Pathfinder Sanctioned Modules - Where can I find the experience

GM Discussion

Scarab Sages 1/5


I think for a complete scenario like this there will be more than 1 experience point in PFS. Where can I find for what the Pcs will get experience points and how many? I can only find the Cronicle Sheet for this adventure, but not, how to adjust experience.

Thank you


Grand Lodge 2/5

Guide to Organized Play, page 30:

Playing a module or sanctioned content from an Adventure Path from beginning to end earns a character 3 XP and 4 Prestige Points if that character is on the medium advancement track, or 1-1/2 XP and 2 Prestige Points for characters on the slow advancement track.

First column, third paragraph under "Applying Credit".

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, United Kingdom—England—Coventry

All PFS sanctioned modules are 3XP and 4PP (1.5 XP and 2 PP on slow progression). All chronicles are available on the product page for the module.

Products - Sanctioned Modules - Select a module.
On that page, there will be
<Module Name> is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. Its Chronicle Sheet and additional rules for running this module are a free download.


4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, United Kingdom—England—Coventry

I'll try reading the question - I'd like to blame it on the hangover after Christmas but it's more like my stupidity.

Details of XP etc for modules should be in the Guide to Organised Play page 28 onwards. I would read th whole chapter but the specific lines can be found on page 30.

Scarab Sages 1/5

Thank you all!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Note: Some sanctioned modules do not follow the same guideliones, the Free RPG Day modules, like We Be Goblins! and Master of the Fallen Fortress, give only 1 XP and 1 (rarely 2) PP, instead of the 3 XP/4 PP for regular modules or AP segments.

Free RPG Day modules
Old, 32 page modules
New 64 page modules (segmented/multiple chronicles)
Adventure Path books (part of each book sanctioned)

Grand Lodge 2/5

OH! Right. That info is also on Page 30 of the Guide. I wasn't thinking.

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