by the ancient Hyperboreans (Thyr is Tyr to the Heldring and Tiwwaz to the Northlanders) while Hel is of the Ginnvaettir. Mitra is a newer addition picked up from the Gohtra pantheon that has largely supplanted The older Hyperborean sun goddess Solanus.

Gods Common to Akados:
This is a mishmash of the most commonly revered gods on the continent of Akados (our primary campaign setting continent). There are 47 gods in this group with most or all of the Hyperborean pantheon and Foerdewaith pantheon plus a few odd pick-ups here and there that have found their way into the mainstream. This would include the most common nonhuman deities (elves, dwarves, and such) as well as the odds and ends that primarily adventurers have picked up over the years: Gromm the Thunderer, a barbarian god of the Gohtra; Fraz-Urb'luu, a fairly common "secret" cult among the corrupt elite; Mithras, the Gohtra war god adopted by the ancient Hyperborean legions; and The Green Father, a primeval nature deity that has remained in the public consciousness down through the ages.

Foerdewaith Pantheon:
The Kingdoms of Foere was the "empire" that rose in the place of the fallen Hyperborean Empire. It rose from the small kingdom of Foere that was one among many of the indigenous tribes among the greater empire that rose to prominence in the void left behind. In the current day, it is a post Kingdoms of Foere world, with Foere still strong and in control of a central care region but most of its client nations having calved off into their own polities. However, during the time of Foere's rise, that kingdom's own small pantheon of gods rose to some international prominence in an among the old Hyperborean holdings. This pantheon numbers 8 and is mainly still held to among the "old nobility" of the Foerdewaith (as the people of Foere are called). Examples include the great sea god Quell (who is easily the most prominent among this pantheon, having a near-universal appeal upon Akados), the god of magic Belon the Wise who is slowly surpassing the Hyperborean Jamboor, and most importantly the near-ubiquitous Freya, another transplant of the Aesir-Vanir (Frejya to them) that has found universal appeal on Akados, supplanting the Hyperborean amazon goddess Diana.

The Norse-style pantheon of the two far separate yet strangely related cultures of the Heldring and the Northlanders. These are 12 deities, not including the evil ones found in the Ginnvaettir, such as Hel). The Northlanders name them by the older titles Wotan, Donar, Baldr, etc. while the Heldring use the more familiar Odin, Thor, Balder, etc.

The Ginnvaettir:
The foul occupants of the Ginnungagap, a rough analogy to the Lower Planes, these include not only the Norse-style evil gods and giants but also includes all the demon lords, archdevils, daemon lords, and every other sort of foul entity. Even Great Old Ones would get lumped into this catch-all for the mortal mind when it comes to evil powers. This group numbers 69 so far, and its membership is pretty fast and loose as mentioned above. Frog God (and Necromancer before us) has its iconic baddies Orcus and Tsathogga in this crew which also includes such notables as Demogorgon (mentioned previously); the Lord of Ice and Cold, Althunak, of Northlands Saga fame; the shark god Dajobas; and the Great Old One/Qlippoth Lord/Demon Lord Dagon among others. Plenty of opportunities for evil cults here.

Hawkmoon Pantheon:
Culled from the many works of Lance Hawvermale for Necromancer Games, this unique pantheon found specifically in his many adventures are found almost exclusively in the Domain of Hawkmoon. He has stated that there are 27 of these odd dualistic powers, but I have only found a total of 15 in his combined writing, names like: Elmarran, Hanijma, and Cavacendo. Ideally I'd like to employ Lance to flesh these out and introduce us to the other 12, so that's on my wish list for the future.

Barbarian Gods:
Another catch-all, this category is made up from the decidedly ethnocentric sensibilities of the run-of-the-mill citizen of Akados who looks at these crazy barbarians running around and wonders what has them so upset. These 42 gods are varied in their origins from the previously mentioned Aesir-Vanir lords of viking raiders, to the deities of the Tibaz of the plains-riding warriors of the Sea of Grass, the peaceful animistic powers of the Tulito islanders, the mysterious Loa of the islanders off of southern Libynos, Gromm the Thunderer of the Gohtra, and the enigmatic but frequently encountered Bowbe, who is a pantheon unto himself. Lots of fun gods here to give your barbarian PCs something to make thrir battle cries to.

