ORCCON 2015 - Presidents day weekend - Los Angeles, CA 4 days of gaming

Local Play

Grand Lodge 5/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

ORCCON 2015 is being held on Presidents day weekend in Los Angeles, CA


This convention is one of Southern California's Oldest gaming conventions, one of the West Coasts Oldest and one of the US's oldest convention.

Over 2000 attendees descent on the Hilton LAX over four days for 24 hour gaming, starting at 2pm on Friday and goes non-stop till 6pm on Monday.

This years event is expecially exciting as the LA Grand Lodge hosts Paizo's very own Organized Play coordinator Mike Brock the entire weekend.

This is your chance to game with Mike, spend time with the Los Angeles Gaming community and have an overall good time.

Mike shall be hosting a special scenario of a retired PFS scenario at 2pm on Sunday of the convention. Seats are being auctioned off to benifit charity. This shall be a silent auction, with the bidding sheet at the PFS HQ, and will be available from Friday till 1:30pm on Sunday. The top 6 bidders shall be able to sit at Mr Brock's table and have him personally GM this otherwise un-available scenario.

PFS rooms shall be available the entire weekend, though events are scheduled from 2pm/8pm and 8am daily the entire convention.

The Pathfinder Adventure card game will be making its convention debut this time also.

Registration for the convention is open at the strategicon site: Strategicon web site

PFS Scenario registration will be opening up on warhorn https://warhorn.net/events/orccon-2015-pfs next week.

GMs and volunteers are being recruited now. contact pfslacoordinator@gmail.com

This convention will be off the hook, so please join us for some fun and exciting gaming.

Grand Lodge 2/5

Looking forward to going! First Con other then Gen Con I shall be going to.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Updated new on the silent auction/Charity Scenario GM'd by Mike Brock on Sunday: The scenario shall be 0-10 Blood at Dalkard Manor!!
Auction sheets shall be set up at PFS HQ on Friday night and you have until 1:30 Sunday to win a seat at one of the most exclusive scenario available!! Remember, this is a Retired Scenario that normally cannot be run for Credit. So double bonus: Play an normally unavailable scenario, and have it GM'd by our very own PFS Paizo Coordinator: Mike Brock! Double Win.

Second, Strategicon, the people who organize ORCCON recognize that PFS membership should have privileges: So any PFS member who pre-registers with the convention via their web site gets a discount to attendance, just for being a member of PFS. So register Now, and get your discount, either for the weekend or for an annual pass, which will get you into ORCCON/Gamex/Gateway - that is three convention for the year, at an amazing discount.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Mike Brock: Global Organized Play Coordinator shall be participating in a Panel on the current and future state of Organized Play.

6pm Saturday in Los Angeles, CA on February 14th at ORCCON.

Joining the round table shall be:

    Art Serverance: WOTC Dungeons and Dragons Adventures League West Coast Regional Coordinator
    Mickey Tan: Dungeons and Dragons Adventures League Hawaii Coordinator
    Robyn Nixon: PFS LA Grand Lodge Venture Captain

There are no guarantees that any of the participants shall divulge any double secret information on their associated Campaigns, but come with your questions, you never know what they might be talking about or announcing.

Dataphiles 3/5

Thank you to Robyn, and all the amazing GM's that make the Strategicon events not only successful, but so much fun! Every table I played at was a lot of fun( I should mention that there are number of great players whose wonderful portrayal of their characters greatly enhanced the gaming experience this past weekend as well) thanks to the hard work by our GM's.

The highlights of the convention for me were:
1. Nick Milasich's INCREDIBLE portrayal of Master of Scrolls Kreighton Shaine during Legacy of the Stonelords.

2. Playing Beacon Below. Thanks to Grant for running such a great game, and to all my fellow players it was one of the most enjoyable tables I've played at!

Lastly thanks to Mike Brock for being so generous with his alcohol!

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