Nonhuman Deities:
Another big catch-all, these 100 or so gods are divided among a dozen or so pantheons dedicated to sentient beings other than the humans who wander the surface of Akados. Subcategories include: Elven, Dwarven, Gnomish, Halfling, Giant, Orc, Goblinoid, Gnoll, Reptilian, Serpent, Draconic, Beasts, Birds, Frogs (bet you can't guess who rules this one, but there are actually two in this category), Rats/Vermin/Oozes, Lycanthropes, Fey, Elemental, Shadow, Devils, Demons, Daemons, Alien, and Plutonian (referring to gods of the subterranean lands that are called the Under Realms in our campaign setting).

Sects of Mah-Barek:
This enlightened philosophical religion to arise in the eastern deserts of the Lost Lands is detailed in our Dunes of Desolation book. The 8 sects of this religion are included here.

Pharonic Pantheon:
You guessed it, the old Egyptian stand-bys can all be found in our Kingdom of Khemit as detailed in the adventure Necropolis. These deities (Ra, Osiris, and the rest) can also be found listed in Dunes of Desolation.

Anunnaki Pantheon:
The old gods of the desert, rivals to the Pharonic deities and in some cases even older than they are, these are the deities of ancient Mesopotamia that can still be found in the eastern deserts and mountains of the Ammuyad Caliphate. They were originally detailed for Necromancer Games by Morten Braden and reappear in Dunes of Desolation.

Gohtra Pantheon:
This strange pantheon from the land of Far Jaati is our take on the mysterious East and includes such familiar names as Mitra, Shiva, and Vishnu with the addition of less-familiar names like Rhiann, Zors, and Rachiss.

Phoromycean Pantheon:
This is perhaps the most mysterious of all, a pantheon from an epoch long before even the Hyperborean Empire. These gods are little more than rumors of legends and correspond to a legendary society that lived in what is only known as the Age of Kings. Only 6 names remain known of these distant peoples' gods and what the true import of names like Kringa the Temptress and The Master truly mean remains unknown to even the most learned sages of today.

So there you have it. A little glimpse into the ongoing madness of the Lost Lands. I hope this was informative or at least mildly interesting. Let me know who your favorite gods of NG and FGG have been and I'll let you know how they fit in to the big picture.


awesome Greg, I can't wait to see these all fleshed out in a campaign setting book

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Awesome, awesome.

Reorganize your kickstarters NOW! We need that campaign setting now!

So what is the ETA on the various kickstarters so I can plan my finances since I obviously have to get in on them all. :)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Read all the posts from Greg and you will have a pretty good idea. He breaks them down by Quarters for 2015.

Fantastic work, Greg.

Looking forward to seeing how these appear in the campaign setting.

Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

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ladydragona wrote:
So what is the ETA on the various kickstarters so I can plan my finances since I obviously have to get in on them all. :)

Hi ladydragona,

Probably April(ish) for Cults of the Sundered Kingdoms (we're waiting to get some previous Kickstarters delivered before we launch another one)
July for Northlands Saga
Fall for The Blight
Winter (I think) for Bard's Gate
Sometime 2016 for the Lost Lands campaign setting

That's how it's looking right now anyway.

Layout and Design, Frog God Games

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My carpal tunnel is flaring up just reading that Gods synopsis. ;)

Greg A. Vaughan wrote:
ladydragona wrote:
So what is the ETA on the various kickstarters so I can plan my finances since I obviously have to get in on them all. :)

Hi ladydragona,

Probably April(ish) for Cults of the Sundered Kingdoms (we're waiting to get some previous Kickstarters delivered before we launch another one)
July for Northlands Saga
Fall for The Blight
Winter (I think) for Bard's Gate
Sometime 2016 for the Lost Lands campaign setting

That's how it's looking right now anyway.


It's awesome to have this general timetable. It helps me to know that I really need to trim back on gaming spending so that I can afford to support pretty much all of these at a print level.

Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

Awesome! I'm glad to hear you're excited about them and thanks for your support! Despite the fact that our books sometimes require a bank-secured mortgage (not to mention special shelving), I don't think you'll be disappointed. :-)

Liberty's Edge

Good stuff! :)

Very cool, Greg! One of my new PBP players is having fun with the Hanged Man, Zors. Look forward to this:) My Friday night players still think you are a bit touched with Tsar though (WEG)!

Dark Archive RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

What news on the Lost Lore product line?

Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

Marc Radle wrote:
Good stuff! :)

Thanks, Marc.

As someone who is largely responsible for the advent of FGG with Slumbering Tsar, I try to throw as much blame as possible at Marc whenever I can.

According to a post above, Marc, I think brvheart's players think you're touched. That's my interpretation anyway. :-)

Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

brvheart wrote:
Very cool, Greg! One of my new PBP players is having fun with the Hanged Man, Zors. Look forward to this:) My Friday night players still think you are a bit touched with Tsar though (WEG)!

They're probably just thinking of Marc Radle (see above).

Plus I don't know what WEG means (because I'm terminally unhip).

Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

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James Thomas wrote:
What news on the Lost Lore product line?

I cracked the whip on John Ling not three days ago. He gave a kind of pathetic whimper and then motioned like he was moving faster. It may have all just been an act, though. John is crafty like that.

John had to do some emergency fill-in work on Sword of Air along with the rest of us at FGG to get it out the door to the printer, and he's still wrangling Fields of Blood, but he's also churning away at Lost Lore (hopefully for our big release soon). He'd have to tell you the exact time frame though. I find it distasteful to get the blood of the developers on my shoes when I'm in the whip-cracking mood, so I don't get that close (plus not to mention the smell down in the gulag cells...whew!).

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Greg A. Vaughan wrote:
Plus I don't know what WEG means (because I'm terminally unhip).

West End Games, of course! Paranoia for the win! :P

Readerbreeder wrote:
Greg A. Vaughan wrote:
Plus I don't know what WEG means (because I'm terminally unhip).
West End Games, of course! Paranoia for the win! :P

Happiness is mandatory!

Praise the Computer!

Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

Readerbreeder wrote:
Greg A. Vaughan wrote:
Plus I don't know what WEG means (because I'm terminally unhip).
West End Games, of course! Paranoia for the win! :P

Wow! Then I'm worse than terminally unhip; I'm just kind of dense. I totally don't understand his use of the WEG reference in the context of that post.

Layout and Design, Frog God Games

It's either a reference to Paranoia (because it certainly isn't a reference to d6 Star Wars) OR he's using it to mean "WhatEVER, Greg!".

Greg A. Vaughan wrote:
brvheart wrote:
Very cool, Greg! One of my new PBP players is having fun with the Hanged Man, Zors. Look forward to this:) My Friday night players still think you are a bit touched with Tsar though (WEG)!

They're probably just thinking of Marc Radle (see above).

Plus I don't know what WEG means (because I'm terminally unhip).

Lol, Greg! WEG= Wicked Evil Grin. Although West End Games made some good ones. You are starting to channel my cousin Greg now!

Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

OOOOoookay. Now I get it. :-)
Wait, you have a cousin named Greg?
Now I'm confused again...


I have an auntie called Greg

Layout and Design, Frog God Games

The Duchess of Binhoven had an entire menagerie named Greg.

Oh my Kickstarter budget...

Good thing there was a dry spell in between. Looking forward to all those products.

Greg A. Vaughan wrote:

OOOOoookay. Now I get it. :-)

Wait, you have a cousin named Greg?
Now I'm confused again...

Yes, us Greg's are plentiful. I am Gregory W. Geilman aka brvheart he is Gregory S. Geilman.

There is never a bad time to reference WEG's Paranoia. However, wicked evil grin makes much more sense. I wonder, does WAG mean wicked asymmetric grin?

I have an old copy of Paranoia around here somewhere but have yet to play it. Not sure I am not afraid to<G>!

Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

This is getting complicated.

Swords and Wizardry Lead Developer, Frog God Games

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It's all just one long Gregorian rant.

Layout and Design, Frog God Games

Dark Sasha wrote:
There is never a bad time to reference WEG's Paranoia. However, wicked evil grin makes much more sense. I wonder, does WAG mean wicked asymmetric grin?

Yeah, sure, asymmetric is good. ;)

Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

Matthew Finch wrote:
It's all just one long Gregorian rant.


Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games


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On a serious note, I've only seen bits and pieces of the upcoming Lost Lands material, and it is seriously awesome. The Gregmeister did a wonderful job coordinating the works of countless different writers into a coherent package that makes sense. That is an absolutely daunting task. So hold onto your seats for all the FGG goodness that is about to come your way.

And on a less serious note, I solemnly vow that I will never create another new Lost Lands deity unless I am specifically directed to do so by one of the Elder Frogs.

Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

I'm holding you to that Tom...(shakes fist at Dunes of Desolation).

I kid, I kid.

I absolutely loved the Styes and its environment when I ran it for my old high school group. Seeing a whole setting by the same author will be really neat!

Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

Libertad wrote:
I absolutely loved the Styes and its environment when I ran it for my old high school group. Seeing a whole setting by the same author will be really neat!

I think you will be pleased, Libertad. The Styes would amount to about one neighborhood in the Blight. So you're going to get your Styes fix but turned up to 11. :-)

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